Sports Illustrated Gets Religion

A couple of days ago, the Supreme Executive Committee received a flash news alert from one of our intrepid Lent Madness Field Agents. Doug Allen of Lincoln, RI was the first one to report that Lent Madness is mentioned in this week’s Sports Illustrated. Phil Taylor, in his last-page column, covers a range of brackets beyond the tired college basketball tourney. Under the headline “My Picks? Pulled Pork, Joan Of Arc,” Taylor writes, “I am also religiously following’s bracket to determine which saint deserves the Golden Halo. (In their highly anticipated Saintly Sixteen meeting, Joan of Arc couldn’t put much heat on Mary Magdalene.)”

We couldn’t be happier, even before we learned (in a tweet from @SI_PhilTaylor to @scottagunn) that Taylor is the son of an Episcopal priest, now deceased. No doubt Taylor’s father has heavenly box seats in the saintly smackdown as the action heats up heading into the Golden Halo championship.

The mainstream madness might get most of the TV coverage, but at least the grand dame of sports magazines has begun to cover the best athletic contest since Jacob wrestled. We can only hope that the infamous swimsuit issue will be redeemed by a Golden Halo profile issue next spring. And we do not wish to see any of the saints in swimwear.

Another venerable magazine failed to serve its readers well by neglecting Lent Madness. The Atlantic Monthly has a “battle of the brackets” going on right now, and they left out the best battle of them all! We encourage our readers to go leave comments (in prose or poetry) on their site to remind them that they should cover Lent Madness.

Last but not least in this week’s media round-up, the Rev. Elizabeth Wheatley Dyson of the Diocese of Massachusetts has written about Lent Madness in the Wicked Local. Nicely done.

If you want major, global fame, get Lent Madness into your local, national, or global media source. We’ll give you a shout out on the website and possibly even in the crown jewel of global media sensations, Monday Madness.

Margaret of Scotland vs. John Cassian

Today Margaret of Scotland takes on John Cassian and we hear two accounts of relics as they both seek to get “a head” to the next round. The Quirks & Quotes continue with the winner facing Enmegahbowh next week.

In a spirited and emotional battle, Dietrich Bonhoeffer defeated Brigid of Kildare yesterday 54% to 46%. This match-up inspired poetic responses from many Lent Madness partisans. Bonhoeffer will face Jerome in the Elate Eight. Check out the updated bracket to see how things stand heading into tomorrow’s match-up between Emma of Hawaii and Paul of Tarsus.

Margaret of Scotland (1045? – 1093) was a Saxon princess, great-granddaughter of Ethelred the Unready, perhaps born in Hungary and certainly raised there before returning to England as a young girl. She arrived in Scotland by accident, shipwrecked in the Firth of Forth during flight from England back to Hungary after the Norman invasion of 1066. There she caught the eye of King Malcolm III, who convinced her to marry him despite her desire to become a nun. Malcolm had come to the Scottish throne after killing MacBeth, who some years before had killed Malcolm’s father Duncan, which you may have read about in high school.

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Killer (B) Limericks

From the “be careful what you ask for” department, the Supreme Executive Committee sent out a call for Brigid/Bonhoeffer limericks. This difficult choice has people in a poetic mood. Below are a few items that have come our way. Here at Lent Madness we’re always trying to make people famous (even if we don’t have your last name).

From Sister Mary Winifred (an outspoken Brigid proponent):

In her mind, a great lake of ale,
A resource never to fail,
A drink for the Three
With some left for thee,
A wondrous, heavenly grail.

From Edna:

Undercroft  York Minster
an encounter with Brigid
Blessing through all time

From Joe Stroud

The SEC asked for a limerick.
I thought, “To write one would be quick.”
“Cheap grace,” “Lake of beer?”
‘Tis too tough, I fear,
Too bad we can’t vote a split tick(et).

This actual limerick(!) came with a disclaimer: “OK, it’s ALMOST a limerick; and, it’s the best I could do in a hurry!” and a word of encouragement: “But, seriously, thanks, SEC, for a wonderfully educational AND fun Lenten discipline.”

From Elizabeth Davidson:

St. Brigid was a fine Irish lass,
Who hosted the needy with class.
While Bonhoeffer was brave
all the way to the grave,
this sweet maiden should still kick his ass.

From Mary J:

I dreamed of a great lake of ale
It may have been India Pale.
May a beverage no fitter
Than these waters of bitter
Slake the thirst of the Saints who prevail!

From the Rev. Lou Florio, Pastor of Messiah Lutheran in Mechanicsville, VA:

There once a bracket with Bs
– A Brigid and Bonhoeffer tease.
Both seemed real great
for Elate 8.
But voting for just one? Oh, please!

From Peggy Varien and Bronwyn Skov:

Ode to St. Brigid

The Bride of Kildare became Abbess,
Providing beer during Lent for the masses;
Also known as a scholar
Ever faithful to the Psalter,
She also gave voices to dumb lasses.

Dietrich was faithful to Jesus,
And found Adolph Hitler most grievous;
A fan of the bull fight
He plotted to incite
A movement of resistance most specious.

In the madness of Lent we must choose.
Will Brigid or Bonhoeffer lose?
The contest is fair.
You should vote for Kildare!
Of this we strongly approve.

Thank you to all of our contributors! Fans of Lent Madness are an aboundingly creative lot.

Brigid of Kildare vs. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If Tuesday was the battle of the Killer C’s (Cranmer vs. Columba), today is the battle of the Killer B’s (Brigid vs. Bonhoeffer). The victorious “B” wins a date with Jerome in the next round. But that’s getting ahead of ourselves — it’s time to focus on cheap grace and a lake of beer (somebody please write a limerick!).

Yesterday Evelyn Underhill won in a romp over Monnica 71% to 29% setting up an intriguing match-up against Mary Magdalene in the Elate Eight. Be sure to check the updated bracket to see the upcoming “Madness.”

Yes, even the 20th-century martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) had a few quirks: He decided to become a theologian as a boy; during his post-doctoral year in New York, he disliked the fact that American students always kept their doors open (i.e., no privacy); he failed his driver’s license test more than once; and his enthusiasm for bullfighting both amused and confused his students.

Quote from a 1939 letter to Reinhold Niebuhr:

“I must live through this difficult period in our national history with the people of Germany. I will have no right to participate in the reconstruction of Christian life in Germany after the war if I do not share the trials of this time with my people.”

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Monnica vs. Evelyn Underhill

Today in Lent Madness it’s a tea drinking mystic vs. the patron saint of stage mothers. Only one of these women will advance to the Round of the Elate Eight to try her hand against Mary Magdalene.

Yesterday, Thomas Cranmer defeated Columba 60% to 40% and will face off against either Emma of Hawaii or Paul of Tarsus. View the updated bracket and prepare for the wild ride yet to come.

Mystic and theologian Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941) wrote prolifically and influentially about spirituality, including her foundational text Mysticism, published in 1911. She was the first woman allowed to lecture to Church of England clergy and was widely sought after as a lecturer and spiritual director.

In addition to her spiritual works, Underhill also wrote several novels: The Grey World (1904), The Lost Word (1907), and The Column of Dust (1909). In The Grey World, her protagonist says, “It seems so much easier in these days to live morally than to live beautifully. Lots of us manage to exist for years without ever sinning against society, but we sin against loveliness every hour of the day.”

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Thomas Cranmer vs. Columba

The Round of the Saintly Sixteen continues with a match-up between two heavyweights from the British Isles. Thomas Cranmer and Columba — the “Killer C’s” — face off against one another for a trip to the Elate Eight. Only one will advance to the next round in this the fourth of eight battles comprising the current round while the other will be left to “gather up the crumbs under thy table.”

Yesterday, in a battle that ostensibly took place on the vast plains in the middle of the United States, but really happened on your respective electronic devices, Enmegahbowh knocked out David Pendleton Oakerhater 54% to 46%. He joins Mary Magdalene and Jerome among those who have earned a spot in the Elate Eight. Check the updated bracket to see the big picture of Lent Madness (metaphorically speaking — there’s not actually a mural depicting Scott and Tim).

Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556), architect of the English Reformation, was eventually arrested and tried for heresy. Weakened, broken, and sentenced to be burned at the stake, Cranmer recanted his Protestant beliefs. However, from the pulpit of the University Church in Oxford, he dramatically reversed himself and testified to those beliefs on the day of his execution, March 21, 1556.

Before Cranmer’s last sermon, there was a different sermon by Henry Cole. It was Cole’s unenviable task to explain to the crowd why someone arrested for heresy, who subsequently repented, should still be burned at the stake. Diarmaid MacCullouch’s award-winning biography of Cranmer describes this as “a problem in canon law which Cole had little choice but to acknowledge openly.”

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Monday Madness — The Global Impact of Lent Madness

Today’s installment, recorded partly on location from the Kanuga Conference Center in North Carolina, features Tim and Scott discussing the wide-ranging impact of Lent Madness from Lambeth Palace to the NCAA. Also, we highlight some exemplary campaigning by the Bishop of Hawaii.

Enjoy more videos on the Lent Madness video channel.

Enmegahbowh vs. David Oakerhater

Another manic Lent Madness Monday kicks off with a match-up focused on the western United States. Enmegahbowh squares off against David Pendleton Oakerhater in this Battle of Native Pride. Is it unfortunate that these two ended up in the same bracket? Perhaps. But we also know that neither one of them ever backed down in the pursuit of Gospel Truth.

While we never know how these thing will turn out — that’s up to all of you — the Oakerhater camp did get an early jolt of mojo in an article about Lent Madness that appeared in yesterday’s Oklahoma City Oklahoman. And after a first-round teaser,”Celebrity Blogger” Heidi Shott finally gives us the goods on Enmegahbowh’s wife.

Make sure to check out the updated bracket and if you need a refresher on Enmegahbowh or David Oakerhater from the previous round, you can go to the bracket page and scroll down to find links to every previous Lent Madness battle (thanks to Bracket Czar Adam Thomas for thinking of this and making it happen).

One hundred and ten years may have passed since the death of Enmegahbowh, but the voice of “the one who stands before his people” sounds remarkably contemporary.

At age 25, fed up with missionary work as a Methodist and vowing to return home to Canada, he and his wife Biwabiko-geshig-equay (or Iron Sky Woman or Charlotte, as she was christened on their wedding day), boarded the ship John Jacob Astor bound for Sault Ste. Marie across Lake Superior. The worst storm in many years sent the ship back to shore but not before Enmegahbowh received a visitation from the prophet Jonah. Many years later he recounted the experience to Bishop Whipple of Minnesota,

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The SEC Reveals the Truth Behind the Archbishop’s Resignation

The TruthIt is impossible to overstate the worldwide impact of Lent Madness. Not only is Lent Madness having an impact from Houston to Toledo, but even Lambeth Palace has been shaken to its foundations. Savvy Lent Madness commenter and intrepid reporter Jason Tillman writes about the truth behind the recent news from Lambeth. After much investigation, the Supreme Executive Committee is now able to confirm that Lent Madness is responsible for the leadership change in the Anglican Communion. Here is Tillman’s report:

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams must be following Lent Madness. He was so impressed with Mary Magdalene’s trouncing of Joan of Arc that he was moved to accept the post at Magdalene College!

Obviously, Rowan Williams felt that it would be impolitic to resign immediately so he could devote his full energy to cheering on Mary Magdalene in Lent Madness 2012. But his resignation will have boosted her name recognition even further. And it is almost certain that his decision to go to Cambridge (as opposed to Kenyon College) must have been influenced by his desire to be associated with a Lent Madness winner.

Who knows what other world events will be influenced by Lent Madness? Will parents start naming their children Enmegahbowh? Will Santa Claus give up this year, and will children receive copies of books they’ll never read? Will helicopter parents finally back off, thus enabling their children to be chaste, but “not yet”? Will people named Thomas ever regain their self-esteem?

All we know for sure is that the next Archbishop of Canterbury had better be more impressive than Theodore of Tarsus if there’s to be any hope of getting past the first round of Lent Madness.

Finally, the SEC did want to quell one rumor that has Twitter all abuzz. In a jointly released statement Scott and Tim made it clear that neither one of them will accept the nomination to serve as the next Archbishop of Canterbury. “We are utterly dedicated to the task at hand: helping Lent Madness attain world domination. While we would both willingly accept a few hand-me-down cloth-of-gold copes and perhaps even the bishop’s throne itself from Canterbury Cathedral, reliquishing a spot on the Supreme Executive Committee to become the titular head of the Anglican Communion would be a vocational step backward.”

We trust this knowledge will allow Lent Madness Nation to sleep soundly this evening. And not merely because you have gorged yourself on corn beef, cabbage, and Guinness.

Philander Chase vs. Jerome

Today in Lent Madness it’s the long-anticipated Battle of the Curmudgeons: Philander Chase vs. Jerome. To put it into rhyme (and demonstrating a nuanced, if gender exclusive, use of French), “I do declare, this is not a touchy-feely pair, mon frere.” Will the Kenyon College mafia again rise to put Philander over the top? Or will Jerome’s jihad put an end to this Cinderella story? Many plot lines, but only one will make it to the Elate Eight.

Yesterday, Mary Magdalene trounced Joan of Arc 74% to 26% to advance to the next round. Make sure to check out the updated bracket courtesy of our unsung Bracket Czar and Celebrity Blogger Adam Thomas. This beautiful bracket even got top billing in yesterday’s Houston Chronicle article about Lent Madness.

As this is the last clash of the week, we do wish everyone luck in dealing with their Lent Madness Withdrawal (LMW) this weekend. If you’re feeling particularly lost, feel free to call the Lent Madness Counseling Hotline (LMCH) 24-hours a day. You might recognize the digits as you dial since they’re quite similar to Scott’s home number. Lent Madness insomniacs are encouraged to contact the LMCH at all hours of the night — just ask for “Scott.” (Please note that after-hours calls may be transferred to our Hingham call center.) And we’ll see you all bright and early Monday morning as the Round of the Saintly Sixteen continues with Enmegahbowh vs. David Oakerhater.

“Well, this will do!” exclaimed Bishop Philander Chase upon seeing the “landscape of unsurpassed loveliness and beauty” that would become the site of Kenyon College near Owl Creek in Knox County, Ohio. Lawyer Henry B. Curtis recorded Chase saying these words, his way of expressing “delight and satisfaction.”

This exclamation seems to be as laconic as Bishop Chase was wont to become; indeed, he subscribed diligently to the lengthy and complex sermon, which, to be sure,was the style of the day (making it difficult for this author to pick out quotations for you, dear reader). In preaching at the consecration of three other bishops, one moment stands out. Perhaps the Bishop was thinking about the vista of Kenyon when he preached,

“Once more: not only in the main and leading features of the Law and the Prophets do we see the illustration of the truth contained in the words of the text, but the same appears in those things which, were it not for the importance of the subject, might be deemed of small moment; the revelation of God, in this respect, being like his works in nature. It is not only in the sun, in the moon and in the planetary system, and the vast order of the Universe, that the wisdom, the power and the goodness of God appear: but even the flowers of the field in their minutest examination, by microscopic glasses, equally gratify the taste for divine knowledge in every humble and diligent inquirer.”

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