Celebrity Blogger Week: David Creech

One of three Celebrity Bloggers named David (shockingly we have none named Goliath), David Creech is entering his third year as a Lent Madness contributor. As a professor with a fancy PhD, he makes us all appear to be smarter than we actually are. We are grateful for that, even if we’ve never been able to figure out why his blog is named Dying Sparrows.

Dr. David Creech

Dr. David Creech is Assistant Professor of Religion at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. A student of early Christianities, David knows a lot about saints—they anathematized many of his research subjects. He is a product of an Evangelical seminary and a Catholic PhD program and now teaches at a Lutheran college and worships with Episcopalians. For those looking for the ecumenical voice (read: objective and unbiased/quite confused) in this year’s competition, he’s your man. Although he does dress in robes from time to time, David brings the unique perspective of a layperson. His book title is long and boring (The Use of Scripture in the Apocryphon of John: A Diachronic Analysis of the Variant Versions) but nearly sold out of its initial print run of 200 copies. You can follow David on Twitter @dyingsparrows and read his oftentimes provocative posts at his blog by the same name. When not teaching and writing, David enjoys owning his three kids Ian, Ela, and Dylan at Sorry.

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Celebrity Blogger Week: Megan Castellan

Don’t let looks deceive you. Megan Castellan is a battle-hardened veteran of Celebrity Bloggerdom. Last year she shepherded Brigid of Kildare to the first ever Silver Halo, thus inspiring the popular Lent Madness Brigid pint glass.

Along with her fellow long serving (suffering?) Celebrity Bloggers, David Sibley and Laurie Brock, Megan was recently awarded the title Distinguished Celebrity Blogger. This title, graciously bestowed by the Supreme Executive Committee after they drank way too much coffee, will allow these three dedicated Lenten heroes to write their own ecclesiastical tickets.

castellan.megan_webThe Rev. Megan Castellan, Distinguished Celebrity Blogger, is Assistant Rector at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Missouri, and diocesan youth coordinator for the Metro Kansas City area. Previously, she has lived and worked in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Arizona, and that period of time in the West Bank that the government can’t know about. Her ongoing adventures and strong opinions are chronicled in her blog Red Shoes, Funny Shirt and on Twitter @revlucymeg. (From time to time, you can also catch her writing in various other places, like House of Deputies News, Episcopal Café, or Fidelia’s Sisters, though the snark factor is significantly lower there). In her spare time, she enjoys singing, playing with yarn, throwing jellybeans at politicians she disagrees with on TV, and cheering on KC-based sports ball teams.

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Celebrity Blogger Week: Maria Nolletti Ross

Although not technically a Celebrity Blogger, we are using the term “Celebrity Blogger Week” to highlight all the members of the Lent Madness Team. Maria is our Resident Foodie whose recipes, or Saintly Sprinkles, can be found in the Saintly Scorecard: The Definitive Guide to Lent Madness 2016.

What’s that you say? You haven’t yet ordered your copy? Act now — they’ve sold out the last couple of years. Don’t be the only Lent Madness fan on your block without one. It will make you feel marginalized. And hopeless.

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Celebrity Blogger Week: Beth Lewis

On the second day of Celebrity Blogger Week Lent Madness gave to me…not two turtle doves but a single Lutheran! Beth Lewis is what you might call an overqualified Celebrity Blogger and we’re delighted she agreed to join us for the 2016 Lenten season. Read on!

But first, in case you missed yesterday’s edition of Monday Madness, be sure to tune in as Tim and Scott highlight the start of Celebrity Blogger Week and explain why Westminster Abbey is basically a monument to Lent Madness.

Beth Lewis

Beth Lewis has served as President & CEO of Augsburg Fortress, Publishers, since September 2002. During this time, the company has transitioned into a leader in delivery of digital content for congregations, higher education and families through their Augsburg Fortress, Fortress Press, sparkhouse, and Sparkhouse Family imprints. This call followed 20+ years of work for several Fortune 500 publishing companies and owner of a computer and technology career school. Beth is a popular speaker in ecumenical groups on a wide range of topics; some of the most popular are Gutenberg to Google: Effective Use of Technology for Congregations, Strategic Planning for Faith-Based Organizations, and Congregational Hospitality. Having been raised Lutheran in Lexington, Kentucky, Beth continues to be a dedicated fan of UK Wildcats basketball, so brackets are among her favorite things to follow! She writes the One Mission blog and you may connect with her on Twitter @bethalewis and on Facebook.

1. Since being named a Celebrity Blogger is obviously your greatest lifetime achievement, how will you handle the inevitable post-Lenten letdown?
I’m thinking a nice bottle of red wine will do the trick; perhaps one of my favorites, Druid’s Fluid from Troon Vineyard in Grant’s Pass, Oregon?

2. What is the single strangest thing you’ve learned about one of your assigned saints?
Dominic’s emblem in art is a dog with a torch in its mouth. It is reported that it is a pun on his name because the Dominicans are sometimes called the “Domini canes,” the hounds of the Lord.

3. What is your favorite saint-inspired food and why?unnamed-26
Chewy German pretzels. I assume that one of my favorite saints, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, having lived most of his life in Germany, must have enjoyed plenty of these! Besides, they are bread-like, so make me think of communion. The best ones have plenty of salt — “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6).

And, I find this bit of legend/history regarding their Trinitarian form interesting: “Though the exact origins of the pretzel remain mysterious, legend has it that the story began around A.D. 610, when Italian monks presented their young students with treats of baked dough twisted in the shape of crossed arms. At the time, crossing one’s arms was the traditional posture for prayer. As the custom spread through medieval Europe, the pretzel’s three holes came to represent the Holy Trinity—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—and the twisty baked good became associated with good luck, long life and prosperity.”

4. Besides Lent Madness, what do you most look forward to during the season of Lent?
This Lent, it will be celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary with my husband! Yes, a Lutheran pastor and a Lutheran publisher were married in Lent! Probably slightly scandalous in some circles!

Ye Merry Olde Monday Madness

Purple Union JackThis week, the Supreme Executive Committee brings its missionary endeavours for the cause of Lent Madness to the shores of Merry Olde England. Watch Scott deftly dodge double-decker buses, whilst Tim works wonders under the withering gaze of oil paintings. Hear about the opening day of Celebrity Blogger Week. And learn why Westminster Abbey will be known to the ages for Lent Madness, not just as the wedding chapel for the royal family. Given more time, the SEC contemplates adding a good deal more purple to London.

Make sure you get your Saintly Scorecards and giant bracket posters before they’re out of stock. Supplies are limited for both items! You’re going to want them, because both the scorecards and bracket posters are printed in full colour.

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Celebrity Blogger Week: Anna Fitch Courie

Celebrity Blogger Week (or however long it takes) kicks off today! We’ll introduce you to the fabulous writers who will help make our 32 Lent Madness 2016 saints come alive.

We’ve asked all of our CBs to answer a few questions and provide a photo that somehow reflects or sheds new light upon them in a way that transcends their official headshot. The Supreme Executive Committee will be posting these intros in the order we receive them. Mostly because this will offer subtle motivation to those Celebrity Bloggers who have yet to submit their answers. Don’t make us write the answers for you! (as we famously did one year for a particularly deadline averse former Celebrity Blogger).

As the pre-Lent Madness frenzy ratchets up, we hope you’ll enjoy spending some time with the men and women of Lent Madness 2016. We think they’re all pretty amazing and not just because they work for free mugs.

Then make sure to order your copy of the Saintly Scorecard: The Definitive Guide to Lent Madness 2016 and large Bracket Poster in order to fully participate in the Madness.

But before you read about our first CB, don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Thanks — it’s good for our self-esteem.

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Monday Madness (Global Edition) — January 18, 2016

This week, Tim and Scott come to you live from Accra, Ghana and Stowe, Vermont, proving that the Supreme Executive Committee will go to all the corners of the earth for you, the Lent Madness public. Scott is on a pilgrimage with Episcopal Relief & Development to learn more about their inspiring and transformational work in Ghana. Check out his flickr page for some photos — or follow him on Twitter or Instagram for more. Meanwhile, Tim is on vacation in Vermont, resting up for the onslaught of All-Lent-All-The-Time. Ah, the burdens of the SEC.

In this video, Tim and Scott urge you to purchase Saintly Scorecards (as low as $1 each!) and giant bracket posters (just $9 each if you buy two or more!). Check all that out, and more, in the Lentorium. Also, if you haven’t already liked Lent Madness on Facebook and followed us on Twitter, please do that. And harass ALL your friends until they do the same. Beyond all that, remember that today is the celebration of the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr. He’s one of the greats, though he succumbed to Frances Perkins in Lent Madness 2013 after getting past Martin Luther in the first round.

Lastly, if you decide to use Lent Madness as a fundraiser in your congregation, please do consider sending the proceeds to Episcopal Relief & Development. They’re far too enlightened to be involved with something as silly as Lent Madness, but we think they’re terrific and very worthy of generous gifts to help heal a hurting world.

Monday Madness — 2016 Season Premiere

It’s hard to believe, but the time is here! Gather your loved ones at the computer and watch the Supreme Executive Committee in the season premiere of Monday Madness. For the first time ever, Tim and Scott appear in 720p high-def full color! More important, in this episode, they exclusively reveal never-before-seen details of the 2016 Saintly Scorecard, the definitive guide to Lent Madness.

You can get your own Saintly Scorecard by visiting the Lentorium or directly at Forward Movement’s web showcase. The Saintly Scorecard is a bargain at $3 for one, and a steal at $2 each for 10 or more. It’s insane at only $1 when you purchase 25 or more. LentoriumSo head over to the website and buy now! While you’re there, make sure you stock up on giant bracket posters, mugs, pint glasses, t-shirts, and even Golden Halo Flying Discs. If you don’t love Jesus enough to spend your hard-earned cash in the Lentorium, you can download a free PDF of the bracket to study. Despite the fact the it’s free, the SEC has provided this bracket in color!

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Purple Friday is Here!

Purple Friday banner
Welcome to Purple Friday 2016, the one-day bonanza of insanely low prices in the Lentorium. Get all your must-have Lent Madness items today! Okay, actually, the prices will last through Cyber Monday, November 30. But you’d better get in line now, because quantities are limited!

Think of the bracket poster as this year’s Tickle-Me-Elmo doll or whatever the hot-ticket item is this year (speaking of which, did we mention St. Elmo made the 2016 bracket?). You want to get your bracket poster right away! Just don’t claw anyone on your way into the store! Shop now!

Saintly Scorecard 2016Today is also launch day for the Saintly Scorecard: The Definitive Guide to Lent Madness 2016. It’s so cheap we can’t discount it, but you’ll want to place your order while supplies last. It’s only $3, which is a steal. But if you buy ten, they’re just $2. And if you buy 25 or more (as many parishes do — and all parishes should), we’re practically giving them away for only a dollar. Pre-order yours today!

The Supreme Executive Committee offers a live video report from Purple Friday, including details of their late-night trip to open the Lentorium doors at midnight. Watch as Scott and Tim reveal bargains never before seen, and never to be seen again. Also tune in for exclusive product information about the giant bracket poster (spoiler alert: it’s not merely printed in black & white!) — and details about the Muzak you’ll hear when browsing the Lentorium on Purple Friday.

Of course, it’s not just Lent Madness stuff that’s on sale at low, low prices today. Check out the full sale list for details on Forward Movement bargains galore! Here are some examples of the special Purple Friday pricing:

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2016 Lent Madness Bracket Released!

Happy All Brackets’ Day! And welcome to the holy Season of Pre-Lent (aka any time outside the penitential confines of Lent’s 40 days and 40 nights).

LM2016 BracketWhile much of the world is recovering from the Halloween sugar high, the rabid Lent Madness faithful cast their collective eye toward Lent 2016. It may be more than three months away, but the 2016 bracket of 32 saints has been officially released by the Lent Madness Supreme Executive Committee! For the seventh year running, people worldwide are gearing up for the “saintly smackdown” that will kick off on “Ash Thursday,” February 11.

In response to a question about why people should think about Lent in November, Lent Madness creator, Tim says, “It’s all part of our diabolical plan to create a year-round Lent. Why be penitential for just 40 days and 40 nights? And if you can walk into some big box store and see Christmas decorations in August, why can’t you walk into your local coffee shop and see purple lights strung up in November?” Scott agrees. “The Lent-Industrial complex is alive, well and thriving. We’re simply tapping into it in order to get people talking about saints throughout the year.”

Click here to access the full bracket. If you are a true fan, you’re going to want to pony up ten bucks for a giant bracket poster (printed in full color with extra purple!) from Forward Movement. But first, watch the latest edition of Monthly Madness as Tim and Scott highlight some of the unique battles to come in Lent Madness 2016.

Then let the saintly games begin! Well, in three months or so.