Henry Budd vs. Cecilia

Today in the Saintly Smackdown, we encounter a 19th century Canadian missionary and a 3rd century Roman martyr, as Henry Budd faces Cecilia. Will the entire nation of Canada rise up to vote for one of their own? Or will Cecilia, patron saint of musicians, strike a chord? Only the next 24 hours and your vote, will tell!

In yesterday’s matchup, Moses the Black defeated John Wycliffe 65% to 35% to advance to the Saintly Sixteen where he’ll face the winner of Raymond Nonnatus vs. John of Nepomuck.

Oh, and in case you missed yesterday’s stirring edition of Monday Madness, watch it here. Tim and Scott give shout-outs to parishes and schools who are all in for Lent Madness 2017 (send us your photos!), discuss the importance of the comment section, and invite viewer mail. Yes, YOUR QUESTION for the SEC could be answered in an upcoming episode. Submit them via Facebook or Twitter.

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Monday Madness — March 6, 2017

Sorry for the delay in posting this week’s video. We’re blaming hackers from an Easter website trying to control Lent. Anyway, this week, Tim and Scott celebrate the success of the saintly smackdown in the first full week of this year’s competition. They also give shout outs to several churches who are fully enmeshed in the Madness.

Keep leaving comments, and remember that you can submit questions to the Supreme Executive Committee to be answered “live” “on the air” on next week’s “high quality” and “action-packed” episode of Monday Madness. Leave a comment on Facebook, tweet at us, or send your question–written in pencil–on a $20 bill.

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John Wycliffe vs. Moses the Black

Did you miss us? Well, we’re back for the first full week of Lent Madness action! Hopefully you survived the past 24 hours with no voting — we know it can be tough on the Lenten psyche.

One thing you may not know is that our Bracket Czar, Adam Thomas, wakes up early every morning to updated the online bracket. This is a great service to you, faithful voters, because he also posts links to all the previous battles. This will come in especially handy in subsequent rounds when you want to revisit those early rounds as you make an educated choice based on the all saintly write-ups.

In case you missed the news on Facebook or Twitter, Mechtild of Magdeburg easily swept past Isaac the Syrian on Saturday 77% to 23% to advance to the Saintly Sixteen. A few folks have lamented about the lack of close contests in the first round. This happens sometimes but…just wait.

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There’s more to Lent than madness

Now that Lent Madness is well underway, brackets are getting busted left and right. Mechtild of Magdeburg easily knocked Isaac the Syrian out of the running (77% to 23%) in yesterday’s battle, the only Saturday contest of the season. Come back tomorrow, as the week starts off with John Wycliffe vs. Moses the Black at eight o’clock in the morning, sharp.

Of course, we at Lent Madness HQ hope that you have adopted a Lenten devotion beyond the madness. There are many ways to make good use of this Lenten season of repentance and renewal. You might cultivate habits of daily prayer or study. You might be more intentional about serving the poor or sharing of your abundance with those in great need. Obviously, if you’re playing Lent Madness, you haven’t given up the internet, and we don’t suggest that (but if that’s what you need, go for it!).

If you’re looking for some help to get through Lent, there is still lots of time. Forward Movement, the official sponsor of Lent Madness has loads of resources to help you on the journey.

Ashes and the PhoenixNew this year, Ashes and the Phoenix brings together daily meditations, powerful poetry by Len Freeman, and Jason Sierra’s inspiring woodcut art on your Kindle, Nook, or iBook device. If you are looking for a resource focused on mission outreach and social justice, check out Meeting Jesus on the Margins (Kindle, Nook, or iBook), featuring meditations from Becca Stevens, Mike Kinman, and our own Hugo Olaiz, among other excellent writers.

At this time in our national life, when there has been much conversation about refugees, even as the number of displaced persons continues to rise around the globe, we invite you to engage this season in A Season of Prayer: 40 Days in the Desert. Each day will offer a prayer or scripture reading focused on themes of hospitality, migration, and refugee welcome.

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Isaac the Syrian vs. Mechtild of Magdeburg

Why is this day unique in the annals of Lent Madness 2017? It is the ONLY non-weekday battle of the season. Yes, we’re amazing at math. Thus the first Saturday of every season includes the one and only weekend battle of Lent Madness (trust us – we’ve done the math).

Yesterday Henry Beard Delany romped to a first round victory over Aelred of Rievaulx 78%  to 22%. He’ll go on to face the winner of Anselm of Canterbury vs. Florence Nightingale in the Saintly Sixteen.

Enjoy your Sunday devotions on the First Sunday in Lent (make sure to tell everybody at coffee hour just how much you love Lent Madness) and we’ll get back to voting first thing Monday Morning as John Wycliffe takes on Moses the Black!

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Henry Beard Delany vs. Aelred of Rievaulx

Only in Lent Madness will you find a 19th century pioneering bishop squaring off against a 12th century monk. Which, you guessed it, is precisely what we have today as Henry Beard Delany faces Aelred of Rievaulx in the second matchup of Lent Madness 2017.

In yesterday’s “Ash Thursday” kickoff, Stephen soundly defeated Alban, 62% to 38% in heavy voting. Indeed, with over 9,600 total votes cast a new Lent Madness turnout record was set! We also love that over 450 people added comments to the post. With his victory, Stephen became the first saint to advance to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen, where he’ll face the winner of Henry Budd vs. Cecilia. Somewhere Bob Dylan is singing, “Everybody must get stoned.”

Still wondering how to keep up with all the players saints? You need a Saintly Scorecard 2017! While the paper book has passed into the realm of collectors’ items, the ebook is available. Pick one up for your Kindle or iPad today! For only $2.99 you’ll have the inside track on all things Lent Madness!

Finally, in case you’ve ever been kept up at night wondering about the inner workings of the Supreme Executive Committee, you’re in luck! Tim and Scott recently appeared on the popular Priest Pulse podcast. In addition to discussing all things Lent Madness, they even touch on the roots of their longstanding feud. Enjoy!

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Stephen vs. Alban

Let the games begin! Yes, Lent Madness 2017 begins RIGHT NOW. After months of speculation and the crushing ache of anticipation, “Ash Thursday” has arrived. Over the next (more or less) 40 days and 40 nights, you will have the opportunity to re-immortalize one of our 32 competing saints with the coveted Golden Halo.

Today we see two martyrs squaring off as Stephen faces Alban. Which one will face yet another ignominious exit? That, dear friends, is up to you and your single (we mean that and we have cameras everywhere) vote.

If you’re new to Lent Madness, welcome! If you have any questions about how to participate, just let us know by leaving a comment. The Lent Madness community is both friendly and helpful, often answering questions before the Supreme Executive Committee arrives in their grand purple, if imaginary, chariot.

We urge you to take full part in the Madness. Leave comments here on the website. Read what others have to say. Enjoy the (mostly) friendly rivalry and trash talk on social media. During the day, check in on the website often to see how each day’s contest is going. And above all, delight in seeing how each saint was a powerful witness of Jesus Christ.

Be sure to sign up for e-mail updates on our home page so you never miss a vote, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and encourage your friends to jump into the fray.

We can assure you this will be a wild, joyful, educational, ocassionally gut-wrenching ride. We’re delighted to share this journey with you. Let the Madness begin!

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Getting to the Heart of Lent

kid with ashesDear friends in Christ,

It is now customary for us to take a pause from the year-round Madness on this first day of Lent. While we hope everyone has a rich and varied experience of Lent and Lenten disciplines, we encourage everyone to savor the solemnity and, yes, penitence of Ash Wednesday.

George Herbert, English poet and Golden Halo winner in the first Lent Madness, wrote a glorious poem, “Lent.” In that poem, he says this:

It ‘s true, we cannot reach Christ’s fortieth day;
Yet to go part of that religious way,
Is better than to rest:
We cannot reach our Savior’s purity;
Yet are bid, Be holy ev’n as he.
In both let ‘s do our best.

So while we won’t ever reach the full stature of Christ, as our prayer book puts it, we can benefit from whatever effort we manage. That’s what Lent is about. This season certainly isn’t about perfection, much less self-inflicted misery. Lent is about growing to be more Christlike.

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When SEC Day arrives on the Lenten calendar, you are guaranteed three things: 1) Celebrity Blogger Week has come to a close; 2) pancake batter is being prepared in parish kitchens throughout the world; and 3) “Ash Thursday” and the start of Lent Madness draweth nigh. In less than two days, the Madness will kick off with our opening round battle between Stephen and Alban. Did you hear that? Less than two days!

But first, here’s a peek behind the purple curtain of the Supreme Executive Committee, the (more-or-less) benevolent dictatorship that runs Lent Madness.

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Monday Madness

Yes, we know you’ve been refreshing your web browser ALL DAY hoping to watch the latest edition of Monday Madness. And finally your diligent efforts have been rewarded! Because right this very moment you can watch Tim and Scott wax eloquent-ish on the final edition of Monday Madness before the start of Lent Madness 2017.

In this epic episode, you’ll learn the two (or three) methods for submitting viewer mail to the Supreme Executive Committee. They’ll be answering a question or two from the Lent Madness global viewing public in subsequent installments of Monday Madness.

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