Category Archives: Saintly Sixteen

Joanna the Myrrhbearer vs. Bartimaeus

Today in Lent Madness, we head back to the Biblical quadrant as Joanna the Myrrhbearer takes on Bartimaeus. The winner will face Joseph in the Elate Eight. Should Joanna have brought gold or frankincense instead? We’ll soon find out. Yesterday Harriet Tubman swept past James Solomon Russell 75% to 25%. She’ll lock horns with Herman […]

James Solomon Russell vs. Harriet Tubman

Today two saintly souls, both born into slavery, face each other in a heartbreaking Saintly Sixteen battle. James Solomon Russell squares off against Harriet Tubman with a spot in the Elate Eight in the offing. The winner will face Herman of Alaska. Yesterday Margaret of Castello (IS she related to celebrity blogger Megan Castellan?) defeated […]

Eva Lee Matthews vs. Margaret of Castello

“Get thee to a nunnery!” could be the theme of today’s matchup between Eva Lee Matthews of the Community of the Transfiguration and Margaret of Castello of the Dominican Sisters. These faithful women meet in this sure-to-be hotly contested Saintly Sixteen battle. Yesterday, in a serious rout, Brother Lawrence soundly defeated Margery Kempe 81% to […]

Margery Kempe vs. Brother Lawrence

Welcome to the big, giant, full week of sacred Saintly Sixteen action! Monday through Friday our collection of saintly souls will be scratching and clawing their way into the Elate Eight. Today we kick things off with a matchup between Margery Kempe, who easily defeated Eustace, and Brother Lawrence, who stunned St. Patrick in the […]

Elizabeth vs. Joseph

On the last day of a full (in some ways endless?) week, the Saintly Sixteen heads back to the Biblical quadrant for a showdown between Elizabeth and Joseph. To get here, Elizabeth got past Andrew while Joseph bested Joshua. Reminder before you start complaining: No one said any of this was fair. It’s called Lent […]

Thomas More vs. Herman of Alaska

Welcome to the Saintly Sixteen! With your help, we have successfully cut our 32 saints in half. Numerically speaking, that is, not in a martyred kind of way. For this round, rather than the basic biographical information we enter the realm of Quirks and Quotes. Our brilliant Celebrity Bloggers will provide unusual information or legends […]

Zenaida vs. Nicholas of Myra

Congratulations! You survived another weekend devoid of voting. We realize this can cause Itchy Mouse Finger Syndrome (IMFS) for which we recommend sleeping all weekend. But, sleepers wake! For it is time to begin the last FULL week of Lent Madness 2019. As a reminder, on Friday, Gobnait washed away Paula of Rome 73% to […]

Gobnait vs. Paula of Rome

In yesterday’s Saintly Sixteen pairing, Pandita Ramabai trounced Marguerite d’Youville 62% to 38% to advance to the Elate Eight vs. William Wilberforce. And, yes, Pandita, much like the Grinch, stole Lent from all the d’Yous down in d’Youville. Today’s battle features Gobnait vs. Paula of Rome for a chance to square off against Ignatius of […]

Marguerite d’Youville vs. Pandita Ramabai

In yesterday’s Biblical battle, Photini defeated Tabitha 58% to 42%, setting up an intriguing Elate Eight matchup with Martha of Bethany. Today it’s Canadian vs. Indian as Marguerite d’Youville faces Pandita Ramabai. You’ll recall that Pandita made it this far by barely sneaking past Damien of Molokai in the closest ever Lent Madness vote, while […]

Tabitha vs. Photini

In yesterday’s matchup between the Golden Mouthed John Chrysostom and the Harp of the Holy Spirit Ephrem of Nisibis, the bishop plucked the deacon 74% to 26% to advance to the Elate Eight. Today, we’re back up to the Biblical quadrant of the bracket as Tabitha takes on Photini. The winner of this battle will […]