Category Archives: News

Golden Halo Winner Inspires New Church Name

We love hearing stories about the ways Lent Madness makes a difference, and we have quite a story to share today. As you might have seen from coverage in Episcopal News Service, the Anglican Communion News Service, the Episcopal Cafe, or the Living Church, there’s a new church in California. Two Episcopal congregations merged, and […]

Holy Grounds Book Launch!

As everybody knows, Lent Madness goes together with coffee like…saints go together with brackets. Well, today is a big day, as it’s the official release day for Lent Madness creator Tim Schenck’s new book on coffee and faith! In Holy Grounds: The Surprising Connection between Coffee and Faith – From Dancing Goats to Satan’s Drink […]

Brackets to Go 2014

For the third year in a row, we are taking Lent Madness to the streets. These days, you simply can’t expect everyone to come to Lent Madness, so it’s important to bring Lent Madness to the people. Coming inside and asking for a bracket can be intimidating to many people, so we like to go […]

Free Gift!

Dear Friends, Today we offer you an amazing pre-Lenten gift. No, it’s not a hair shirt — you’ll have to find one of those on eBay. It’s a free, no-strings-attached newsletter/website article ghost written by the Supreme Executive Committee about Lent Madness 2014. Feel free to use it (for free!) in your church’s publications. If […]

Whose Madness Is It, Anyway?

The Supreme Executive Committee has been made aware of something called “Papal Madness,” an effort to suggest an alternative for electing the successor to Pope Benedict XVI. In this so-called Papal Madness scheme, or should we say, schemes, brackets would be used to choose the Vicar of Christ. You can see the problem. The Papal […]

Purple Buzz on the Interwebs

Around the globe, excitement is building as we approach the tip-off of Lent Madness 2013. We expect most sermons tomorrow will be about Lent Madness, so we’re providing some fodder for you last-minute sermon writers. However, we do not encourage a reading from USA Today in lieu of the Gospel, as tempting as that might […]

Press Release: Lent Madness 2013 is Nigh!

Here’s the annual “Lent Madness is nigh!” press release. Free free to give it to the news editor of your local paper or any network news anchors who might happen to attend your parish. Free mugs to anyone who gets national or global news coverage for Lent Madness. If you secure a national prime-time television special about […]

A Solemn Proclamation from the Supreme Executive Committee

A Solemn Proclamation from the Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness Be it known to all unto whom these present letters may come, that the Episcopal Church is preparing to gather in its General Convention, said Convention to be held in the city and diocese of Indianapolis in the Hoosier state; and Whereas, It would […]

Why Lent Madness is Better than General Convention

Some people think General Convention is the most important thing going on in the Episcopal Church. The Supreme Executive Committee disagrees, and we have ten reasons to prove that Lent Madness is better than General Convention. 1. Far from being limited to the shangri-la that is Indianapolis, Lent Madness is a global phenomenon. 2. Elections […]

Sports Illustrated Gets Religion

A couple of days ago, the Supreme Executive Committee received a flash news alert from one of our intrepid Lent Madness Field Agents. Doug Allen of Lincoln, RI was the first one to report that Lent Madness is mentioned in this week’s Sports Illustrated. Phil Taylor, in his last-page column, covers a range of brackets […]