Category Archives: Monday Madness

Monday Madness: Celebrity Blogger Week Edition

As Celebrity Blogger Week kicks off today, Tim and Scott bring you another action-packed episode of Monday Madness. This week, they talk about Celebrity Blogger Week and the burden of the Lentarazzi that our Celebrity Bloggers face. However, if you are lucky enough to spot one of our Celebrity Bloggers in person, they’ll probably agree […]

Monday Madness — February 6, 2017

Tim and Scott are back! Join the self-appointed Supreme Executive Committee for the first pre-season episode of Monday Madness for Lent Madness 2017. In this week’s edition, Tim and Scott explain why some people might draw hope and inspiration from the “saintly smackdown,” even in a world filled with serious problems. They also highlight the must-have penitential […]

Monthly Madness — Nominationtide Edition

As long-time Lent Madness fans will know, the epic video series offered by Tim and Scott, Monday Madness, changes to Monthly Madness in the off-season. This is the first episode of Monthly Madness for 2016. In this month’s episode, coming in the final hours of Nominationtide, the Supreme Executive Committee answers viewer questions about nominations. […]

Monday Madness — Easter Edition

In this post-game episode, Tim and Scott chat transatlantically, with Scott coming “live” from Salisbury Cathedral in jolly old England. Responding to cries from the Lent Madness Global Viewing Public, the SEC has awarded the Silver Halo to Julian of Norwich, who lost out to Golden Halo winner Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the epic championship contest. […]

Monday Madness — Holy Week Edition

It’s Holy Week, and that means it’s time for the last in-season episode of Monday Madness for the 2016 Lent Madness competition. Tim and Scott talk about the exciting battles to come in the Faithful Four and Championship. In light of a cheating scandal earlier today, they also remind viewers that it’s one vote per […]

Monday Madness — Kitsch Kranks Edition

Every year around this time, the Kitsch Kranks come out of the woodwork. These are Lent Madness fans who enjoy the first two rounds of the Saintly Smackdown but who do not enjoy the Elate Elate, the Round of the Saintly Kitsch. So they try to toss their humorless wet blanket on everyone else. Well, […]

Monday Madness: Mugshot Cameo Edition

In today’s episode of Monday Madness, Lady Edith and Lady Mary both find love. Or not. Actually, Tim and Scott do make reference to Downton Abbey, but you’ll have to tune into PBS to find out what happens to the Crawleys. But in this week’s Monday Madness episode you CAN see some excellent examples of […]

Monday Madness — Super Tuesday Delayed Edition

Due to a glitch at Lent Madness HQ, we didn’t get yesterday’s episode of Monday Madness uploaded in time. We know you were crushed. But then, when it comes to Lent Madness, you get what you (don’t) pay for. In order to console you for that extra wait, Tim and Scott hereby offer you an […]

Monday Madness — February 22, 2016

Gather the kids and neighbors around the computer and watch this week’s fun-filled episode of Monday Madness. This week, Tim and Scott give some advice on how you can be a better Lent Madness evangelist in your local church. They also remind you to post photos of yourself with your Lent Madness mug or pint […]

Monday Madness — February 15, 2016

In today’s episode of Monday Madness, Tim and Scott report that the 2016 Lent Madness season is off to a good start. They also announce big news. Big as in you can get your own life-sized St. Francis of Assisi cutout. Wow! Watch the video to learn the details and see the actual St. Francis […]