Category Archives: Lent Madness 2021

Catherine Booth vs. Constantine

Today we’re back for our second helping of Saintly Sixteen action as the round of Quirks and Quotes continues. Catherine Booth takes on Constantine as 19th century meets 3rd century — a pairing you’ll only ever encounter in the looniness of Lent Madness. To get here, Catherine upset Joan of Arc, while Constantine got past […]

Camillus de Lellis vs. Melangell

Welcome to the Saintly Sixteen! With your help, we have successfully whittled our field from 32 saints to 16. For this round, rather than the basic biographical information, we enter the realm of Quirks and Quotes. Our brilliant Celebrity Bloggers will provide unusual information or legends surrounding their saints along with quotes either by or about […]

Catherine of Bologna vs. Catherine of Genoa

Finally! We’ve nearly made it to the end of the Round of 32. But not before we take care of today’s saintly business, the highly anticipated Battle of the Deli Meats. Take a number and get ready to cast your vote between two 15th century saints, Catherine of Bologna and Catherine of Genoa. Anybody hungry […]

Jacapone da Todi vs. Ives of Kermartin

Today Jacapone da Todi squares off against Ives of Kermartin. Two lawyers in the same matchup? Who knew lawyers were even eligible for sainthood?! Will there be a legal landslide? Or will one of these attorneys be ruled out of order? In 24 hours we’ll announce the verdict. Yesterday, despite a strong showing by Henriette […]

Monday Madness — March 8, 2021

Last night, the world watched Oprah interview Harry and Meghan. Despite overtures from Oprah’s people, Scott and Tim decided to forgo a moderator for the latest episode of Monday Madness. But the Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness is back with another action-packed, fun-filled episode of saintly merriment. Today they explain how the bracket of 32 […]

Henriette Delille vs. Absalom Jones

Whether or not you missed us this weekend is immaterial. Because we’re back! This week we’ll be finishing up the opening Round of 32 and kicking off the Saintly Sixteen on Thursday. Today Henriette Delille faces Absalom Jones, as two modern(ish) American saints go head-to-head. In case you missed the Friday results, Benedict the Moor […]

Nino of Georgia vs. Benedict the Moor

We conclude a rough-and-tumble week of saintly contests with Nino of Georgia vs. Benedict the Moor. Yesterday, Isadora the Simple made Simeon the Holy Fool look foolish 54% to 46% to advance to the Saintly Sixteen. And, don’t forget that one of the joys of this Lenten pop-up community may be found in the comment […]

Isidora the Simple vs. Simeon the Holy Fool

Just to be clear, today’s saints were not named after the two members of the Lent Madness Supreme Executive Committee. I mean, how would you even distinguish which one was which? But we return to the ever-popular Confusion Corner quadrant of the bracket as Isidora the Simple takes on Simeon the Holy Fool, two unconventional […]

Dunstan vs. Maryam of Qidun

Hey, look! It’s a saint a lot of people have heard of! But, as history would suggest, that means nothing in this annual clash of saints. Nonetheless Dunstan squares off against Maryam of Qidun (we were referring to Dunstan, obviously) in today’s Lent Madness battle. Yesterday, Marianne Cope erased Bartolomé de las Casas 65% to […]

Bartolomé de las Casas vs. Marianne Cope

Today’s matchup covers a lot of territory. From Spain to Haiti to Germany to New York to Hawaii, Bartolomé de Las Casas and Marianne Cope were collectively well traveled (remember travel?). Yesterday, Euphrosyne left Evagrius the Solitary basically standing alone on a street corner for the rest of Lent 64% to 36%. Though, in fairness, […]