Category Archives: Lent Madness 2019

William Wilberforce vs. Pandita Ramabai

Yesterday, on the first day of the Elate Eight, Martha of Bethany left Photini high and dry 58% to 42% to become the first saint to reach the elusive and exclusive Faithful Four. Today William Wilberforce meets Pandita Ramabai. To reach the Elate Eight, Wilberforce bested Agatha Lin Zhao and Richard Allen, while Ramabai defeated […]

Martha of Bethany vs. Photini

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. No, Virginia, Santa Claus will not be advancing in Lent Madness 2019. That’s because yesterday, in a shocking upset that rocked the North Pole, Zenaida defeated Nicholas of Myra 59% to 41% to claim the final spot in the Elate Eight. (Also, Virginia, congratulations on winning yesterday’s national […]

Monday Madness — Kitsch Krank Edition

As the giant purple Lenten clock ticks down to the start of the Elate Eight — aka the Round of Saintly Kitsch — Tim and Scott share their annual warning about Kitsch Kranks, the people who just can’t get on board with this level of fun and frivolity. In this week’s episode of Monday Madness, […]

Zenaida vs. Nicholas of Myra

Congratulations! You survived another weekend devoid of voting. We realize this can cause Itchy Mouse Finger Syndrome (IMFS) for which we recommend sleeping all weekend. But, sleepers wake! For it is time to begin the last FULL week of Lent Madness 2019. As a reminder, on Friday, Gobnait washed away Paula of Rome 73% to […]

Gobnait vs. Paula of Rome

In yesterday’s Saintly Sixteen pairing, Pandita Ramabai trounced Marguerite d’Youville 62% to 38% to advance to the Elate Eight vs. William Wilberforce. And, yes, Pandita, much like the Grinch, stole Lent from all the d’Yous down in d’Youville. Today’s battle features Gobnait vs. Paula of Rome for a chance to square off against Ignatius of […]

Golden Halo Winner Inspires New Church Name

We love hearing stories about the ways Lent Madness makes a difference, and we have quite a story to share today. As you might have seen from coverage in Episcopal News Service, the Anglican Communion News Service, the Episcopal Cafe, or the Living Church, there’s a new church in California. Two Episcopal congregations merged, and […]

Tabitha vs. Photini

In yesterday’s matchup between the Golden Mouthed John Chrysostom and the Harp of the Holy Spirit Ephrem of Nisibis, the bishop plucked the deacon 74% to 26% to advance to the Elate Eight. Today, we’re back up to the Biblical quadrant of the bracket as Tabitha takes on Photini. The winner of this battle will […]

Holy Grounds Book Launch!

As everybody knows, Lent Madness goes together with coffee like…saints go together with brackets. Well, today is a big day, as it’s the official release day for Lent Madness creator Tim Schenck’s new book on coffee and faith! In Holy Grounds: The Surprising Connection between Coffee and Faith – From Dancing Goats to Satan’s Drink […]

John Chrysostom vs. Ephrem of Nisibis

In yesterday’s saintly action, Ignatius of Loyola closed the door on Marina the Monk 60% to 40%, paving the way to the Elate Eight. He’ll face the winner of Gobnait vs. Paula of Rome in the next round. Today John Chrysostom squares off against Ephrem of Nisibis, as bishop meets deacon for a shot at […]

Monday Madness — April 1, 2019

Despite the fact that it’s April Fools’ Day, Tim and Scott aren’t fooling around in this week’s episode of Monday Madness. Or at least not more than usual. In fact, after the incident of April 1, 2017, when some people were taken in by the SEC’s announcement that Lent Madness was canceled, we have learned […]