Category Archives: Lent Madness 2017

Celebrity Blogger Week: David Sibley

Distinguished Celebrity Blogger David Sibley remains in the throes of baseball ecstasy as he continues to revel in last year’s World Series victory by his long-denied Chicago Cubs. Of course this pales in comparison to the euphoria he felt in shepherding Charles Wesley to the 2014 Golden Halo. We’re delighted David is back for another […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Laurie Brock

Laurie Brock remains the ONLY Celebrity Blogger who owns a horse. And while we think she takes this whole “circuit riding” clergy thing a little too seriously, how could we not name Nina the Official Horse of Lent Madness? Laurie is a long-time Lent Madness contributor who successfully shepherded Francis of Assisi to the Golden […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Amber Belldene

Admit it. Nothing quite says “romance” like Lent Madness. I mean, doesn’t everybody purchase a giant bracket poster from the Lentorium for their true love? This is why we’re delighted that Amber Belldene, Episcopal priest and romance novelist, is returning for another year of everybody’s favorite Lenten devotion. The Rev. Amber Belldene is a romance […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: David Creech

Celebrity Blogger Week continues today with Professor David Creech. If you were trying to look at this website a little while ago, you might have noticed that we had a tech glitch and were offline for a couple of hours. Tim and Scott are each busy issuing denials right now, looking for ways to blame […]

Monday Madness — Global Edition

This week, Lent Madness spans the globe as Tim and Scott come to you “live” from Cincinnati and Cape Town. Every episode of Monday Madness is always an adventure, and this one is no exception. Celebrity Blogger Week and SEC Day are among the important topics of this show. Remember, there’s not much more time […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: David Hansen

Celebrity Blogger Week continues with…another Lutheran! We’re pleased to have digital media guru David Hansen return for another year of Lent Madness. We’re not exactly sure what’s going on in his extracurricular photo. He appears to be defending a stone fortress, or at least some environmentally friendly rain barrels, with a toy sword. We wish […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Adam Thomas

Okay, he’s not technically a Celebrity Blogger (though he once was!). But as Bracket Czar, Adam Thomas is an integral member of the Lent Madness team. He’s the one who not only makes the bracket pretty — you should have seen it the first two years when Tim hosted the whole thing on his blog […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Neva Rae Fox

Celebrity Blogger Week continues with the inimitable Neva Rae Fox who returns for her third year of Lent Madness. Quite the world traveler, Neva Rae often heads out on adventures with the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. In addition to being photobombed by Stonehenge in her headshot, the other picture was taken at an […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Beth Lewis

Fresh off her successful run as the advocate for Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s 2016 Golden Halo-winning performance, Beth Lewis is back for her second year with Lent Madness. We have no clue how she can possibly top that, but we’re delighted Beth didn’t decide to do a “one and done” turn as a Celebrity Blogger (like most […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Hugo Olaiz

Day three of Celebrity Blogger Week, brings us the encore blogging performance of Hugo Olaiz, who joins us for his second year in a row. A man of many talents, as you can see from the accompanying picture, Hugo can cook and sing opera at the same time! We assume he’s not lip synching but […]