Category Archives: Lent Madness 2016

Now is the Time: An Invitation to a Holy Lent

Dear friends in Christ, Every year, even Lent Madness pauses on this one day. On Ash Wednesday, we set aside our silliness as we are reminded of our mortality and our need of salvation. This year, more than ever, our world needs Lent and its invitation to return to Jesus Christ. We live in a […]

Mardi Madness!

This last day before the start of Lent has many names: Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday. But the concept remains the same. Today is the feast before the famine, the celebration before the wilderness. Around here, though, we take a slightly different approach to the day. Today at Lent Madness we celebrate Mardi Madness! This is […]

Monday Madness — February 8, 2016

In the last regular episode of Monday Madness before the kickoff of Lent Madness 2016 later this week on Ash Thursday, Tim and Scott remind viewers of a timeless classic video by the mysterious Maple Anglican, the video which explains how to play and how to vote in Lent Madness. It was mentioned earlier today […]

Lent Madness Voting 101

Around this time of year, the Supreme Executive Inbox begins to fill up with some version of “How do I play Lent Madness?” While we like to be helpful and are happy to take your calls at 3:00 am,  you should know that there are several guidelines to follow. 1) You cannot vote by mailing […]

Top 10 Reasons Lent Madness is Better than the Super Bowl

Ah, Super Bowl Sunday. The day preachers attempt to squeeze as many football analogies into the sermon as possible. Today, as The Big Game coincides with Luke’s version of Jesus’ transfiguration, it’s clear what took place up on that mountain. After hearing the voice descend from heaven, “This is my Chosen One; listen to him!” Jesus […]

SEC Day!

After a rollicking, Celebrity Blogger Week, it’s time to highlight the Supreme Executive Committee. Just who are these masked (in the appropriate liturgical color, of course) men? Lent Madness creator Tim Schenck and Forward Movement executive director Scott Gunn form the self-appointed and, mostly, benevolent dictatorship that is the SEC. In real life, the one […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Hugo Olaiz

As a member of the staff at Forward Movement, Hugo Olaiz is the ultimate Lent Madness insider. Not bad for a first time Celebrity Blogger. There is no truth to the rumor that Tim has placed Hugo at FM, to serve as a mole into Scott’s nefarious activities. None whatsoever. Keep moving. Nothing to see […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Laurie Brock

Although Laurie Brock took St. Francis all the way to the Golden Halo last year, the SEC stubbornly refuses to sell St. Laurie garden statues in the Lentorium. It should also be noted that despite the fact that Laurie is a huge fan of Alabama football, the acronym SEC stands FIRST AND FOREMOST for Supreme Executive […]

Dust Bunnies in the Basket

Love Lent Madness? Looking for a devotional book to guide you through Lent, Holy Week, and Easter? You’ve come to the right place! Lent Madness creator Tim Schenck has written a book titled Dust Bunnies in the Basket: Finding God in Lent and Easter (Forward Movement 2015). If you’re looking for the perfect Lenten gift (and […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: David Sibley

No matter what else David Sibley accomplishes in his life, he will always be best known for shepherding Charles Wesley to the 2014 Golden Halo. In fact, we’ve already taken the liberty of writing the first line of his obituary: “The Rev. David Sibley, longtime Lent Madness Celebrity Blogger…” Okay, that’s all we have so […]