Category Archives: Lent Madness 2016

Constance vs. Dominic

Only in Lent Madness would you find a monk battling a nun across the centuries. Yet this is exactly what we have today as Constance, a 19th century American nun takes on Dominic, a 12th century Spanish monk. Yesterday Meister Eckhart squared off against Drogo, and, sadly, it appears that the Patron Saint of Coffee […]

Meister Eckhart vs. Drogo

Another day, another mystic, as the great thinker Meister (please don’t call me ‘Mister’) Eckhart faces off against Drogo, 12th century saintly soul and patron saint of coffee. WARNING: Don’t even try to make your choice without first drinking a hot, steaming cup of coffee — as long as this action will in no way […]

Monday Madness — February 15, 2016

In today’s episode of Monday Madness, Tim and Scott report that the 2016 Lent Madness season is off to a good start. They also announce big news. Big as in you can get your own life-sized St. Francis of Assisi cutout. Wow! Watch the video to learn the details and see the actual St. Francis […]

Julian of Norwich vs. William Wilberforce

Happy Monday! We trust everyone survived a day without Lent Madness and is ready to get back into the voting fray. We kick off the week with what will sure to be a hotly contested battle between Julian of Norwich and William Wilberforce. 14th century Mystic vs. 18th century Reformer. Who will move on to the […]

Lent Beyond the Madness

There’s more to Lent than Lent Madness. But before we get to that, we have results to share. Yesterday, in the Slavic Smackdown®, Methodius easily bested his brother Cyril (65% to 35%). He’ll be stepping into the Lent Dome with the winner of Lawrence vs. Albert Schweitzer in the round of the Saintly Sixteen. Some […]

The Ten Commandments of Lent Madness

Lent Madness 2016 is off to a roaring start. We had huge voter turnout on opening day, with a record number of votes cast in the Matronly Meltdown®. As this post is published, the comments section is filling up with a vigorous discussion on the Slavic Smackdown®. If you haven’t cast your vote yet for […]

Cyril vs. Methodius

Today, in the only Saturday match-up of Lent Madness, it’s the Slavic Smackdown® as Cyril takes on Methodius. While much of the world is preparing for Valentine’s Day (named for a confusing muddle of murky, martyred saints in ancient Rome), the church actually celebrates Cyril and Methodius on February 14, not Saint(s) Valentinus. So go […]

Matthias vs. Absalom Jones

Welcome to Day Two of Lent Madness 2016. If this is your first year playing along, congratulations! You are no longer a first-time voter. You have successfully navigated the rigors of clicking an online button. Of course, the voting is just a part of what happens during Lent Madness. The reading, the learning, the inspiration, […]

Helena vs. Monnica

The moment we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived: Lent Madness 2016 kicks off RIGHT NOW! For those who thought “Ash Thursday” would, like a desert oasis, never arrive, your penitential dreams have come true. In any case, we’re delighted to welcome you to this year’s Saintly Smackdown with a First Round battle between […]

Happy Lent Madness Eve!

Now that the sun has set on the Supreme Executive Committee, Ash Wednesday is morphing into Lent Madness Eve. We had our serious moment of Ash Wednesday piety, and we’re ready to sound the fanfare on tomorrow’s opening match-up, unofficially known as the Matronly Meltdown®. Helena and Monnica step into the Lent Dome and begin […]