Category Archives: Lent Madness 2015

Monthly Madness: Live from Lake Logan

In this month’s installment of Monthly Madness, Scott and Tim report live from Lake Logan, NC, where they are attending CREDO. As you know, CREDO is the Church Pension Group’s way of saying “I believe” in the magic of Lent Madness. Watch now for valuable insights into a couple of the first-round match-ups in the […]

All Brackets’ Day: The 2015 Bracket Unveiled!

It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: the unveiling of the 2015 Lent Madness bracket. Stay tuned for the SEC’s color commentary on the bracket, highlighting some of the epic contests that will take place over the course of Lent Madness 2015. Right now you should read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the bracket. […]

New Celebrity Bloggers and New Liturgical Feasts

In what will surely become an Emmy-winning video, the Supreme Executive Committee is pleased to share news on several fronts. Watch now! Remember to celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the SEC on October 29, as Scott and Tim celebrate their individual birthdays October 28 and October 30. It’s like Presidents’ Day, only more […]

Episcopal Youth Meet Lent Madness and a Vote is Taken

About 800 youth and hundreds of adults at the Episcopal Youth Event received a rare visit from the Supreme Executive Committee today. Tim and Scott invited participants to cast the first vote of Lent Madness 2015, deciding whether St. Francis of Assisi or St. Gabriel the Archangel would earn a spot on the bracket. Here’s […]

Behind the Curtain at the SEC Annual Spring Retreat

As devoted Lent Madness fans will know, Tim and Scott (a.k.a. the Supreme Executive Committee) meet every spring to unpack and contextualize the previous Lent Madness and engage in vision-casting and missional strategy for the next year. This year’s meeting is taking place at various coffee shops in and around Cincinnati. The meeting began with […]