Category Archives: Lent Madness 2015

Celebrity Blogger Week: Maria Nolletti Ross

It’s really too bad the pages in the back of this year’s Saintly Scorecard aren’t of the scratch ‘n sniff variety. Because you’ll find six delectable “Saintly Sprinkles” — recipes from Lent Madness Resident Foodie Maria Nolletti Ross. All the recipes have connections to saints. While we agree that they’re all mouth-watering, please don’t drool on the full-color, glossy, […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Megan Castellan

CBW (that’s the hipster acronym we just coined) continues with veteran Celebrity Blogger, Megan Castellan. When Megan first started with us she was a priest in Arizona. Now, she’s in her second year of life and ministry in Kansas City, Missouri. See, we told you Lent Madness was transcontinental! Unless, of course, it’s illegal to transport […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Adam Thomas

We’re not sure if you can actually be an unsung rock star, but when it comes to Lent Madness, Adam Thomas is just that. That fancy bracket design we’ve been using since 2012? Adam. The usefully awesome match-up calendar? Adam. The updated hyperlinks following each battle of Lent Madness? Adam. The SEC is ever grateful for […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Amber Belldene

Leave it to Lent Madness to unearth the only romance novel-writing Episcopal priest on the planet. Actually, for the second year in a row, Amber Belldene has graced us with her actual celebrity status as a prolific best-selling author. It’s not true that a member of the Supreme Executive Committee was the cover model for […]

Free Stuff! Lenty Claus Visits Your Browser!

Let’s face it, Lent is not exactly known as a season of gift-giving. No one complains about the over-commercialization of Lent or the Lenten-Industrial Complex. Sure, we hawk a few Lent Madness mugs around here, but that’s just to get everyone in an appropriately penitential mood. Nonetheless, the Supreme Executive Committee is offering you a free, […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Neva Rae Fox

Welcome to Celebrity Blogger Week! We look forward to introducing you to all of our Celebrity Bloggers and some other key people on the Lent Madness team including our Bracket Czar, Resident Foodie, and the ever-mysterious Maple Anglican. We kick things off with first-timer, Neva Rae Fox. Right at the start, the Supreme Executive Committee feels compelled […]

Monday Madness — February 2, 2015

In this week’s installment of Monday Madness, Scott and Tim discuss the start of Celebrity Blogger Week. They also encourage every website on the entire internet to add a Lent Madness widget, whilst explaining how you can get tattoos directly from your computer screen. Last, but not least, there’s a shout out to everyone’s favorite […]

Celebrity Blogger Week!

We’re pleased to announce that Celebrity Blogger Week (or however long it takes) kicks off…tomorrow! We’ll introduce you to our fabulous group of 2015 Celebrity Bloggers — some familiar faces and some newbies. These are the hardest working celebrities in the Lent business and we literally couldn’t pull off the Madness without them. We’ve asked […]

Monday Madness — January 27, 2015

With this post, we move officially from the off season to the high season of Lent Madness. From now on through Easter Monday, you can expect a weekly-ish video from the Supreme Executive Committee. Speaking of high season, one of our hard-working staff was updating some behind-the-scenes action today and inadvertently hit “publish” on a […]

Purple Friday Bracketbusters!

After consuming ridiculously large quantities of food, what else is one to do but shop? If you are morally opposed to shopping on “Black” Friday, we salute you, and we hope you will note this is different: it is a precursor to Lenten discipline. Anyway, if you are smart, you didn’t get up in the […]