Category Archives: Lent Madness 2014

Palm Sunday at Lent Madness

Here is today’s update from Archbishop John Chrysostom and Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, in which they preview the Faithful Four. There are two important things you should do: Because we are incredibly close to our goal of 10,000 likes on our Facebook page, make sure you immediately contact all your friends and invite them to like […]

Tim Sees Dead People

Fr. Tim Schenck, member of the SEC and proud ferret owner, goes on camera to speak with everyone’s favorite deceased archbishops. Yes, it’s time for today’s update from Archbishop John Chrysostom and Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, featuring an interview with Tim. There’s a shout out for 50 Days of Fabulous, which is a great way to […]

Anna Cooper vs. Charles Wesley

After yesterday’s Harriet Havoc, it appears we have our first true Cinderella in Harriet Bedell since Emma of Hawaii made it to the championship round in 2012. She trounced Harriet Beecher Stowe 74% to 26% in the first blowout of the week after three days of tense back and forth battles. Today we finalize the Faithful […]

Harriet Bedell vs. Harriet Beecher Stowe

We can’t call this the “long-anticipated” Battle of the Harriets since, be honest, did anyone predict Harriet Bedell to make it to the Elate Eight? Nonetheless, we have a match-up rivaling the earlier Battle of the Catherines (of Alexandria vs. of Siena) plus we have a better name: Welcome to Harriet Havoc! Which Harriet will […]

Phillips Brooks vs. Julia Chester Emery

The second match-up of the Elate Eight pits a renowned preacher and bishop against a tireless lay woman. Both were spiritual giants, although at six foot six and nearly 300 pounds, Brooks was also a physical giant. To get to this point, Phillips Brooks defeated Simeon and Catherine of Siena while Julia Chester Emery was victorious […]

Of Winners and Losers

After a very close vote on Thomas Merton vs. Charles Wesley, the Supreme Executive Committee carefully reviewed all the votes. We are sorry to say that we found two instances of voter cheating, both attempting to support Merton. A voter in Springfield, Missouri, voted 21 times for Merton, while a voter in Colorado Springs, Colorado, […]

Basil the Great vs. Lydia

It’s a big day in Lent Madness 2014 as, after a long and winding road, we have made it to the Round of the Elate Eight. The original field of 32 saints has been narrowed to eight. The light at the end of the Golden Halo is slowly emerging and by the end of the […]

Monday Madness — April 7, 2014

After a one-week hiatus from the World’s Most Beloved Priestly Duo Video Sensation, during which time the hashtag #WhereIsMondayMadness nearly swamped Twitter, Scott and Tim are back. This week’s episode features a look at the first and second missionary journeys of Lent Madness 2014, a preview of the Elate Eight (or Saintly Kitsch) round, a […]

Thomas Merton vs. Charles Wesley

In the last battle before the start of the highly anticipated Elate Eight (aka the Saintly Kitsch round), Thomas Merton takes on Charles Wesley. Poet vs. hymn writer. Both were brothers, of course — one a monastic brother (Trappist) and one an actual brother (to John Wesley). It’s the final match-up of the Saintly Sixteen! […]

Chase Away the LMW Blues

Gripped by Lent Madness Withdrawal (LMW) today? Wondering what to do, since you can’t check the voting tallies every two minutes? Trying to figure out how you’ll contain yourself until it’s time to vote on Monday? We’re here to help. First, you might like to take advantage of some excellent resources from Forward Movement. With […]