Category Archives: Lent Madness 2012

Philander Chase vs. Jerome

Today in Lent Madness it’s the long-anticipated Battle of the Curmudgeons: Philander Chase vs. Jerome. To put it into rhyme (and demonstrating a nuanced, if gender exclusive, use of French), “I do declare, this is not a touchy-feely pair, mon frere.” Will the Kenyon College mafia again rise to put Philander over the top? Or will […]

Unsaintly Vibes

Shockingly, not everyone loves Lent Madness as much as we do. As the global media frenzy took hold this week, we’ve noticed a few online comments that have been less than flattering. It would be easy to get indignant, defensive, etc: “But we have God on our side! And saints! And a whole army of […]

Joan of Arc vs. Mary Magdalene

Well, friends, Welcome to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen. We started with 32 holy men and women and we’re down to sixteen as the battle for the coveted Golden Halo marches on. Round One consisted of basic biographical information about the saints. Since there’s no need to rehash previously covered ground, the this round is made […]

Paul of Tarsus vs. Theodore of Tarsus

In the final battle of the First Round, Paul takes on Theodore in the epic Battle of Tarsus (you get extra Lent Madness points if you can find Tarsus on a map). The winner will do battle with Brigid of Kildare in the subsequent round. Yesterday, in a hotly contested scrum between Margaret of Scotland and William […]

A Statement on Virginia by the Supreme Executive Committee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Erroneous Lent Madness Readers Corrected March 13, 2012 In our recent post on Lent Madness, the Supreme Executive Committee asserted that Virginia is named for the Virgin Mary. Some people claimed that this is false, and that Virginia is allegedly named for Elizabeth I of England, the “Virgin Queen.” The SEC knows […]

“March” Madness? We’re Suing

Evidently there’s a college basketball tournament starting this week with the word “Madness” in the title. Who knew? Please don’t worry, though. The Lent Madness Legal Team will be filing a copyright infringement lawsuit against the NCAA right after we finish copyrighting the term “Lent” and patenting the color purple. Just out of curiosity, we […]

Margaret of Scotland vs. William Temple

Today we stick with the British Isles for a battle between Scotland and England in the form of Margaret of Scotland vs. William Temple. So it’s a pious woman of the 11th century (who didn’t become a nun!) squaring off against an early 20th century theologian and Archbishop of Canterbury (who didn’t become a nun, […]

Monday Madness — Worldwide Media Frenzy

This week Tim and Scott review the worldwide media frenzy surrounding Lent Madness and they preview the first battles of the Round of the Saintly 16. To deal with LMW, you are urged to drink coffee from a Lent Madness mug or to read the Calendar of Saints: Lent Madness 2012 Edition on your Kindle […]

Rose of Lima vs. Brigid of Kildare

Congratulations on surviving another weekend without Lent Madness! If it’s easier to make it through these dark days, just think of it as a Lenten devotion within a Lenten devotion. At least this past weekend you were able to get your Lent Madness fix by reading about it in the Washington Post, Toledo Blade, and […]

Yes, Virginia, there is a St. Nicholas

Here at Lent Madness, we take seriously our commitment to answer the bags and bags of viewer mail that we receive each day. Following St. Nicholas’ defeat at the hands of Evelyn Underhill on Friday, one letter in particular caught our eye and we thought we’d share it with you. Dear Lent Madness Supreme Executive […]