Category Archives: First Round

Anna the Prophet vs. Michael the Archangel

A day after voting between two saints with elegant names, we’re back to more mundane monikers. Anna and Michael. There is nothing mundane about these two contestants, however, as prophet faces archangel in a matchup you will only find here at Lent Madness. Is it fair to put an angel in the bracket against a […]

Eglantyne Jebb vs. Seraphim of Sarov

What’s in a name? Eglantyne Jebb and Seraphim of Sarov might just have some theories on this question. The twelfth battle of the first round pits a 20th century English laywoman against an 18th century Russian monk. In yesterday’s action, Dymphna played cat and mouse with Gertrude of Nivelles before prevailing 58% to 42%. She’ll […]

Dymphna vs. Gertrude of Nivelles

Madness and cats. These are among the factors you will be deciding upon as you cast today’s vote between Dymphna, the patron saint of madness, and Gertrude of Nivelles, the patron saint of cats. But of course the lives of saintly souls are more than the various aspects of life we’ve appended to them over […]

Wulfstan vs. Katharina von Bora

Today in Lent Madness it’s Wulfstan vs. Katharina von Bora. Anglican bishop of the Middle Ages facing off against an important figure of the Protestant Reformation. Yesterday, Lazarus was sent back to the grave in a drubbing at the hand of Esther 77% to 23%. Unlike Lazarus, Esther will live to fight another day as […]

Esther vs. Lazarus of Bethany

Who’s tan, rested, and ready for another full week of saintly action? That was rhetorical. Of course you’re tan. Today we have an intriguing Biblical matchup between Esther and Lazarus. Courageous queen vs. friend of Jesus. Who will advance? That’s up to you. After a depressing weekend without any voting, you may have forgotten what […]

John Wesley vs. Edith Cavell

In the last battle of a full week, John Wesley takes on Edith Cavell. Will the Methodists among us rally the troops for the de facto founder of their denomination? Or will the compelling story of an English martyr carry the day? In Thursday’s action, upstart Maria Skobtsova soundly defeated Thomas à Kempis 74% to […]

Thomas à Kempis vs. Maria Skobtsova

Today in Lent Madness it’s Thomas à Kempis versus Maria Skobstova, a matchup with plenty of subplots. German vs. Russian. Monk vs. Nun. Middle Ages vs. 20th century. Plenty of inspiration to be plucked from their respective writings and lives. In yesterday’s action Richard Hooker took it to Mary of Egypt 73% to 27%, setting up an intriguing […]

Mary of Egypt vs. Richard Hooker

With John the Evangelist squeezing past Phoebe 52% to 48%, in a tighter race than predicted by most penitential pundits, the first battle of the Saintly Sixteen is set. John will face Peter in a matchup of Biblical titans. Today, Mary of Egypt faces Richard Hooker as the 3rd century touches up against the 16th. Impossible […]

Phoebe vs. John the Evangelist

Today in Lent Madness, two Biblical-era saints face off as Phoebe goes up against John the Evangelist. Will a woman who played an integral role in the early church prevail or will the author of the fourth Gospel advance? In yesterday’s action, Anna Alexander defeated Peter Claver 59% to 41% to advance to the Saintly […]

Anna Alexander vs. Peter Claver

We’re back for the first full week of saintly thrills and spills! Today we get our first matchup in the Mostly Modern quadrant as Anna Alexander faces Peter Claver. Of course it’s all relative — Anna lived in the 19th century and Peter straddled the 16th and 17th centuries. But what’s a few hundred years […]