Category Archives: First Round

Ignatius of Antioch vs. Ignatius of Loyola

After yesterday’s heart-pounding, back and forth battle between upstart Lucy and favorite John the Baptist, you might have welcomed a weekend off to regroup. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your perspective), today is the one and only Saturday match-up in Lent Madness. If your name is Ignatius or if you’ve ever fantasized about naming your […]

Lucy vs. John the Baptist

“Ash Week” continues with an intriguing match up between two martyrs, Lucy and John the Baptist. It’s a tough choice but please don’t lose your head over the decision. The winner will get ahead and make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen. The loser will be metaphorically re-martyred. See, Lent Madness is easy: […]

Jonathan Daniels vs. Macrina the Younger

Did you ever think you’d utter the phrase “Thank God It’s Lent?” Well, thanks to today’s kick-off of Lent Madness 2013, you’ll probably be hearing people saying “T.G.I.L.” all day. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised to see a restaurant chain spring up called T.G.I. Lent’s. In any case, we’re delighted to welcome you to […]

Paul of Tarsus vs. Theodore of Tarsus

In the final battle of the First Round, Paul takes on Theodore in the epic Battle of Tarsus (you get extra Lent Madness points if you can find Tarsus on a map). The winner will do battle with Brigid of Kildare in the subsequent round. Yesterday, in a hotly contested scrum between Margaret of Scotland and William […]

Margaret of Scotland vs. William Temple

Today we stick with the British Isles for a battle between Scotland and England in the form of Margaret of Scotland vs. William Temple. So it’s a pious woman of the 11th century (who didn’t become a nun!) squaring off against an early 20th century theologian and Archbishop of Canterbury (who didn’t become a nun, […]

Rose of Lima vs. Brigid of Kildare

Congratulations on surviving another weekend without Lent Madness! If it’s easier to make it through these dark days, just think of it as a Lenten devotion within a Lenten devotion. At least this past weekend you were able to get your Lent Madness fix by reading about it in the Washington Post, Toledo Blade, and […]

Evelyn Underhill vs. Nicholas of Myra

In the last battle of the week, influential 2oth-century writer Evelyn Underhill squares off against Nicholas of Myra. You wanted to know how “Santa Claus” would fare in Lent Madness? Well, here’s your chance to vote for or against St. Nick. Regarding, yesterdays smackdown between Catherine of Siena and Emma of Hawaii, all we can […]

Catherine of Siena vs. Emma of Hawaii

Today’s match-up is fraught with intrigue as two popular women from fabulous vacation spots duke it out for the right to advance to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen. If you were smart, you conducted some intense personal research by traveling to both Siena, Italy, and Honolulu, Hawaii, before the start of Lent Madness. If […]

John Cassian vs. James Lloyd Breck

After a week full of major saints and prominent names, we’re dialing it back and injecting a small dose of obscurity with this match-up. That’s not to say that John Cassian and James Lloyd Breck are lightweights, they just don’t have the name recognition of some of the contenders vying for the Golden Halo. Will […]

James the Apostle vs. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Today we get another one of these intriguing match-ups between a Biblical figure and a 20th-century theologian and martyr. The last time one of Jesus’ inner circle appeared in Lent Madness, Thomas went down to defeat at the hands of Enmegahbowh. Will James, this “Son of Thunder,” survive or will he be struck down by […]