Category Archives: First Round

Meister Eckhart vs. Drogo

Another day, another mystic, as the great thinker Meister (please don’t call me ‘Mister’) Eckhart faces off against Drogo, 12th century saintly soul and patron saint of coffee. WARNING: Don’t even try to make your choice without first drinking a hot, steaming cup of coffee — as long as this action will in no way […]

Julian of Norwich vs. William Wilberforce

Happy Monday! We trust everyone survived a day without Lent Madness and is ready to get back into the voting fray. We kick off the week with what will sure to be a hotly contested battle between Julian of Norwich and William Wilberforce. 14th century Mystic vs. 18th century Reformer. Who will move on to the […]

Cyril vs. Methodius

Today, in the only Saturday match-up of Lent Madness, it’s the Slavic Smackdown® as Cyril takes on Methodius. While much of the world is preparing for Valentine’s Day (named for a confusing muddle of murky, martyred saints in ancient Rome), the church actually celebrates Cyril and Methodius on February 14, not Saint(s) Valentinus. So go […]

Matthias vs. Absalom Jones

Welcome to Day Two of Lent Madness 2016. If this is your first year playing along, congratulations! You are no longer a first-time voter. You have successfully navigated the rigors of clicking an online button. Of course, the voting is just a part of what happens during Lent Madness. The reading, the learning, the inspiration, […]

Helena vs. Monnica

The moment we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived: Lent Madness 2016 kicks off RIGHT NOW! For those who thought “Ash Thursday” would, like a desert oasis, never arrive, your penitential dreams have come true. In any case, we’re delighted to welcome you to this year’s Saintly Smackdown with a First Round battle between […]

Barbara vs. Thomas Ken

It’s here, it’s here! No, not the final battle of the First Round — though that’s an important milestone in Lent Madness 2015. But  the matchup everyone’s been talking about (or at least Tim and Scott) since the inception of the bracket: Barbie vs. Ken! The 3rd century saint vs. the 17th century English bishop and […]

Bernard Mizeki vs. Margaret of Antioch

In the penultimate battle of the first round, we have a South African missionary and martyr taking on an early 4th century martyr from Antioch. Courage (and at least one dragon) abounds in this battle between Bernard Mizeki and Margaret of Antioch with the winner to face Jackson Kemper in the Saintly Sixteen. Yesterday in […]

Dionysius the Great vs. Irene the Great

Remember that passage in the synoptic gospels (Luke 2:24, Matthew 18:1, Mark 9:34) where the disciples start arguing about which one of them is the greatest? Jesus basically tells them to get a life (by losing it). Here at Lent Madness, however, Dionysius and Irene are battling to resolve the question once and for all. […]

Balthazar vs. Cecilia

In the final battle of a week filled with saintly thrills and spills, Balthazar squares off against Cecilia. And you, yes YOU, get to decide whether to vote against Christmas pageants or against church choirs. So good luck with that. Actually, both saints have inspired many people over the generations — from those who love frankincense, to […]

Egeria vs. Hildegard

Today it’s Egeria vs. Hildegard of Bingen. The world’s original “Mystery Worshipper” vs. a 12th century renaissance woman. Both have had a major impact upon the Christianity we have inherited, yet only one will advance to the Saintly Sixteen. We’re expecting a flurry of comments on this. Let the agonizing over votes begin! But first, […]