Category Archives: Color Commentary

Signs of the Season

In parish halls and church entryways across the land, signs of the (Lent Madness) season are all around us. We thought we’d highlight a few displays from around the country that were shared with us via the Lent Madness Facebook page. Wait, what’s that? You don’t follow Lent Madness on Facebook? We’re shocked! And it […]

Behind the Purple Curtain

On rare occasions, we offer the Lent Madness public a brief glimpse into the men behind the madness. Tim Schenck and Scott Gunn, the self-appointed Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness, prefer to remain shrouded in purple mystery. This week, however, both of them engaged in non-SEC related conversations and we thought we’d share them. […]

Lent is an Invitation

Dear friends in Christ, On this one day a year, even Lent Madness pauses to reflect on our life, our blessings, and our mortality. The entire season of Lent is an invitation to recommit to following Jesus. This day, Ash Wednesday, is a poignant reminder that life is short. We are meant to savor our […]

Lent is Saved!

The Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness is pleased to announce that Lent 2018 will go on as previously scheduled. For the first time since Jesus himself entered the wilderness, this was not a foregone conclusion. If Lent Madness did not receive the required 20,000 likes on its Facebook page, a Lent shutdown would have […]

We Love Lent!

Everybody knows we love Lent here at Lent Madness headquarters. What’s not to love about a season specifically set aside to grow your faith and get closer to Jesus? This year, however, the Lenten love feels a bit more…passionate. We’re not sure exactly why, but it may have to do with Ash Wednesday falling on […]

Free Lent Madness News Release

Is your parish doing Lent Madness this year? Would you like to share this news with the wider community and gain some publicity for your church? We can help. What you’ll find below is a news release you are welcome to modify for use in your own context. Want to throw in a quote from […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Anna Fitch Courie

Welcome to Celebrity Blogger Week! Over the next week (or so), we’ll be highlighting the amazing people who will make the magic of Lent Madness 2018 happen. Our slate of 32 saints doesn’t just come to life on its own (excluding the whole Resurrection thing). No, it takes our gifted Celebrity Bloggers to tell their […]

“Monday” Madness — January 16, 2018

Tim and Scott may not be able to turn water into wine, but one of the great advantages of being Supreme is the ability to change Tuesday into Monday. Because yesterday was a holiday (celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr., prophet and sometime Lent Madness competitor), Tim and Scott are releasing Monday Madness on Tuesday. Yes, […]

BREAKING NEWS: 2018 Bracket Leaked!

In a disconcerting turn of events, the Supreme Executive Committee has confirmed that a portion of the 2018 Lent Madness bracket has been illegally leaked online. The hack into the Lent Madness system comes just ahead of All Brackets’ Day on November 3rd, when the entire bracket of 32 saints will be officially released to […]

Lent Madness Play-In Round at EYE!

For most people, “Oklahoma” evokes images of cowboys, surreys with fringes on top, and perhaps Sooners. The Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness, however, are not most people. Mix in 1,000 teenagers and 100 degree weather and the SEC sees nothing but Lent! That’s right, Tim and Scott are in Oklahoma City for the Episcopal […]