Author Archives: Tim Schenck

Charles Henry Brent vs. Julia Chester Emery

Today’s match-up features two amazing people with six names between them (insert Trinitarian reference here). Charles Henry Brent, bishop and missionary vs. Julia Chester Emery, lay woman and organizer of what we now know as the ECW (Episcopal Church Women). We hope you enjoy getting to know them and then, well, sending one of them […]

Basil the Great vs. Christina the Astonishing

New this year, we are pleased to offer a brief Opening Ceremony video for Lent Madness. It might not involve a cast of thousands like the Olympics, but it does feature two dead archbishops introducing a true Episcopal celebrity wearing a purple cassock. See, we win! Isn’t it just “astonishing” how many people have been […]

New to Lent Madness?

Are you new to Lent Madness this year? If so, we welcome you with arms open wide in sackcloth and ashes. We’re delighted you’re along for the ride, hope you learn a lot about some pretty amazing folks, and have some fun along the way. A couple of points to remember. First, Lent Madness is […]


Following an exciting Celebrity Blogger Week (okay, we use the word “week” loosely — it was 10 days), today is SEC Day. Think Presidents Day but without the car sales. As everyone knows the self-appointed (anointed?) Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness comprises Scott Gunn and Tim Schenck. What exactly are the SEC’s responsibilities? In […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Robert Hendrickson

Congratulations! After today you have officially survived Celebrity Blogger Week. See? That wasn’t so hard. But first, our last but not least (or last shall be first depending on your perspective) CB. Read on. New to the world of Celebrity Bloggerdom, Robert Hendrickson promises to bring us to the mountaintop this Lent. Well, that’s not […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Adam Thomas

All Lent Madness fans should be grateful for one of the true unsung heroes of Lent Madness, Bracket Czar Adam Thomas. Adam created the now iconic fancy bracket we use for our little saintly competition. A former Celebrity Blogger, Adam now enjoys a title that clearly impressed the search committee at St. Mark’s Church in […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Laurie Brock

Entering her second year as a Celebrity Blogger, Laurie Brock is also the owner of Nina, the Official Horse of Lent Madness. Of course everybody in Kentucky owns a horse so we realize this is only a big deal to those outside the Bluegrass State. When she’s not riding, writing, snarking up the joint on […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: Penny Nash

Ever since 2011, the first year we invited four Celebrity Bloggers to participate in the Faithful Four (because Tim was exhausted from writing all the bios himself), Penny Nash has been part of the Lent Madness team. In other words, this will be the fourth straight Lent that she’s offered us a Penny for her […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: David Sibley

Everyone needs a Brooklyn hipster in his or her life. We’re not entirely sure former chemists qualify as hipsters but David Sibley is most definitely living in Brooklyn amongst the artisinal-everything loving hipsters. Sure, he’s actually from South Carolina but what’s a little geographical fudgery among friends? This is David’s second year as our youngest […]

Celebrity Blogger Week: David Creech

We’re glad David Creech took us up on our offer to serve as a Celebrity Blogger this year for two main reasons. First, he’s a Lutheran and this proves that we’re ecumenical. Second, when we inevitably hear someone yelling “Is there a doctor in the Lent Madness house?” we have David around to save the […]