Author Archives: Tim Schenck

Monnica vs. Augustine of Hippo

After a long, painfully slow weekend without Lent Madness (local support groups are cropping up everywhere), we welcome you back to another week of saintly action. Today marks the long-anticipated epic oedipal battle between mother and son — which may just be the definition of Lent Madness! As one of our Celebrity Bloggers has pointed […]

Sing a New Song?

Here at Lent Madness we’ve been putting out the call for a theme song. Why? Because every hot product / business / organization / character/TV show has one — like McDonalds (“I’m lovin’ it”) or Cheers (“Where everybody knows your name”) or Brylcream (“A little dab’ll do ya”). We thought about following the trend of […]

William Law vs. Columba

After two gut-wrenchingly close battles involving saints named Thomas, the week’s final match-up features an evangelical 18th century Anglican and a man closely linked to Ireland and Scotland. Thomas the Apostle and Enmegahbowh faced off in an epic see-saw battle that wasn’t decided until the wee hours (or early hours depending on your global location). In […]

Thomas vs. Enmegahbowh

For the second straight day we get a man named Thomas opposed by a saint with a fantastic name. In 24 hours we’ve gone from Merton to the Apostle; from Philander to Enmegahbowh. But, of course, in Lent Madness saints don’t emerge victorious by fanciful names alone. Otherwise Engelbert Humperdinck would be canonized and win the Golden Halo. […]

Thomas Merton vs. Philander Chase

In today’s match-up we get a 20th century monk/best-selling author with a lot of letters after his name versus a 19th century missionary bishop with what just might be the best name in Lent Madness (Enmegahbowh may beg to differ). Will the Kenyon College students and alums rally to put Philander Chase over the top? Or will the many […]

John Huss vs. Mary Magdalene

Today we have an early Reformer of the Church versus one of Jesus’ first disciples. It is precisely such odd juxtapositions that make Lent Madness so much fun. Will John Huss be re-martyred in the next 24 hours? Or will Mary Magdalene have her name further besmirched? Only time, and your one vote, will tell. […]

Protecting the Halo!

What’s an election without a bit of controversy? The Supreme Executive Committee of the Province of Lent Madness (aka Tim and Scott) has discovered that a few among us have been abusing the system by casting more than a handful of votes. Okay, it was Scott. He of the “I-used-to-work-for-IBM-before-I-became-a-priest” pedigree. Plus, he’s naturally distrustful […]

Ephrem of Edessa vs. Thomas Cranmer

Lent Madness continues this morning with an intriguing (aren’t they all?) match-up between Ephrem of Edessa and Thomas Cranmer. Will the “Harp of the Holy Spirit” be played by the author of the first Book of Common Prayer? Only you and the next 24 hours will decide. In recent action, David Oakerhater bested Martin of […]

Stick(er) it to Me

Some people (Penny Nash among them) have asked me whether they get a sticker for voting in Lent Madness. Evidently this is customary at some polling places around the country. Unfortunately here at Lent Madness we don’t have fancy stickers, just mugs and books. However if you really want a sticker with a cross on […]

David Oakerhater vs. Martin of Porres

Today’s match-up features two men who broke down barriers of race and bigotry in their own days — good luck choosing sides. It is also the only battle that will take place on a Saturday — we’ll be sticking strictly to Mondays through Fridays from here on out. After five days of nail-biting drama, it’s […]