Author Archives: Tim Schenck

Chad of Lichfield vs. Florence Li-Tim Oi

After a bruising match-up between two heavyweights, I think everyone’s ready to get back to a bit of Lent Madness “normalcy.” Yesterday’s match-up had emotions running high as Martin Luther King, Jr. took on Martin Luther. This was like Kentucky squaring off against Duke in the first round or Borg taking on McEnroe in a […]

Martin Luther vs. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Welcome back to Lent Madness! We trust everyone survived early onset Lent Madness Withdrawal (LMW) over the weekend and is ready for another full week of  voting. Thanks to Lent Madness more people than ever before now look forward to both Lent and Mondays. A Monday in Lent? Pure Nirvana. In one of the most […]

John Donne vs. Agnes of Rome

We finish up the first full week of Lent Madness with a match-up between a 17th-century priest and poet and a young, early 4th-century martyr. John Donne made it into the official bracket by defeating T.S. Eliot in the final play-in round known as the Great Poetry Slam. By winning that battle, Donne proclaimed to the […]

Samuel Seabury vs. Hilda of Whitby

In what seems to be shaping up as the Year of the Martyr, today’s pairing involves not a whit of martyrdom. The first bishop of the Episcopal Church faces a 7th- century monastic leader and both died of natural causes! Yesterday, in a most lopsided match-up, Oscar Romero made quick work of Elizabeth Ann Seton […]

Bracket Confidential

Many people have asked us recently how the official Lent Madness bracket is formulated. In other words, how are the saints chosen and who decides the match-ups? Ask Tim and he’ll tell you it’s one part Holy Spirit, one part Ouija Board, and one part his twisted brain. But actually the process is quite scientific […]

Oscar Romero vs. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Today’s matchup features two Roman Catholics, the martyred archbishop of El Salvador and an American nun known for her charity and educational work. See, we’re doing our part for Christian unity here at Lent Madness. However, lest you think this was a diabolical attempt to pit them against one another, don’t forget Dorothy Day is […]

Mug Controversy Resolved!

You’ll be relieved to know that Tim  has finally received his 2013 Lent Madness mug from the world-renowned Forward Movement Mug & Tchotchke Warehouse in Cincinnati, Ohio. Sure, it was a full five days after his own curate received hers but the tenuous Lenten Détente between the two members of the Supreme Executive Committee has been solidified. For […]

Thomas Tallis vs. Janani Luwuum

The (Lent) Madness continues with another surreal pairing — this time between an influential 16th-century church musician and a 20th-century Ugandan archbishop and martyr. This match-up even has the holy odds-makers in Vegas shaking their collective heads. Yesterday, Luke outpaced Absalom Jones by a wide margin, 61% to 39% with over 4,500 votes cast, though […]

Absalom Jones vs. Luke

With the short “Ash Week” behind us, we’re plowing ahead into the first full week of Lent Madness 2013. We’ve already seen some nail biters, some controversy, and some bracket-busting upsets. Today we have the first African-American Episcopal priest facing off against the writer of one of the synoptic gospels. Some have commented over the […]

Ignatius of Antioch vs. Ignatius of Loyola

After yesterday’s heart-pounding, back and forth battle between upstart Lucy and favorite John the Baptist, you might have welcomed a weekend off to regroup. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your perspective), today is the one and only Saturday match-up in Lent Madness. If your name is Ignatius or if you’ve ever fantasized about naming your […]