Author Archives: Tim Schenck

Anna vs. Eglantyne (with vote button!)

Yeah, yeah. So we’re not perfect. The first email featuring Anna Alexander vs. Eglantyne Jebb didn’t have a vote button. It’s been updated but here’s a link to the fixed post. Now stop complaining and go vote! Anna Alexander vs. Eglantyne Jebb

Lent Madness takes on March Madness

Here at Lent Madness we were shocked to learn that there is some other bracket competition that takes place this time of year. Apparently it involves an orange orb referred to as a “basketball.” Not ready to leave brackets to the whims of others, we have done a saintly analysis of this other March endeavor. […]

Lent Madness meets March Madness

Apparently there’s some other bracket-style tournament that takes place this month. Who knew? And while the Lent Madness Legal Team considers its options, we thought we’d do a quick bracket analysis of the teams in this year’s NCAA basketball tournament. Where are the saints? Have they ever appeared in Lent Madness? Do people get upset […]

Free Lent Madness Article!

In the spirit of FREE, as first announced in yesterday’s Monday Madness episode, the Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness is offering you a gift of great value. Do you have a looming church newsletter deadline? Is your local paper desperate for material? Here is an article you can use for…wait for it…free! Just think […]

Accepting Nominations!

Nominations for next year’s field of 32 saints are now being accepted by the Supreme Executive Committee. Yes, for the next week we invite you to revel in the joyful, anticipatory Season of Nominationtide. But before we get to the main attraction, we encourage you to visit the Lentorium. You can prove your love for […]

The “Other” March Madness

Here at Lent Madness HQ, we take brackets seriously. Thus when someone alerted us to the fact that there is some other bracket-style tournament that takes place in March, we thought we’d better take a look. What follows is the Official Lent Madness Bracket Analysis For Tournaments Taking Place During March That Do Not Involve […]

We’re baaaaaaaaaack…

Dear Lent Madness Faithful, Early this morning, at about 8:20 am EST, the Lent Madness website went down. You probably heard the collective weeping and gnashing of teeth that rang out all over the globe. Or you may have noticed the uptick in purple votive candle sales that impacted the international markets. After a lot […]

A Peek Behind the Purple Curtain

The Church of St. Luke in the Fields is an historic parish not in rural Iowa as the name would imply, but in the heart of Greenwich Village. That would be in Manhattan, New York City, not Manhattan, Kansas, just to be clear. This year they’re engaging in Lent Madness full bore on their parish […]

The Lent Madness Peaceable Kingdom

With the appearance of seals and otters in the early rounds of Lent Madness 2015, some of you have wondered about the Supreme Executive Committee’s overall stance on and treatment of animals. While we thank you for your concern, we are here and now announcing unequivocally that no animals have been harmed in the formation of […]

Happy Lent Madness Eve!

As Ash Wednesday morphs into Lent Madness Eve, the stage is set for the start of the 2015 edition of “The World’s Most Popular Online Lenten Devotion”®. Tomorrow’s opening match-up between Gregory the Illuminator and Brendan the Navigator will go live at precisely 8:00 am Eastern Standard Time. Read about both saints and then vote […]