Author Archives: Supreme Executive Committee

Monday Madness — Eastertide Edition

Happy Easter Lent from the Supreme Executive Committee! Tim and Scott are back with one last episode of the 2020 Lent Madness season to celebrate the victory of Harriet Tubman, winner of the 2020 Golden Halo. They also tell you how you can toast this great season of Lent Madness by raising a mug of […]

Harriet Tubman wins 2020 Golden Halo!

The Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness congratulates Harriet Tubman for winning the 2020 Golden Halo. Harriet became the 11th saint to wear the highly coveted crown by defeating the always-inspiring and statuesque runner up, St. Joseph. She joins previous Golden Halo winners George Herbert (2010), C.S. Lewis (2011), Mary Magdalene (2012), Frances Perkins (2013), […]

What is Spy Wednesday?

The entire world quivers in anticipation of the announcement of the winner of the epic Golden Halo battle between Harriet Tubman and Joseph. In regular Monday Madness episodes, Tim and Scott have often said this final round takes place on “Spy Wednesday.” Several of you have asked us about this unusual name for the Wednesday […]

For the Golden Halo: Harriet Tubman vs. Joseph

It’s hard to believe our Lent Madness journey is nearing its inevitable end. We kicked things off over five weeks ago on “Ash Thursday” with 32 saintly souls (which somehow seems a lot longer than that this year). With your help, the field has now been whittled down to just two: Harriet Tubman and Joseph. Who […]

Elizabeth Fry vs. Joseph

Who will face Harriet Tubman for the coveted 2020 Golden Halo? That’s the question we’ll answer today as Elizabeth Fry faces Joseph, following Harriet’s victory over Hildegard of Bingen 58% to 42%. To make it to the Faithful Four, Elizabeth Fry defeated Florian, Clare of Assisi, and Margaret of Castello, while Joseph took down Joshua, […]

Monday Madness — Faithful Four Edition

As we enter into the high excitement of the Faithful Four, Tim and Scott are back with the last in-season episode of Monday Madness. That’s a lot of pressure, but they rise to the occasion with another “action-packed” show. This time, they wax nostalgic about Lent Madness 2020, as well as looking ahead to the […]

Harriet Tubman vs. Hildegard of Bingen

Welcome to the Faithful Four! From an initial field of 32 saints, we are down to a holy four: Harriet Tubman, Hildegard of Bingen, Elizabeth Fry, and Joseph. In just a few short days, one of these saintly souls will be awarded the coveted Golden Halo. To get to this point, Harriet took down Julie […]

Margaret of Castello vs. Elizabeth Fry

Congratulations! We’ve collectively (almost) made it through another whole week in unusual times. Lent Madness-wise, we’ve nearly completed the Elate Eight. One more matchup to go to round out next week’s Faithful Four as we continue our march to the 2020 Golden Halo. Today, Margaret of Castello meets Elizabeth Fry as they vie for the […]

Hildegard of Bingen vs. Brother Lawrence

Hey, guess what? We’re halfway through the Elate Eight! Yesterday, Joseph swept past Joanna the Myrrhbearer 69% to 31% to join Harriet Tubman as the first two saints to make it to the Faithful Four. Today Hildegard of Bingen squares off against Brother Lawrence for a shot at Harriet. To get to this round, Hildegard […]

Joanna the Myrrhbearer vs. Joseph

Congratulations! You survived the first go-round of saintly kitsch. Which is more than we can say for Herman of Alaska who lost to Harriet Tubman 61% to 39% to claim the first spot in the Faithful Four. Next up is Joanna the Myrrhbearer vs. Joseph as they vie to represent the Biblical quadrant in the […]