Author Archives: Scott Gunn

Of Winners and Losers

After a very close vote on Thomas Merton vs. Charles Wesley, the Supreme Executive Committee carefully reviewed all the votes. We are sorry to say that we found two instances of voter cheating, both attempting to support Merton. A voter in Springfield, Missouri, voted 21 times for Merton, while a voter in Colorado Springs, Colorado, […]

Monday Madness — April 7, 2014

After a one-week hiatus from the World’s Most Beloved Priestly Duo Video Sensation, during which time the hashtag #WhereIsMondayMadness nearly swamped Twitter, Scott and Tim are back. This week’s episode features a look at the first and second missionary journeys of Lent Madness 2014, a preview of the Elate Eight (or Saintly Kitsch) round, a […]

Chase Away the LMW Blues

Gripped by Lent Madness Withdrawal (LMW) today? Wondering what to do, since you can’t check the voting tallies every two minutes? Trying to figure out how you’ll contain yourself until it’s time to vote on Monday? We’re here to help. First, you might like to take advantage of some excellent resources from Forward Movement. With […]

Update from the Archbishops and Something for the Kids

Before we bring you this week’s update from everyone’s favorite deceased archbishops, we’d like to alert you to some excellent resources for children (or children at heart). Yes, one could view this as a shameless advertisment from Forward Movement, the sponsors of Lent Madness. Or one could choose to view this as a helpful advertisement […]

Monday Madness — March 24, 2014

The highlight of your week is already here. It’s time for another action-packed episode of Monday Madness, brought to you by the Supreme Executive Committee. This week features conversation about the Round of the 32’s epic conclusion with the Fratricide Finish between John Wesley and Charles Wesley. Tim and Scott also take some time to […]

Stave Off LMW With Sunday Entertainments

Saturday morning, the world — or at least the American East Coast — awoke to the news that Nicholas Ridley had been re-martyred by John of the Cross (79% – 21%). We’d say he “went up in flames” but that might be cringe-worthy as Ridley was, in fact, burned at the stake. Now begins the […]

BREAKING NEWS: The SEC Denies Involvement In Scandal

The Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness categorically denies any involvement with bribery for places in the bracket of saints. Despite all accusations to the contrary, Louis of France earned his way into the 2014 bracket, and the SEC did not accept payment for favorable placement. This so-called “Payment for Placement” scheme has rocked the foundation […]

Monday Madness — March 17, 2014

The Supreme Executive Committee brings you another episode of Monday Madness, with one intrepid member of the SEC reporting from NYC on St. Patrick’s Day. Apparently, New York doesn’t realize that Patrick was walloped by Constance in the first round of Lent Madness 2011. Tim and Scott talk about the patron saint of Ireland but […]

What Does the Fox Say? Lent Madness is Awesome

We can now add “as seen on TV” to the list of accolades for Lent Madness, thanks to a brief report on Fox News. Various versions of the news clip have been aired on dozens of stations across the nation to the consternation of viewers everywhere. The clip quotes SEC member Tim Schenck and Lent […]

Surviving L.M.W.

Yesterday saw J. S. Bach easily blasting Alfred the Great with both organ music and votes (65% to 35%). In a statement for the media, Johann said in a thick German accent, “I’ll be Bach…to face Anna Cooper in the next round.” Since we had the only Saturday contest of Lent Madness 2014 last weekend, […]