Author Archives: Scott Gunn

Lent Beyond the Madness

This morning at 8 a.m., we learned that Molly Brant had defeated Swithun to earn a spot in the Saintly Sixteen. This will be the only Sunday morning voting result of Lent Madness 2015. For many Lent Madness fans, today will be hard, because this is the first day in Lent without any voting. People […]

Top Ten Lent Madness Pro Tips

Lent Madness 2015 is off to a great start. On opening day, Ash Thursday, we broke our previous record for page views and votes. Competition has been fierce, while the comments have been (mostly) gentle. That’s just how we like it. Because the SEC cares about you, the Lent Madness Global Viewing Public, we wanted […]

Lent is an Invitation

Dear friends in Christ, On this one day a year, even Lent Madness pauses to reflect on our life, our blessings, and our mortality. The entire season of Lent is an invitation to recommit to following Jesus. This day, Ash Wednesday, is a poignant reminder that life is short. We are meant to savor our […]

Monday Madness — February 16, 2015

The moment you’ve been waiting for is almost here. Yes, the Purple Fever is building toward Ash Thursday, coming up later this week. In this week’s episode of Monday Madness, Tim and Scott talk about how to prepare for Ash Thursday, and they explain the bare shelves in the Lentorium, much like the bare shelves […]

A How-To Guide for Lent Madness Voters

Around this time of year, the Supreme Executive Inbox starts to fill with some version of “How do I play Lent Madness?” There are two options for answering this question. First, if you live in a pleasant place, such as Hawaii, the south of France, or a Caribbean resort, you can fly one or more […]

Monday Madness — February 9, 2015

This week, Tim and Scott talk about essential preparations for Lent Madness as we continue to bask in the glow of Celebrity Blogger week. To get ready for Lent Madness, everyone should research the saints, perhaps using their own copy of the Saintly Scorecard (book or ebook). Everyone should also complete their bracket, available for […]

Monday Madness — February 2, 2015

In this week’s installment of Monday Madness, Scott and Tim discuss the start of Celebrity Blogger Week. They also encourage every website on the entire internet to add a Lent Madness widget, whilst explaining how you can get tattoos directly from your computer screen. Last, but not least, there’s a shout out to everyone’s favorite […]

Monday Madness — January 27, 2015

With this post, we move officially from the off season to the high season of Lent Madness. From now on through Easter Monday, you can expect a weekly-ish video from the Supreme Executive Committee. Speaking of high season, one of our hard-working staff was updating some behind-the-scenes action today and inadvertently hit “publish” on a […]

Purple Friday Bracketbusters!

After consuming ridiculously large quantities of food, what else is one to do but shop? If you are morally opposed to shopping on “Black” Friday, we salute you, and we hope you will note this is different: it is a precursor to Lenten discipline. Anyway, if you are smart, you didn’t get up in the […]

Monthly Madness: Live from Lake Logan

In this month’s installment of Monthly Madness, Scott and Tim report live from Lake Logan, NC, where they are attending CREDO. As you know, CREDO is the Church Pension Group’s way of saying “I believe” in the magic of Lent Madness. Watch now for valuable insights into a couple of the first-round match-ups in the […]