Monday Madness — January 24, 2022

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for! Tim and Scott are back with an action-packed episode to kick off the 2022 Lent Madness season. Besides the usual delightful, yet appropriately penitential repartee, the members of the Supreme Executive Committee cover such important topics as online devotional safety and appropriate gifts for Valentine’s Day. All that and more! Much, much more…

Although playing Lent Madness is, like grace, absolutely free, you can still add to the experience. If you want your own Absalom Jones Golden Halo 2021 commemorative mug, order it today. Stock, unlike grace, is limited. Update! The mugs are now sold out. Stay tuned to order your 2022 Golden Halo mug.

And you can get Saintly Scorecards (individual or bulk price) or bracket posters too. Unlike some items that have skyrocketed in price during the pandemic, the Lentorium still offers incredible bargains with no supply chain issues.

With just 37 days until the Lent Madness 2022 kickoff, it’s time to start preparing by studying up on the saints and telling all your friends & neighbors about the world’s largest (and best) online Lenten devotion.

Yes, we’re back for another year of saintly thrills and spills. We hope you’ll join us for another exciting Lenten adventure. Oh, and if you’d like to preview which saints made this year’s bracket, click here.

This is here for social media sharing.

47 Comments to "Monday Madness — January 24, 2022"

  1. Judith Genaway's Gravatar Judith Genaway
    January 24, 2022 - 2:55 pm | Permalink


  2. Jamie Glock's Gravatar Jamie Glock
    January 24, 2022 - 3:08 pm | Permalink

    We were just saying on Wed. that some of us decided we were skipping Lent this year. We feel as if we have been in Lent for 2 years … and now we need to think about giving up things again. But after some discussion we agreed that we can’t just skip it. We need to find a way to observe Lent, take lessons from it, and again find joy in thoughts of the Easter season at the end. And then YOU appear !! A wonderful reminder of one of the best parts of Lent these last years. A chance to learn and share each day. Thank you .. we really need that.

  3. January 24, 2022 - 3:24 pm | Permalink

    Well done—keep up the madness!

  4. Judi Shank's Gravatar Judi Shank
    January 24, 2022 - 3:30 pm | Permalink

    Be still my heart -Lenten Madness is about to begin. I wonder if I will do better than 500 this year.

  5. AnnaGaity Jolley, SSAP's Gravatar AnnaGaity Jolley, SSAP
    January 24, 2022 - 3:31 pm | Permalink

    An archangel? Really?

    • Rose Mahan's Gravatar Rose Mahan
      January 25, 2022 - 12:51 pm | Permalink

      I questioned this, as well. But I believe that 3 archangels are saints in Catholicism– Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. Correct me if I am wrong!

    • Joyce Fletcher Menard's Gravatar Joyce Fletcher Menard
      January 25, 2022 - 5:15 pm | Permalink

      That seemed a little off kilter to me as well.

      • Miriam Stroud's Gravatar Miriam Stroud
        January 25, 2022 - 7:05 pm | Permalink

        I actually think archangels are fine for this exercise . . . I have great admiration for the Archangel Michael who forced Satan out of heaven. Well done, him!!!

  6. Stephen E Moore's Gravatar Stephen E Moore
    January 24, 2022 - 3:37 pm | Permalink

    My money is on Hilda of Whitby but Hugh of Lincoln is a close second. The anticipation is excruciating!

    • Jann Brooks's Gravatar Jann Brooks
      January 25, 2022 - 4:34 pm | Permalink

      Go Team Hilda!
      My cat, named Hilda of Whitby, will be well pleased hearing any excitement around her name.

  7. Neva Rae Fox's Gravatar Neva Rae Fox
    January 24, 2022 - 3:38 pm | Permalink

    People have asked for the link to subscribe to these wonderful insights of yours. Could you post the link? THANKS

  8. Betsy Heilman's Gravatar Betsy Heilman
    January 24, 2022 - 3:40 pm | Permalink

    Dear goodness! Let us enjoy an exceptionally long Epiphany Season before the solemnity of Lent!! Not that there isn’t joy in the celebration of the saints, Lent Madness is the one thing to look forward to as we contemplate our dustiness and propensity to sin.

    • Lee Pierce's Gravatar Lee Pierce
      January 24, 2022 - 4:00 pm | Permalink

      It is long. I remember singing in Sunday School “then three Sundays we prepare for the time of fast and prayer”. What ever happend to those three Sundays?

      • Tessa Lucero's Gravatar Tessa Lucero
        January 31, 2022 - 2:38 pm | Permalink

        Maybe that year Ash Wednesday was early? I agree it’s very late this year, with Easter being April 17th. Could be that the calendar allows for a minimum of 3 Sundays between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday.

        Or, looking at the hymn text, perhaps the 3 Sundays before Lent are particularly meant for preparation. (Bring on the alleluias before we put them away!)
        Advent tells us Christ is near;
        Christmas tells us Christ is here!
        In Epiphany we trace
        All the glory of his grace.
        Those three Sundays before Lent
        Will prepare us to repent,
        That in Lent we may begin
        Earnestly to mourn for sin.

        • Lee Pierce's Gravatar Lee Pierce
          January 31, 2022 - 3:48 pm | Permalink

          They had wonderful names that rolled off a child’s tongue–Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima. when I looked them up, I found up hta tVatican 2 removed them from the calendar.

          • Judi Shank's Gravatar Judi Shank
            January 31, 2022 - 4:40 pm | Permalink

            Vatican II might have removed the,. but there are still 70, 60, and 50 days til whenever.

        • Verdery Kassebaum's Gravatar Verdery Kassebaum
          January 31, 2022 - 8:25 pm | Permalink

          I won’t tell you how long ago I learned “Advent tells us Christ is near”, I’ll merely say that I found it again in my copy of the Hymnal 1940. In that version, the second verse reads (or sings)
          “Then three Sundays will prepare For the time of fast and prayer, That, with hearts made penitent, We may keep a faithful Lent.” In that hymnal, the hymn was number 235, in the section titled “Hymns for Children.” It didn’t make it into the Hymnal 1982.

          • Lee Pierce's Gravatar Lee Pierce
            January 31, 2022 - 10:16 pm | Permalink

            That’s it! It has been stuck in my head ever since I reallized that Ash Wednesday was so late. We have lots of time to prepare this year. Clearly, I had a Sunday School teacher who drummed this hymn into me. She was from Virginia (exotic in western New York). We called her “Miss Thelma” at her request; all the other Sunday School teachers were “Mrs.”. The other memorization that stuck was “Lord, lettest now Thy servant go in peace…” She clearly did a good job!

  9. January 24, 2022 - 3:43 pm | Permalink

    Can’t wait for the madness to begin! Go Saints!

  10. Jennifer S.'s Gravatar Jennifer S.
    January 24, 2022 - 3:51 pm | Permalink

    Thank you to all who bring this cheeky and fun Lent activity to everyone. This will be my 4th year participating and I love it! I learn about saints and have something to look forward to each day in Lent. (well not on weekends) So grateful!
    P.S. Go Harbormen!

  11. Carol Anderson's Gravatar Carol Anderson
    January 24, 2022 - 3:52 pm | Permalink

    Ok. 37 days til it starts. At least there will be, hopefully, more messages coming out from the SEC and more chances to read pithy and irreverent banter and to feel engagement with people not in my immediate Bubble. The repartee is always thought provoking and tinged with good humor, for which I thirst mightily. I grasp the lifeline!!!

    • Jane's Gravatar Jane
      January 24, 2022 - 5:02 pm | Permalink

      I played Lent Madness for the first time last year. I learned so much and had fun at the same time. Looking forward to this year’s competition and more delightful banter between the members of the Supreme Executive Committee!

  12. Susan C Mattingly's Gravatar Susan C Mattingly
    January 24, 2022 - 3:57 pm | Permalink

    Where are our shipments of materials? I ordered as soon as it was possible to do so, was billed and then nothing ! I really need them for a program on February 20th !

    • January 24, 2022 - 5:23 pm | Permalink

      Hi Susan, your materials should be shipping soon. You’ll have them in time. Forward Movement had to relocate ALL of its materials to a new warehouse, and that has delayed some shipments. But you’ll get your stuff in time. If you have questions, feel free to contact or call 800-543-1813 about your order status. Sorry for the delay!

      • Susan C Mattingly's Gravatar Susan C Mattingly
        January 25, 2022 - 4:39 am | Permalink

        Thank you !

      • Mary Wright's Gravatar Mary Wright
        January 25, 2022 - 12:42 pm | Permalink

        Getting anxious for the Madness to

  13. Tom's Gravatar Tom
    January 24, 2022 - 4:00 pm | Permalink

    Wait, wait, something’s wrong! Usually Tim is on the right side, and Scott is on the left (not theologically or politically, but in the video). How do we know this is the real LentMadness and not some imposter from an alternate universe?

  14. Lee Pierce's Gravatar Lee Pierce
    January 24, 2022 - 4:03 pm | Permalink

    Whode does the artwork for the poster? It is marvelous!

  15. Pamela Payne's Gravatar Pamela Payne
    January 24, 2022 - 4:15 pm | Permalink

    Thanks be to the Lent Madness SEC! As Tim stated, we have been waiting with bated breath for the supreme bracket contest to return. Happy Epiphany season to all as we await the start of Lent Madness season.

  16. Karen Sharp's Gravatar Karen Sharp
    January 24, 2022 - 4:18 pm | Permalink

    Felix v. Oscar What a hoot!

    Happy Brackets Day, one and all and thank you Tim and Scott/Scott and Tim.

  17. Toni Ponzo's Gravatar Toni Ponzo
    January 24, 2022 - 5:37 pm | Permalink

    Winter blues have set in. Thank you for this much needed dose of levity amd learning.

  18. Cathy Leatherwood's Gravatar Cathy Leatherwood
    January 24, 2022 - 6:04 pm | Permalink

    Waiting with weirdly exciting anticipation

    • Jann Brooks's Gravatar Jann Brooks
      January 25, 2022 - 4:39 pm | Permalink

      I live in Northern Canada; truly the land of ice, snow, dog sleds and northern lights and my heart leapt in joy when I read that Lent Madness will be starting in 37 days! The snow and ice will be with us for about 4 more months but THIS gives me joy.

  19. Verdery Kassebaum's Gravatar Verdery Kassebaum
    January 24, 2022 - 6:23 pm | Permalink

    Wasn’t Drogo the father of Frodo Baggins?

  20. Miriam Stroud's Gravatar Miriam Stroud
    January 24, 2022 - 7:54 pm | Permalink

    I was going to nominate St. Margaret of Scotland; she is such a worthy candidate. But unfortunately I just didn’t get around to it. Maybe next year.

  21. Terie's Gravatar Terie
    January 24, 2022 - 7:54 pm | Permalink

    Felix vs. Oscar made my day!

  22. Sue Campbell's Gravatar Sue Campbell
    January 24, 2022 - 8:00 pm | Permalink

    I’m so looking forward to Lenten Madness. Like the Cheshire Cat I can’t seem to lose the smile on my face after viewing the opening words from our esteemed fearless leaders. 37 more days.

  23. January 24, 2022 - 9:50 pm | Permalink

    Miriam, several of us St. Margaret of Scotland fans did nominate her, but she wasn’t picked this year. As she would say, Haud Fast! We’ll get her in next year, I hope. Meanwhile, happy Burns Night tomorrow. Scots wha hae!

  24. January 25, 2022 - 8:17 am | Permalink

    The link to purchase the mug appears to be broken. 🙁
    Hope it’s dishwasher safe, but I want one even if it isn’t.
    I’m starting an all-day program today with the Absalom Jones Center in Atlanta. The Center is an essential resource that carries on the good work of last year’s winner.

    • Rhonda Chandler's Gravatar Rhonda Chandler
      January 25, 2022 - 5:52 pm | Permalink

      Yes, I had a problem also, Ken. I have managed to pick the winner two years in a row and I want my mug!

  25. Diane Robinson's Gravatar Diane Robinson
    January 25, 2022 - 9:00 am | Permalink

    Looking forward to another round of Historical expertise, entertaining and otherwise; bring it on folks. Lent Madness adds a touch of Magenta to the season of purple.

  26. J A Reyes's Gravatar J A Reyes
    January 25, 2022 - 10:17 am | Permalink

    Scott needs a mic check for the next podcast because I can hardly hear him. Tim is coming in loud and clear. Can’t wait for the start of Lent Madness!

  27. Cherie Boen's Gravatar Cherie Boen
    January 25, 2022 - 12:01 pm | Permalink

    I have a little different insight for Lent. Instead of giving something up, assume something new or replace something old, something for someone or anyone that is needy. Donate time as well as money, work for a worthy cause. Learn about a new Biblical, Theological or spiritual concept. Begin a new mind-habit, work toward peace and tranquility within your own circle. Do this for yourself. People can give up something much more meaningful than stuff—time love and concern.

  28. Emily Howe Wilson's Gravatar Emily Howe Wilson
    January 25, 2022 - 12:15 pm | Permalink

    The postage to heaven and back is too high? But it’s eternity. Can’t you use a “Forever” stamp?

  29. Gayle Cratty's Gravatar Gayle Cratty
    January 25, 2022 - 4:14 pm | Permalink

    Such anxiety as our goddaughter’s name is Lydia and her daughter (our grand goddaughter) is Cecilia. Will they face off in the end?

  30. Rhonda Chandler's Gravatar Rhonda Chandler
    January 25, 2022 - 5:53 pm | Permalink

    Can someone please check the link for purchasing last year’s mug? I get an error message, and I noticed at least one other person did also.

  31. Rebecca's Gravatar Rebecca
    January 26, 2022 - 11:24 am | Permalink

    Maybe this year’s Madness will teach me how to pronounce Kateri Takakwatha—or I can keep calling her “Katy”! So pleased to see her in the running, by any name.

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