Monday Madness — February 1, 2021

What?! In an unprecedented move, the Supreme Executive Committee needs YOUR help. It’s true! In this week’s action-packed episode of Monday Madness, Tim and Scott solicit the advice of the Lent Madness global viewing public, as they put out a request to help name some of the epic themed battles of the 2021 competition. To succeed in making your mark upon this year’s Saintly Smackdown, simply combine the ethos of professional wrestling with the ambiance of holy Lenten devotion in offering your suggestions. For consideration, add your ideas in the comments section.

They also share something of the structure of the 2021 bracket, including all-new quadrant names. If you’re worried about seeing the quadrants on a tiny bracket, you can get a giant bracket poster (for just $11!) just like the one Scott waves around in the video. Sounds like a lot of great content, right? Well, that’s not even all of it. You might have heard that the Saintly Scorecard is sold out, and that rumor is true. The good news is that Tim and Scott are here to tell you how you can get the scorecard on your favorite e-reader, tablet, or phone.

There’s more, but we need to keep you intrigued so you’ll watch the full episode.

This is here for social media sharing. Also, you can tape it up to your wall and throw darts at it, if you like.

Monday Madness screen grab

59 Comments to "Monday Madness — February 1, 2021"

  1. LINDA's Gravatar LINDA
    February 1, 2021 - 8:51 am | Permalink

    well, i am not creative enough to come up with cool names for these “contests”, but with the names you guys mentioned I still don’t understand why Fred Rogers isn’t included. Talk about a Saint!
    He may not be in a book, but why should that matter??

    • SUE's Gravatar SUE
      February 1, 2021 - 10:08 am | Permalink

      Can we lobby to have him included next year???

  2. Ann Sparks's Gravatar Ann Sparks
    February 1, 2021 - 9:02 am | Permalink

    For the Theodora’s, the tumult of the Ted’s.

  3. RoseAnn Evans's Gravatar RoseAnn Evans
    February 1, 2021 - 9:04 am | Permalink

    I agree with Linda! Are we allowed write-in saints? Please?

    • Tessa's Gravatar Tessa
      February 3, 2021 - 3:59 pm | Permalink

      Nominationtide for 2022 will likely be open shortly after Easter; nominate your candidate!

  4. Pat's Gravatar Pat
    February 1, 2021 - 9:07 am | Permalink

    Names for your match-ups:
    Bar Buddies
    Spiritual Spirits
    Odious Odds

  5. Barbara's Gravatar Barbara
    February 1, 2021 - 9:26 am | Permalink

    I can’t read our first “saint” – Cast…..?

    • Verdery Kassebaum's Gravatar Verdery Kassebaum
      February 3, 2021 - 7:55 pm | Permalink

      Camillus de Lellis vs. Matthias

  6. Catherine Linberg's Gravatar Catherine Linberg
    February 1, 2021 - 9:34 am | Permalink

    As a Catherine, I’m thrilled to offer the straightforward
    for that matchup.
    For alliterative purposes, I propose

    • Sue Campbell's Gravatar Sue Campbell
      February 1, 2021 - 9:59 am | Permalink

      Terrific choices!

    • Karen J Crabtree's Gravatar Karen J Crabtree
      February 3, 2021 - 1:07 pm | Permalink

      Come At Me, Kate would also work

  7. Mark Hetrick's Gravatar Mark Hetrick
    February 1, 2021 - 9:48 am | Permalink

    Arnulf of Metz vs. Vincent of Saragossa BATTLE OF THE BOOZE BROTHERS

  8. marie jones's Gravatar marie jones
    February 1, 2021 - 9:51 am | Permalink

    Oh, Catherine! Love your suggestions! LOL

  9. John Hitzeroth's Gravatar John Hitzeroth
    February 1, 2021 - 10:08 am | Permalink

    Camillus deLillus vs Matthias – Brawling Bettors

  10. Diane's Gravatar Diane
    February 1, 2021 - 10:11 am | Permalink

    Probably too gentile for a smackdown theme, (oh, and copyright infringement)
    but I like the simple Ted Talks for the Theodoras.

  11. John HItzeroth's Gravatar John HItzeroth
    February 1, 2021 - 10:15 am | Permalink

    Arnulf vs Vincent – Impudent Imbibers

  12. Monica Irwin's Gravatar Monica Irwin
    February 1, 2021 - 10:15 am | Permalink

    Attorney Tourney?

  13. Monica's Gravatar Monica
    February 1, 2021 - 10:18 am | Permalink

    Attorney Tourney?

  14. John Cabot's Gravatar John Cabot
    February 1, 2021 - 10:22 am | Permalink

    Feb. 19th’s matchup should surely be “Pro vs. Con”.
    For Feb. 26th, perhaps “Theogony of defeat”?

  15. Michelle Heitman's Gravatar Michelle Heitman
    February 1, 2021 - 10:29 am | Permalink

    Camellus (sp?) vs. Matthias

    “Know when to hold ’em”

  16. Catherine Linberg's Gravatar Catherine Linberg
    February 1, 2021 - 10:37 am | Permalink

    Did I hear there were gamblers in play?
    But they’re sainted….how about

    February 1, 2021 - 10:49 am | Permalink

    Theodoras vie for Golden Fedora
    Holy Inebriates
    Wagering Wonders
    Esquire Dogpile

  18. Linda Brown's Gravatar Linda Brown
    February 1, 2021 - 10:57 am | Permalink

    Gamblers’ Gambol

  19. Julie Orvis's Gravatar Julie Orvis
    February 1, 2021 - 11:06 am | Permalink

    theme title for Arnulf o Metz vs Vincent of Sargossa: Boozy Battle or Spirit(s)ual Smackdown

  20. Catherine Linberg's Gravatar Catherine Linberg
    February 1, 2021 - 11:10 am | Permalink

    I don’t have access to the details, but if any of the matchups are between those known for their humility, this comes to mind:

  21. Frances Cox's Gravatar Frances Cox
    February 1, 2021 - 11:34 am | Permalink

    Liquor Locker for patron saints of beer and wine
    FYI: Where it was locked up on ships and boats until you spliced the main brace

  22. Laura Mahaney's Gravatar Laura Mahaney
    February 1, 2021 - 12:26 pm | Permalink

    For Albert the Great and Leo the Great. The Great Debate.

  23. Wendy Board's Gravatar Wendy Board
    February 1, 2021 - 12:26 pm | Permalink

    Well done SEC. Your efforts to spread the word and express the Good News Gospel are wonderful

  24. Wendy Board's Gravatar Wendy Board
    February 1, 2021 - 12:32 pm | Permalink

    Maybe one of the quadrants can be called a “Love In”?

  25. Verlinda Henning's Gravatar Verlinda Henning
    February 1, 2021 - 1:15 pm | Permalink

    For the Theodora battle: TED Talk Takedown!

    For tje Catherine battle: Catherine Cage Match!

  26. February 1, 2021 - 1:59 pm | Permalink

    For Delille vs. Jones, about “Firsters Fracas”?

  27. Judy Peterson's Gravatar Judy Peterson
    February 1, 2021 - 2:09 pm | Permalink

    I have 3 Saintly Scorecards that were not taken by church members. I am willing to mail them to anyone who is still wanting one. Just let me know!

    February 1, 2021 - 2:20 pm | Permalink

    For saintly wine v. beer: Pick your Poison

      February 1, 2021 - 9:38 pm | Permalink

      Love this!

  29. Donna Devlin's Gravatar Donna Devlin
    February 1, 2021 - 2:23 pm | Permalink

    Yikes! I thought it had been well established, each and every year that Fred Rogers is brought up again, that the person ha to be a saint in some recognized church establisment. Can we get over him?

    • Linda's Gravatar Linda
      February 1, 2021 - 6:28 pm | Permalink


      • Verdery Kassebaum's Gravatar Verdery Kassebaum
        February 3, 2021 - 8:04 pm | Permalink

        Isn’t there some sort of rule about how long a person has been dead in order even to start the beatification process? I’m afraid I won’t live long enough to see Fred Rogers beatified–darn!
        Keep trying, folks! (But be patient)

        • Debra K McLaughlin's Gravatar Debra K McLaughlin
          February 3, 2021 - 9:20 pm | Permalink

          I think there should be an exception to Fred Rogers – he is a recognized saint in the eyes of millions of children and adults. Remember – WE are the church!

  30. February 1, 2021 - 3:02 pm | Permalink

    Holy Happy Hour (Arnulf/Vincent)

    Courtroom Brawl (Jacopone v. Ives) – although being a lawyer seems like the least interesting fact about Jacopone. Wearing a saddle and crawling on all fours?

    Cell block riot (Dunstan/Maryam)

      February 1, 2021 - 9:44 pm | Permalink

      I vote for Holy Happy Hour this well intoxicating!

  31. Julie Williams's Gravatar Julie Williams
    February 1, 2021 - 5:14 pm | Permalink

    Where can I write to ask permission to post Lent Madness daily emails (the day’s saintly information and voting links) on our church’s Facebook page? Or do you do that, and I can link it in Facebook to our page?

    • February 1, 2021 - 8:27 pm | Permalink

      We post each battle to the Lent Madness Facebook page (in addition to our website and Twitter account) so feel free to share as needed!

  32. Sue Campbell's Gravatar Sue Campbell
    February 1, 2021 - 5:19 pm | Permalink

    For Evagrius vs. Euphrosyne I suggest Monk meets Monk,
    and Isidora vs. Simeon “Fool”hardy fracas

  33. Nina Nicholson's Gravatar Nina Nicholson
    February 1, 2021 - 5:20 pm | Permalink

    No suggestions, I just wanted to say that I approve of alliteration. One guess why.

  34. Priscilla's Gravatar Priscilla
    February 1, 2021 - 5:24 pm | Permalink

    I propose Gamblers’ Gambit

  35. Josh Nixon's Gravatar Josh Nixon
    February 1, 2021 - 9:12 pm | Permalink

    Camillus v Matthias = Gamble-Geddon (gambling/casting lots)
    Isadora v Simeon = Meeting of the Mindless
    Joan of Arc v Catherine Booth = Saintly Soldier Skirmish

  36. Joyce Jones's Gravatar Joyce Jones
    February 1, 2021 - 10:29 pm | Permalink

    Arnulf vs. Vincent – Specters of Spirits

  37. Debra K McLaughlin's Gravatar Debra K McLaughlin
    February 2, 2021 - 9:22 am | Permalink

    The “Meat Up” (the Catherines)
    The Great Pie Debate – Simple Sim(e)on
    Structural Debate – Arc vs. Booth
    The BiggiEs – (Evagrius vs. Euphrosyne)

  38. A Jennifer's Gravatar A Jennifer
    February 2, 2021 - 11:26 pm | Permalink

    Albert v Leo – The Great Opposition

  39. A Jennifer's Gravatar A Jennifer
    February 2, 2021 - 11:34 pm | Permalink

    Catherine v Catherine – The Kate Cate-er-waul

    • A Jennifer's Gravatar A Jennifer
      February 2, 2021 - 11:52 pm | Permalink

      Or just The Kate-er-waul

  40. A Jennifer's Gravatar A Jennifer
    February 2, 2021 - 11:48 pm | Permalink

    Evagrius v Euphrosyne – Skirmish-O-Solitaires
    (or Hydrophobe Harangue — ‘Gee, Euph, how come we never see you down at the ole swimmin’ hole for a bath with the rest of us guys?’)

  41. A Jennifer's Gravatar A Jennifer
    February 2, 2021 - 11:51 pm | Permalink

    Camillus v Matthias – Camillus Takes It To The Matt

  42. A Jennifer's Gravatar A Jennifer
    February 2, 2021 - 11:55 pm | Permalink

    Isidora v Simeon – The Crazy-Like-A-Fox Fracas (or Feud)

  43. A Jennifer's Gravatar A Jennifer
    February 3, 2021 - 12:12 am | Permalink

    Nino of Georgia (“Caucasian Iberia”) v Benedict the Moor is actually a super-unfortunate match up. Are you sure about that one? I’m sure the Saints can handle it, but can we…? (no, really)

  44. Nancy Diesel Oliver's Gravatar Nancy Diesel Oliver
    February 3, 2021 - 1:18 pm | Permalink

    March 10 Bologna vs Salami the battle of the sausage
    February 24 Women’s Smack Down

  45. Nancy Diesel Oliver's Gravatar Nancy Diesel Oliver
    February 3, 2021 - 1:29 pm | Permalink

    Or Sausage Smackdown on March 10

  46. Verdery Kassebaum's Gravatar Verdery Kassebaum
    February 3, 2021 - 8:08 pm | Permalink

    Is there some way for Hermione vs. Melangell to refer to the Harry Potter books? Something about a Patronus???

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