Monday Madness — Faithful Four Edition

As we enter into the high excitement of the Faithful Four, Tim and Scott are back with the last in-season episode of Monday Madness. That’s a lot of pressure, but they rise to the occasion with another “action-packed” show. This time, they wax nostalgic about Lent Madness 2020, as well as looking ahead to the championship round on Spy Wednesday.*

The Supreme Executive Committee also recognizes an excellent fan film from the good people of the Cathedral of St. James in South Bend, Indiana. Make sure you watch their great work. It involves peg dolls, which is more than we can say for Monday Madness.

Oh, and it’s never too soon to pre-order your Lent Madness 2020 Golden Halo Winner mug! Since you’re stuck at home and can’t get your mall fix, why not enjoy the thrill of waiting for a new mug while browsing through the Lentorium. Sorry, no food court.

This is here for social media sharing. And the asterisk from above.

* Don’t worry. We’ll be back with an explanation of what Spy Wednesday is on Wednesday. When did you expect it?

Screen grab Monday Madness

11 Comments to "Monday Madness — Faithful Four Edition"

  1. Judith S Mack's Gravatar Judith S Mack
    April 6, 2020 - 6:08 pm | Permalink

    Harriet Tubman earned my vote. She fought against an injustice Christians, Jews, many religious and even non-religious accept as evil: slavery. She not only returned to help fellow slaves to escape, she ensured their safety by taking them to Canada so that citizens in the North could not return them to their former owners. She is indeed a Saint, whose faith led her to accomplish what many would claim was an impossible task.
    I feel sure “Saint Harriet” would applaud contemporary persons who have escaped slavery and groups who have organized to free current slaves. Of the many memoirs in recent years, My Escape from Slavery by Francis Bok, who also helped orgainize IAbolish to free North African slaves , most of whom were Christian.

  2. April 6, 2020 - 6:14 pm | Permalink

    Love the video. Thank you for another exciting year of Lent Madness

  3. Miles's Gravatar Miles
    April 6, 2020 - 6:14 pm | Permalink

    We have been enjoying Lent Madness but this morning reading the politically charged words of Miguel Escobar was very disappointing and unnecessary in this season of Lent. There should be no place for this kind of thing in your publication.

  4. Joan's Gravatar Joan
    April 6, 2020 - 7:37 pm | Permalink

    In response, I thought Miguel Escobar’s comments were timely and if pointed, well ….if the shoe fits….

    Our saints and prophets, historic or contemporary, are not just fun little pictures or dolls or icons we hang from our rear view mirrors. They were moved and directed by God to speak out against injustice, ignorance and cruelty. Sometimes at tremendous cost to themselves. This is as relevant today as it has been through the ages. I love how Manuel Escobar demonstrates this relevance and the importance of speaking up. Christians are not meant to be silent in the face of blatant wrong in this world.

    • April 6, 2020 - 7:57 pm | Permalink

      Well said, Joan. Jesus was never “politically correct!”

  5. April 6, 2020 - 8:20 pm | Permalink

    LOVE, LOVE,LOVE the short video from the Cathedral of St. James South Bend IN.So clever!

  6. Edith Woodling's Gravatar Edith Woodling
    April 6, 2020 - 9:12 pm | Permalink

    Miguel’s comments were timely and appropriate and truthful! Thank you! Yes, Jesus was the radical voice against the powers that be.

  7. A Florida Fan's Gravatar A Florida Fan
    April 6, 2020 - 9:21 pm | Permalink

    Thoroughly enjoyed the fan film! Should definitely be up for an Oscar! Thank you fircsharing your talents

  8. April 6, 2020 - 11:45 pm | Permalink

    You’ve done it once again. Thanks for brightening what has been a particularly difficult Lent with humor and thoughtfulness. I look forward to Lnt 2021!

  9. Liz's Gravatar Liz
    April 7, 2020 - 8:11 am | Permalink

    Lent madness is the pretty much the only thing in my life that wasn’t canceled. Thank you! I’ve been doing this for a few years now and I really appreciate the fun way to learn about saints and connect with others,

  10. April 7, 2020 - 2:19 pm | Permalink

    Dear SEC; I loved the video from the Cathedral of St. James in South Bend. I used to be a parishioner there in the ’70s. I do with, however, that it was not on Vimeo which requires a sign-up to watch it. I did and then had to unsubscribe. Otherwise, a wonderful video! On to the Golden Halo!

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