Eva Lee Matthews vs. Hervé

Welcome back! After a day off from voting, we hope you’re ready for the first full week of Lent Madness action. On Friday, we saw Eustace behave like a deer in the headlights against Margery Kempe, as he was slain 70% to 30%.

Today’s matchup features a late-19th century American nun vs. a 6th century French monk, in a monastic showdown between Eva Lee Matthews and Hervé.

As you read, reflect, and vote, don’t forget you also have a built-in opportunity to pray. Each saintly write-up in the opening round includes a collect (pronounced COLL-ect), or brief prayer, inspired by the respective saints. Some days you may breeze past them or ignore them altogether, but we do encourage you to linger when you can. Perhaps there’s a phrase that jumps out at you or connects to your own Lenten journey. Anyway, we just wanted to point out that small morsel of added bread for your journey.

Since it’s Monday, stay tuned later today as Tim and Scott thrill Lent Madness fans everywhere with another exciting episode of Monday Madness. Same Lent time, same Lent channel.

Now go vote!

Eva Lee Matthews

Eva Lee Matthews was born on February 9, 1862, in Glendale, Ohio, just outside of Cincinnati. She was the daughter of a former justice of the Supreme Court, Thomas Stanley Matthews. Raised in the Presbyterian tradition, Eva accompanied her brother, the future Bishop Paul Matthews, when he went to study in Oxford, England. There she encountered the work of Charles Gore and other Anglican luminaries and found her spiritual home in the sacramental life of Anglicanism. She was confirmed in the Episcopal Church on their return to the U.S. She and her brother also ministered in Omaha, Nebraska, where she worked tirelessly to serve poor and disenfranchised women and children. Eva then traveled to Palestine. She recounts her travels and experiences in the book, “A Little Pilgrimage to Holy Places.”

These experiences of service and faith led Eva to return to Ohio where she and her longtime friend Beatrice Henderson founded Bethany Mission House, so named because of their conviction that the Christian life is one of both service (Martha) and prayer (Mary). Continuing her service to children, Eva focused on educating, clothing, and caring for those children in need. She considered joining an established order but was encouraged to start a new American one. In 1898, Eva and Beatrice took vows and formally established the Community of the Transfiguration. Now known as Sister Eva Mary, she soon moved the community to her hometown of Glendale, a suburb of Cincinnati. The sisterhood grew throughout the 1920s, engaging in ministry in China, Japan, Hawaii, Texas, and California, and in locations throughout Ohio, including Painesville, Cleveland, and Lincoln Heights. Today, the community runs Bethany Episcopal Day School, the Transfiguration Spirituality Center, and St. Monica’s Recreation Center.

Mother Eva, as she is known today, taught that through our actions and care for others, the light of Christ shines through us. She was an active leader of the Community of the Transfiguration where she served until her death in 1928. She is buried under the altar in the chapel at Bethany School.

Collect for Eva Lee Matthews
O God, whose blessed Son became poor that we through his poverty might be rich: Deliver us from an inordinate love of this world, that, inspired by the devotion of your servant Eva Lee Matthews, we may serve you with singleness of heart, and attain to the riches of the age to come; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

—Anna Fitch Courie


Hervé lived during the sixth century and is one of the most popular saints in Brittany (northwest France). He is sometimes called the veterinarian saint, with people praying to him for protection for horses and animals of all kinds.

According to legend, Hervé’s father was walking through the forests of Brittany when he heard a young woman singing. After talking with her for hours, he realized he loved her completely and abandoned his journey home. The couple married, and some years later, welcomed their son Hervé, who was born blind.

Some years later, Hervé’s father died. His mother sang to young Hervé in her grief, instilling in him a lifelong love of music and song. Hervé, staving off destitution and starvation for his mother and himself, traveled the Brittany countryside to beg for money, led by a large white dog.

After many years of begging, Hervé asked his mother if he could retire into the woods to sing hymns to praise God. His mother agreed, and she herself became a solitary. Hervé and his dog wandered into the forest in search of his uncle Gorfoed, also a hermit. Hervé’s dog led him to Gorfoed’s hermitage, then barked to announce their arrival. Gorfoed opened his door to see his nephew, bathed in the light of the new day, and immediately recognized that God had sent him for his care and teaching.

Hervé was an inspired and exceptional student, and after seven years, Gorfoed appointed Hervé to assume his teaching duties when he retired. Hervé taught children poetry, song, and daily wisdom as they followed the teachings of God. Hervé eventually left the hermitage and established a monastery, and then traveled around the countryside, accompanied by his niece. Several bishops attempted to ordain Hervé to the priesthood, but each time he declined, instead embracing his ministry of teaching and preaching about Jesus to area villages, singing songs glorifying God and caring for the least of these he encountered along the way.

On his deathbed, Hervé was surrounded by monks who said that as he took his last breaths, they heard the angelic choirs of heaven singing to welcome the blind saint of Brittany into heaven.

Collect for Hervé
O God, you have brought us near to an innumerable company of angels, and to the spirits of just men made perfect: Grant us during our earthly pilgrimage to abide in their fellowship, and in our heavenly country to become partakers of their joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

—Laurie Brock

Eva Lee Matthews vs. Hervé

  • Eva Lee Matthews (60%, 5,426 Votes)
  • Hervé (40%, 3,641 Votes)

Total Voters: 9,067

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Eva Lee Matthews: Courtesy of the Community of the Transfiguration
Hervé: Moreau.henri [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]

205 Comments to "Eva Lee Matthews vs. Hervé"

  1. March 2, 2020 - 8:00 am | Permalink

    A Cincinnati nun or a monastic from Brittany? It’s a Lent Madness fantasy match-up!


    • Susan Lee Hauser's Gravatar Susan Lee Hauser
      March 2, 2020 - 8:54 am | Permalink


    • jan's Gravatar jan
      March 2, 2020 - 9:32 am | Permalink
    • Donice Gilliland's Gravatar Donice Gilliland
      March 2, 2020 - 11:46 am | Permalink


    • Jerri's Gravatar Jerri
      March 2, 2020 - 12:26 pm | Permalink

      I voted for St. Herve . I have a granddaughter that is blind in one eye and not good vision in the other. I was just at my doctor today for tear duct plugs for dryness. It hit home for me. Life can be challenging and more so when you are blind. Such an inspiration he is.

      • Patrick J Murphy's Gravatar Patrick J Murphy
        March 2, 2020 - 12:56 pm | Permalink

        Oh so true. I voted for Sister Eva, but it was such a hard decision. I am learning so much from this experience.

    • Charlyn Heidenreich's Gravatar Charlyn Heidenreich
      March 2, 2020 - 12:44 pm | Permalink

      The vote was simple. A Sister fromthe Transfiguration an order I’m familiar wither or a fantasy legend. The Sister for sure.

      • Eva's Gravatar Eva
        March 2, 2020 - 3:17 pm | Permalink

        C’mon people! Vote for the blind, singing hermit with the wolf fog who taught poetry to children! And my name is Eva.

      • Greg Finger's Gravatar Greg Finger
        March 2, 2020 - 8:09 pm | Permalink

        Just because a story is not “real” doesn’t mean it can’t be true. Or meaningful.

    • Faith Hope Charity's Gravatar Faith Hope Charity
      March 2, 2020 - 12:49 pm | Permalink

      I voted for Saint Herve.
      Saint Herve was a singing Breton blind pastor,
      ordained only as an exorcist master,
      guided by a wolf-dog,
      ousting the frog’s “ker-chog!”
      to sing in joy happily-ever-after.
      FYI: Brittany is in France

      • Deirdre McElroy's Gravatar Deirdre McElroy
        March 2, 2020 - 1:31 pm | Permalink

        Nerve for me too.

      • Judith's Gravatar Judith
        March 2, 2020 - 11:07 pm | Permalink

        Herve for me. I am a church musician who has led the praises the praises of God every Sunday. Alas, my husband is recently blind. The vote was a no brainer.

  2. John Cabot's Gravatar John Cabot
    March 2, 2020 - 8:00 am | Permalink

    Though St. Hervé was blind from his birth,
    In his life he brought light to the Earth:
    Walking Brittany’s ways
    Bringing help, song and praise;
    Let us show him we value his worth.

    • Karen Sculley's Gravatar Karen Sculley
      March 2, 2020 - 9:24 am | Permalink

      I love this – thank you!

    • Sandra Shirey's Gravatar Sandra Shirey
      March 2, 2020 - 9:29 am | Permalink


    • March 2, 2020 - 9:36 am | Permalink

      I voted for Herve, but it was a difficult vote. I’m a member of Daughters of the King, and Eva would have been a stellar member. In the end, it was my love of dogs that helped me vote.

      • LC's Gravatar LC
        March 2, 2020 - 11:26 am | Permalink

        I voted it for Herve as well. It was my love of animals that helped me choose.

      • Laura Lowndes's Gravatar Laura Lowndes
        March 2, 2020 - 12:52 pm | Permalink

        I also am a Daughter, and as I was reading her bio, kept thinking how she exemplifies our Life of Prayer and Service. And she chose blue!

    • Kate The Catechist's Gravatar Kate The Catechist
      March 2, 2020 - 10:29 am | Permalink

      My horse told me to vote for Herve!

      • Oregon Cat Lady's Gravatar Oregon Cat Lady
        March 2, 2020 - 12:09 pm | Permalink

        My cat made me vote for Herve!

        • Kay Belle, the Church Lady (Lewis)'s Gravatar Kay Belle, the Church Lady (Lewis)
          March 2, 2020 - 11:10 pm | Permalink

          My dog told me to vote for Herve!

    • Bergen Frank's Gravatar Bergen Frank
      March 2, 2020 - 10:40 am | Permalink


    • Anita's Gravatar Anita
      March 2, 2020 - 12:49 pm | Permalink

      Love the prose

    • Anita's Gravatar Anita
      March 2, 2020 - 12:49 pm | Permalink

      Love the prose on Harve

    • March 2, 2020 - 3:33 pm | Permalink

      Well said!!

    • Mary Clawsey's Gravatar Mary Clawsey
      March 2, 2020 - 8:12 pm | Permalink

      Bravo, John! I never supposed that a limerick could rise to such heights!

  3. Diana's Gravatar Diana
    March 2, 2020 - 8:01 am | Permalink

    Top Ten Reasons to Vote for Eva Lee Matthews
    (aka Mother Eva Mary, C.T.)

    10. She is a real historical saint, and the stories told about her are believable.

    9. She served Christ on the frontier before becoming a pioneering Sister.

    8. She wasn’t afraid to argue with bishops.

    7. She actually did have a vision of Christ.*

    6. She refused to immure herself and her Sisters in black habits; choosing blue to symbolize joy.

    5. She had a sense of humor.

    4. She asked for and received a miracle. **

    3. When she saw a need, she figured out a way to help, even if it seemed impossible.

    2. She was unafraid of risk.

    and the number one reason to vote for her

    1. She really lived the motto she chose for her Community: Kindness, Simplicity and Joy. (If you prefer Latin: Benignitas, Simplicitas, Hilaritas)

    *She had a dream in which she saw herself holding the Christ Child. This was a big part of her inspiration for founding Bethany Home.

    **She was extremely ill with pneumonia and asked God for fifteen more years of life so she could complete her work of founding the Community. Fifteen years later, she died.

    • Pastor Rick's Gravatar Pastor Rick
      March 2, 2020 - 9:21 am | Permalink

      St. Hervé is not the first time I have heard of people hearing the angel choirs at their death to this life. (One who I knew personally.) Still Diana’s top ten list swayed me. Eva Lee it will be for me.

    • Laurie Gibbons's Gravatar Laurie Gibbons
      March 2, 2020 - 9:36 am | Permalink

      Thank you for the information! I’d already voted for Mother Eva but now feel even more secure in my choice.

    • Isabelle Melese-d'Hospital's Gravatar Isabelle Melese-d'Hospital
      March 2, 2020 - 10:01 am | Permalink

      Wow! What an inspiration! I’m Team Eva!!

      • andrea's Gravatar andrea
        March 2, 2020 - 11:13 pm | Permalink

        The top ten list swayed me too. I’m also Team Eva. Thanks Diana.

    • Rene Jamieson's Gravatar Rene Jamieson
      March 2, 2020 - 10:15 am | Permalink

      I join Laurie Gibbons in thanking Diana for the expanded information about Sister Eva Mary. I had already voted for her, but, like Laurie, I’m now assured that I made the right choice. I am an associate of the Sisters of St. John the Divine, a Canadian Anglican order, and I have always had great appreciation of the work carried out in Christ’s name by nuns.

      • Marg Wilkinson's Gravatar Marg Wilkinson
        March 2, 2020 - 10:28 am | Permalink

        Hello Another Canadian Anglican here. The Sisters of St Joesph are a very wonderful order

    • jproth's Gravatar jproth
      March 2, 2020 - 11:01 am | Permalink

      From the photograph it seems she also had a smile that shone like a candle flame! Hurrah for smiling saints!

    • Diane in Maine's Gravatar Diane in Maine
      March 2, 2020 - 11:12 am | Permalink

      Thank you! Reason 11 (for some of us) She was raised Presbyterian!

      • Diane in Maine's Gravatar Diane in Maine
        March 2, 2020 - 11:32 am | Permalink

        Oops! This was supposed to be in reply to Diana’s Top Ten Reasons to vote for Eva Lee Matthews!

      • Kathy Randall's Gravatar Kathy Randall
        March 2, 2020 - 12:55 pm | Permalink

        That was my reason for voting for her, too!

    • Nancy Jacob's Gravatar Nancy Jacob
      March 2, 2020 - 11:30 am | Permalink

      Diane I love this and hope you don’t mind if I share.

      • Diana's Gravatar Diana
        March 2, 2020 - 12:05 pm | Permalink

        Nancy Jacob, feel free to share widely.

    • Susan's Gravatar Susan
      March 2, 2020 - 1:05 pm | Permalink

      Wow. Nice addition.

      I voted for Herve, but reading this, I would vote again.

      But, I know they are watching from the Lentorium.

    • Missy's Gravatar Missy
      March 2, 2020 - 7:39 pm | Permalink

      Mother Eva, all ways❣️

    • Diane McClure's Gravatar Diane McClure
      March 2, 2020 - 11:06 pm | Permalink

      Very well put, Diana. I cannot think of anything to ad. Mother Eva is an inspiration to everyone. I am sure that she loved and would vote (perhaps she has!) for St. Harve .

    • Anna Fitch Courie's Gravatar Anna Fitch Courie
      March 5, 2020 - 4:20 pm | Permalink

      You need to write my next submission for me.

  4. Sue Goodman's Gravatar Sue Goodman
    March 2, 2020 - 8:13 am | Permalink

    I’d never come across either of these amazing individuals – thanks for the learning experience. By a (dog’s) whisker I chose Hervé. Singing, faith, dogs, overcoming disability – what a story.
    [By the way, you do realise, don’t you, that we European Lenten Maniacs have to wait until lunch time to join in? How about a pre-dawn missive once in a while?]
    Trans-Atlantic blessings to all.

    • Amy's Gravatar Amy
      March 2, 2020 - 12:24 pm | Permalink

      I couldn’t bring myself to choose between these two, until I looked at the vote so far. Saint Eva Mary is way ahead, so I cast my vote for Herve, to bring the numbers that little bit closer to equal. Best rationale I could come up with, after reading all the comments as well as the Celebrity Blogger contributions. (BTW, I am on West Coast time in Arizona, so by the time I am up and sitting down to breakfast with my laptop most of the action is over with. I feel your pain, @Sue Goodman in Europe.

    • Nancy Ashley's Gravatar Nancy Ashley
      March 2, 2020 - 12:50 pm | Permalink

      But if you happen to forget to vote till past midnight your time, you still have plenty of time to squeak under the deadline!

  5. March 2, 2020 - 8:13 am | Permalink

    Herve liked dogs AND he sings? This theater dork is gonna cuddle her poodles and vote for Herve!

    • March 2, 2020 - 9:09 am | Permalink

      Dear sister of the same name, I was tempted by the dog and the music too (I still miss my beloved Marley), but I am wondering what happened to Hervé’s mom. The story says that she “chose” a solitary existence after depending on his begging for her livelihood. I chose Eva.

  6. Kevin's Gravatar Kevin
    March 2, 2020 - 8:20 am | Permalink

    My last name may be Matthews, but my faithful dog died on Ash Wednesday. It’s Hervé for me today.

    • Susan Lee Hauser's Gravatar Susan Lee Hauser
      March 2, 2020 - 10:21 am | Permalink

      I’m so sorry for the loss of your companion. I have a 15-year-old dachshund who is in her last months (weeks?). It’s such a difficult time. Blessings.

    • March 2, 2020 - 10:59 am | Permalink

      sorry to hear about your dog

    • Fiona's Gravatar Fiona
      March 2, 2020 - 2:13 pm | Permalink

      My vote goes to Herve, in part because his must be one of the first recorded examples of a guide dog, and because his choice of a solitary life encompassed teaching children and resisting ordination, a humble man.

      • Sara's Gravatar Sara
        March 2, 2020 - 3:45 pm | Permalink

        Yes! he guide-dog aspect of Herve’s story struck a nerve for me as well. My brother & his family raise and train guide dogs for the blind. Also, his love for wandering the wild singing psalms and praises – this is sometThing I do a lot! Teaching children music (in a non-literate society) is the perfect way to instill the love and praise of God to the next generation. This new-to-me saint is truly inspiring!

    • Fiona's Gravatar Fiona
      March 2, 2020 - 2:14 pm | Permalink

      I am so sorry for your loss.

  7. Katie Thomson's Gravatar Katie Thomson
    March 2, 2020 - 8:22 am | Permalink

    Wondered when we’d see a “homer” in the bracket!! Eva hails from one SEC member’s neck of the woods. Is there a little LM backroom hanky panky afoot?!?!?

  8. March 2, 2020 - 8:22 am | Permalink

    This was really a tough choice! I love animals and have a large white dog who runs things at my house. But Mother Eva Mary’s dedication to children sold me on voting for her.

    • Laura B's Gravatar Laura B
      March 2, 2020 - 8:35 am | Permalink


    • Diane in Estes's Gravatar Diane in Estes
      March 2, 2020 - 10:09 am | Permalink

      Herve had me at “large white dog.” A moment of joy remembering that Zebulon will arrive in Colorado in a few days!

  9. March 2, 2020 - 8:23 am | Permalink

    Last year we chose saint Martha of Bethany, a woman of service, as the winner of the Golden Halo. I love the coffee mug the folks at Lent Madness offered and have given many away to share the life of Saint Martha of Bethany and the spirit of Lent Madness. This year, I’m choosing Saint Herve based on his exemplary life living with a disability that he turned into an ability to reach others in a meaningful way. Plus, he was a BFF to a big white dog and I love animals!

  10. Carol's Gravatar Carol
    March 2, 2020 - 8:23 am | Permalink

    Eva Lee has my vote,amazing woman,thanks for this Madness am learning so much and look forward each morning for the next matchup!

  11. Melanie's Gravatar Melanie
    March 2, 2020 - 8:23 am | Permalink

    A vote for Hervé and his guide dog.

  12. Tonya Eza's Gravatar Tonya Eza
    March 2, 2020 - 8:24 am | Permalink

    Eva’s probably going to win, but I just had to vote for Herve. Loved his legend and his big white dog!

    • Monique Lowman's Gravatar Monique Lowman
      March 2, 2020 - 10:16 am | Permalink

      I love my fur babies too but Eva cared for the children, so Eva gets my vote

  13. Mary O'Donnell's Gravatar Mary O'Donnell
    March 2, 2020 - 8:28 am | Permalink

    Service and prayer!

  14. Jan Raymond's Gravatar Jan Raymond
    March 2, 2020 - 8:29 am | Permalink

    I have to vote for a fellow buckeye.

  15. Irene's Gravatar Irene
    March 2, 2020 - 8:31 am | Permalink

    I always go with the nun…

  16. Patty Reichert's Gravatar Patty Reichert
    March 2, 2020 - 8:32 am | Permalink

    This was the toughest vote so far. After reading both I wanted to vote for both. Good luck. I will be happy with either.

  17. Diane Walworth's Gravatar Diane Walworth
    March 2, 2020 - 8:33 am | Permalink

    Wow! Today was a tough one. Both led inspiring lives that served others. In the end I voted for Eva Mary because she made such a difference for women and children.

  18. March 2, 2020 - 8:34 am | Permalink

    First monday of Lent Madness. We are voting for a “modern” nun about whom we knew almost zero. Why not Hervé? His story of pious parent’s dueling prayers (curse and blessing) without wands should only entertain muggles. If you want to know alternative variant of the story to one beloved Forward Movement offering , check out blogger’s bio of the saint. Learn the name of his wife, his uncle, his niece their prayers and their roles in the family version of the story. An Opera not a Hagiography.

    • jan's Gravatar jan
      March 2, 2020 - 10:07 am | Permalink

      Fascinating. And very sad about Herve’s young niece.

    • Greg Finger's Gravatar Greg Finger
      March 2, 2020 - 8:15 pm | Permalink

      Thank you Mark – you make some good balancing points for Herve.
      I also appreciated Herve for not joining an established order – he was keeping his connection to God direct.

  19. Mary Marciniak's Gravatar Mary Marciniak
    March 2, 2020 - 8:35 am | Permalink

    Eva’s an easy vote, but have to vote for Herve — he repeatedly said no to the priesthood, showing strength against what I believe would have been a strong hierarchy of men, because he knew it was not for him. He knew he could do more by going from village to village with his dog, preach and singing… what a guy!!

  20. Alan Justice's Gravatar Alan Justice
    March 2, 2020 - 8:37 am | Permalink

    Eva Lee Matthews, a nun,
    Served Christ in a spirit of fun.
    She cared for the mothers,
    Their children and others—
    And her habit shone blue in the sun!

    • Sue Campbell's Gravatar Sue Campbell
      March 2, 2020 - 8:53 am | Permalink

      Loved your limerick, though I confess to voting for Herve

  21. Cecelia's Gravatar Cecelia
    March 2, 2020 - 8:40 am | Permalink

    I just don’t have the Lenten Madness zeal. It hit me this morning. Why must we decide between two wonderful people who is the better, more enticing, dare I saw holier one? Perhaps my head is not in the right place and I am taking the fun out of this. Not voting. I enjoy reading the biographies and the collects.

    • St. Celia's Gravatar St. Celia
      March 2, 2020 - 9:08 am | Permalink

      It’s like walking the labyrinth: there’s no wrong way to do it. If you enjoy the bios and collects, that’s a bright spot in the day. It’s all good. Glad you’re with us.

      • Jane's Gravatar Jane
        March 2, 2020 - 9:52 am | Permalink


    • Peg S.'s Gravatar Peg S.
      March 2, 2020 - 9:26 am | Permalink

      I found it a very hard choice today, too. But I realized that means I’ll be happy no matter who wins. And I’m so glad to know about both of these wonderful, exemplary souls. They already have golden halos anyway, and now we have the glory of their stories to light our way.

    • March 2, 2020 - 9:48 am | Permalink

      Ah, but it’s a CULTURAL thing: Americans have to have winners and losers, even in Church.

      • Verdery Kassebaum's Gravatar Verdery Kassebaum
        March 2, 2020 - 10:15 am | Permalink

        Mark +, not all of us are so competitive, though sometimes it’s hard not to want to be first. Some folks have learned that being in a supporting role can be as fulfilling as being in a leading role.
        (I haven’t yet decided which way to vote.)

      • Greg Finger's Gravatar Greg Finger
        March 2, 2020 - 8:16 pm | Permalink


      • Greg Finger's Gravatar Greg Finger
        March 2, 2020 - 8:17 pm | Permalink


        Thanks Mark.

    • jan's Gravatar jan
      March 2, 2020 - 10:05 am | Permalink

      Lent Madness is just a way to reel us in. Far fewer people would sign up for “40 days of learning about people who lead good and holy lives”. Our votes and the eventual Golden Halo will not change the beauty and mystery of the souls we’ve read about. But it might help change us.

      Consider that we learn more about the winner of each match up in the next round. So you’re not voting for “who is best” but for “oh wow, I want to hear more of that story”.

      • Amy's Gravatar Amy
        March 2, 2020 - 11:32 am | Permalink


      • Sarah SSM's Gravatar Sarah SSM
        March 2, 2020 - 1:11 pm | Permalink


      • Rodney Hayes's Gravatar Rodney Hayes
        March 2, 2020 - 1:54 pm | Permalink

        now that makes sense to me… I want to hear more of __________’s story! makes voting much easier – especially in these tough match-ups Thanks jan!

      • March 2, 2020 - 3:03 pm | Permalink

        Well said, Jan. Through Lent Madness I have learned so much about and been inspired by the lives asnd works of many saints I’d never heard of before. So many inspirational people. I like the idea that we are voting for the ones we’d like to know more about. Now that you’ve said it, I realize that is frequently how I vote.

        • Chalice bearer's Gravatar Chalice bearer
          March 2, 2020 - 4:26 pm | Permalink

          They lived not only in ages past;
          there are hundreds of thousands still.
          The world is bright with the joyous saints
          who love to do Jesus’ will.
          You can meet them in school, on the street, in the store,
          in church, by the sea, in the house next door;
          they are saints of God, whether rich or poor,
          and I mean to be one too. Eva is a favorite.

          • Jan's Gravatar Jan
            March 2, 2020 - 6:51 pm | Permalink

            I live this hymn!

      • March 2, 2020 - 9:28 pm | Permalink

        End of day thoughts…. This exercise has caused me to study more saints than just the 32 in the brackets!

    • Tessa Lucero's Gravatar Tessa Lucero
      March 2, 2020 - 11:13 am | Permalink

      The voting is one part however it is most certainly not the only part. For many of us the education and awareness of each of the chosen 32 is the most beneficial part of Lent Madness. If you prefer to read and learn and not vote, that is your choice and you know best what meets your personal needs during this Lenten season. Keep commenting though as the Spirit moves you!

  22. Fran Norris's Gravatar Fran Norris
    March 2, 2020 - 8:41 am | Permalink

    These 2 were very difficult to choose between. However, being a horse person, I chose Herve’. Both stories were special. I remember when I was in Catholic School, in Texas, the Order of the Transfiguration came to my school to visit. Again, very difficult decision, however, Herve’ won my vote! Be kind to animals…and children!!!

  23. St. Celia's Gravatar St. Celia
    March 2, 2020 - 8:48 am | Permalink

    Music and veterinary care: it’s Air-VAY for me to-DAY. What an enchanting story. We’ve had a lot of 19th-century nuns founding orders here in Lent Madness. They’re all blending together for me. Nice women, to be sure, but the angelic choirs win it. Teaching children poetry and singing? Is there a higher calling? Fun fact: Mother Eva’s father was confirmed to the Supreme Court by a single vote, the only justice ever to be advanced on such a slim margin, though I can think of a couple of justices who should not have been advanced at all. Judge Matthews ruled that the Chinese though not US citizens were entitled to equal protection under the fourteenth amendment. Would that the constitution were interpreted today to advance the causes of equity and justice. I cannot help but think that the blind AirVAY, who is depicted here with his white cane and guide dog, is an appropriate saint for disability rights and for keeping music in our lives under all circumstances. Also falling completely in love with someone after a few hours’ conversation seems like a very good rule of life. I’m adopting that rule for Lent.

    • TJMannion's Gravatar TJMannion
      March 2, 2020 - 9:22 am | Permalink

      Good rule to follow!

  24. Amy S.'s Gravatar Amy S.
    March 2, 2020 - 8:51 am | Permalink

    As a postulant to the Diaconate, Eva Lee Matthews’ life speaks to me in a visceral way. She is inspiring to me.

  25. Jo's Gravatar Jo
    March 2, 2020 - 8:54 am | Permalink

    If anyone exemplified “with gladness and singleness of heart” I would have to say that Eva Lee/Eva Mary did. I was ready to vote for her based on the smiling photo alone! Then read of her amazing interesting life and works, cloaked in blue for joy – Wow! She has my vote.

  26. Marian the Lutheran's Gravatar Marian the Lutheran
    March 2, 2020 - 8:58 am | Permalink

    Two Holy people that refused to join the accepted organizations of their time and instead served as Christ did – going out to the people. They prove that a person does not need to conform their spiritual life through the establishment by “taking what is needed and leaving the rest behind.” Where would the children and mothers be without Eva going out among them? Where else (and what else) would the children have learned the good things of God without Hervé? The antiestablishment runs strong in these two, as it did in Jesus.

  27. RevJill's Gravatar RevJill
    March 2, 2020 - 8:59 am | Permalink

    My agnostic-turned-Christian father’s middle name is Herve. I’ve shared this Lent Madness with him. Who knew the wondrous soul whose name Dad bears! Lover of music, nature, and animals. Of course I voted for Saint Herve!

  28. March 2, 2020 - 9:00 am | Permalink

    Had to go with Hervé because he had an awesome seeing-eye dog.

  29. Doris's Gravatar Doris
    March 2, 2020 - 9:05 am | Permalink

    I have served in the Diocese of Southern Ohio and know about Bethany House and the sisters. But before becoming a priest I was a social worker for 20 years specializing in vision rehabilitation. Torn loyalties! However, I finally saw my way clear to vote for Sr. Eva Mary!

  30. March 2, 2020 - 9:13 am | Permalink

    I have blind singers in two of my choirs, and I have a soft spot for other people’s dogs. Really appreciate Mother Eva and her blue habit and kids but Herve wins me today.

  31. Elaine Culver's Gravatar Elaine Culver
    March 2, 2020 - 9:16 am | Permalink

    It would not surprise me if this turns out to be a nail biter, much closer than it now appears. I like Sister Eva Mary’s belief that service and prayer are both important in living out the Christian faith. Nevertheless, my husband and I are both music lovers, having been subscribers to the Dallas and Ft. Worth Symphony seasons for a number of years, so I voted for Hervé because of his love of music and his use of it in teaching.

  32. TJMannion's Gravatar TJMannion
    March 2, 2020 - 9:19 am | Permalink

    Anyone who is reputed to have been welcomed by heavenly choirs gets my vote. Sorry, E.L.

  33. Bella E.'s Gravatar Bella E.
    March 2, 2020 - 9:27 am | Permalink

    I voted for Eva, but I think Hervé should be the patron saint of engaged lay people who are repeatedly asked if they have a call for ordained ministry.

  34. Deborah Kaufman's Gravatar Deborah Kaufman
    March 2, 2020 - 9:27 am | Permalink

    Hervé has my Lent Madness vote! He was born blind; and, depending on what legends you’re reading, he’s was accompanied by a domesticated wolf (or white dog). His wolf devoured the ox Hervé used plowing. The repentant wolf begged to be allowed to serve in the ox’s stead. Hervé’s wolf pulled the plow from that day on. Hervé is sometimes called the veterinarian saint, with people asking intercession, with him, or protection for horses and animals of all kinds.

    • Renee D's Gravatar Renee D
      March 2, 2020 - 9:52 am | Permalink

      I’m a total dog lover. Rescue them all the time, so it had to be Hervé for me.

  35. Bill Bosies's Gravatar Bill Bosies
    March 2, 2020 - 9:29 am | Permalink

    Choosing between a lover of dogs and a lover of children is not difficult, but both are well-deserving of sainthood.

  36. Karen Sculley's Gravatar Karen Sculley
    March 2, 2020 - 9:31 am | Permalink

    Another tough choice today! In the end my vote went with Hervé because he taught and preached about Jesus, sang songs glorifying God, and cared for the least of these. It also resonated with me (pun intended) that those near him heard angelic songs as he took his last breaths . . . God graced me with hearing (very briefly) the choir of heaven (I don’t know how else to describe it) on the day my mother died almost 29 years ago – it brought me great assurance that she was welcomed into His eternal presence.

  37. March 2, 2020 - 9:40 am | Permalink

    Oh, my goodness, what a tough choice. I loved them both even though both are new to me. I dearly love singing praise to God and since my church has no deacon, I do quite a bit of that service too as a priest. I love both, but I finally voted for Mother Eva Mary.

  38. March 2, 2020 - 9:41 am | Permalink

    As a life-long singer who loves to praise our Lord with voice, I have to vote for Herve.

  39. Noelle Webb's Gravatar Noelle Webb
    March 2, 2020 - 9:43 am | Permalink

    I’ll go Eva Lee Matthews for really “getting in the trenches”!

  40. Sharon's Gravatar Sharon
    March 2, 2020 - 9:44 am | Permalink

    Beginning in one Advent where one of the nuns at the Community of the Transfiguration wrote the meditations (so far the best Advent meditations I have encountered), I have been blessed by their ministry of teaching and serving. One day I hope to go there on retreat — I leave it to God to work out the details. What Sr. Eva Mary began is still going and I know that the area around the center in Ohio are continually inspired and blessed by Sr. Eva Mary’s legacy. You can find their website at ctsisters.org.

  41. Charles Stuart's Gravatar Charles Stuart
    March 2, 2020 - 9:47 am | Permalink

    Sr. Eva led a godly life and is a worthy contender, but the patron saint of vets gets my vote.

  42. March 2, 2020 - 9:59 am | Permalink

    I voted for the nun; but, I loved the idea of the Angels singing at Herve’s deathbed. As a member of a church choir several years ago I often invited the choirs of Angels to sing with us. They occasionally sent a delegation to our church and provided an overtone to our singing.

  43. Nancy's Gravatar Nancy
    March 2, 2020 - 10:05 am | Permalink

    Hervé gets our vote today, the veterinarian Saint, blind and musical. We’ve voted for all the underdogs this round, so it seems appropriate. Both were worthy of consideration.

  44. Lucy Porter's Gravatar Lucy Porter
    March 2, 2020 - 10:05 am | Permalink

    No contest today! As a person with impaired vision (though, thank God, not blind!), a musician married to another musician, and clergy, I vote reverently for “Air-vay”.

  45. Evelyn's Gravatar Evelyn
    March 2, 2020 - 10:10 am | Permalink

    Imagine the daily effort put out by Herve to accomplish what he did!. He gets my vote for all of his contributions to his world…even without his care for animals, but in honor of all of the many dogs, cats, and horses that have blessed my life.

  46. Ruth Douglas Miller's Gravatar Ruth Douglas Miller
    March 2, 2020 - 10:11 am | Permalink

    Guessing that voting will go as usual for the modern over the medieval, I’m still voting for the music and the nice helpful doggy. The singing in the forest matches my Lenten journey this year, though hard work among people is needed too.

  47. March 2, 2020 - 10:16 am | Permalink

    Eva’s life was inspiring, but Herve struck a spiritual chord with me. Music in the forest with a white dog searching for a lost relative made my heart sing.

  48. Jerry Cappel's Gravatar Jerry Cappel
    March 2, 2020 - 10:17 am | Permalink

    Dogs, song and the refusals of priesthood? Sign me up for Hervé! Nothing against the good sister, for sure. Both saints in deed! And heart.

  49. Barbara's Gravatar Barbara
    March 2, 2020 - 10:17 am | Permalink

    Looks as though this has become a gender thing.

    • Lucinda's Gravatar Lucinda
      March 2, 2020 - 10:55 am | Permalink

      I deeply hope it is much more than gender voting. For me, that would detract from the spiritual aspect and bit of discernment that many of us put into our voting. We know all are worth of the Golden Halo. Also, if we eliminate all saints who are imbued with legend, we are ignoring centuries of church history.

    • Susan Lee Hauser's Gravatar Susan Lee Hauser
      March 2, 2020 - 11:08 am | Permalink

      I don’t think it’s gender so much as temporal. A lot of people want to vote for someone who, as was said above, is “real” and “believable,” forgetting for the moment that we follow the One who walked on water and changed water into wine.

    • Shelly's Gravatar Shelly
      March 2, 2020 - 2:29 pm | Permalink

      Thank you, Lucinda and Susan. You’ve helped me to decide: I’ll try to combat the gender and temporal bias by voting for Herve.

  50. Janet Clufton's Gravatar Janet Clufton
    March 2, 2020 - 10:19 am | Permalink

    It was difficult to choose between these Saints who did such good and loving works. I chose Eva because her works continue today.

  51. Verdery Kassebaum's Gravatar Verdery Kassebaum
    March 2, 2020 - 10:20 am | Permalink

    Voted for Herve, partly for the music, partly because he had fewer votes.

  52. March 2, 2020 - 10:22 am | Permalink

    As a Presbyterian Minister, I have to vote for Eva

  53. Ken's Gravatar Ken
    March 2, 2020 - 10:27 am | Permalink

    This was and will continue to be fun and educational. I pray for some doing this in a well formed Christian community. That They Find amazing refreshed Fellowship and that God provides new relationships in fellowship for them that carry on for years to come.


  54. Susan C.'s Gravatar Susan C.
    March 2, 2020 - 10:34 am | Permalink

    There was so much to love about both Hervé and Mother Eva, but I have to vote for Hervé. I am a singer, have a very old dog whom I’ve loved for over 14 years who is in her final months, love to attempt to speak French, and love the nation of France that has such a wealth of history, beauty, grace and art. Hervé also rose above his disability, showing that it was no disability in the eyes of God and man. Then there is my favorite holy place in France, Mont-St-Michel, that is almost in the Brittany, where Hervé lived and taught.

  55. Joe's Gravatar Joe
    March 2, 2020 - 10:35 am | Permalink

    Full disclosure I am an employee and parent so a little biased…BUT…I love Bethany School (founded by Mother Eva). The Sister’s commitment to diversity and to environmental stewardship has helped transform it into a very diverse (in every sense of the word) community that is the only net zero school building (the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is equal to the amount of renewable energy created on the site by geo-thermal wells) in the Midwest and the second-most energy efficient school building in the entire United States. Mother Eva’s legacy is thriving!

    • Marjorie Menaul's Gravatar Marjorie Menaul
      March 2, 2020 - 2:44 pm | Permalink

      Thank you for your update on Mother Eva’s legacy. Powerful!

  56. Margaret's Gravatar Margaret
    March 2, 2020 - 10:41 am | Permalink

    I voted for Herve as I see the work of the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind and it’s sister organization, America’s Vet Dogs in nearby Smithtown NY. It would be wonderful to be able to name a Guide Dog Herve. ( Anyone know the dog’s name?) Herve also had a beautiful ushering into heaven.

  57. Judy's Gravatar Judy
    March 2, 2020 - 10:43 am | Permalink

    “with gladness and singleness of heart” is what caught my heart this morning.

  58. March 2, 2020 - 10:45 am | Permalink

    Da Plane! I thought surely the dog guy would be ahead!

  59. March 2, 2020 - 10:48 am | Permalink

    Reading about Sr. Eva, I thought my decision was made. . .(I’m from Cincinnati, our parish charitable focus for Lenten donations is Bethany House, I work with St. Vincent de Paul and we often interact with the Bethany House Foundation). . . then I read about Herve. . .Our parish school has a blind music teacher who specializes in song, I tandem ride with the blind and we share our life experiences and beliefs as we ride; I have learned so much about faith through them. . . .What to do? Ugh! Lent Madness, you are driving me crazy! This one will have to ‘perk’ for a while.

    • Venitra DeGraffenreid's Gravatar Venitra DeGraffenreid
      March 2, 2020 - 7:40 pm | Permalink

      I have visited the Community of the Transfiguration. It is a delightful place. My vote is for Eva.

  60. Pam L's Gravatar Pam L
    March 2, 2020 - 10:50 am | Permalink

    I thought it was interesting that so many voted for Herve because of the dog, rather than what the blind man accomplished. My husband it blind.

    • Amy's Gravatar Amy
      March 2, 2020 - 12:07 pm | Permalink

      I was wondering, as I read, whether Herve’s was the first-ever seeing eye dog. I wouldn’t vote for Herve “because of the dog,” per se. But I might do so because of Herve having the idea of and demonstrating the feasibility of a man/dog partnership that enabled greater independence for a blind person.

  61. Tom Downs's Gravatar Tom Downs
    March 2, 2020 - 10:59 am | Permalink

    Google, Thomas Stanley Matthews. His was an interesting life as well. He wrote the opinion in an important 14th amendment case, defending the civil rights of Chinese immigrants in San Francisco. Eva Lee Matthews: Like father, like daughter.

  62. March 2, 2020 - 11:02 am | Permalink

    Shared these bios with one of my J2A participants yesterday and had a nice discussion of the pros and cons of each. A very thoughtful 9th grader chose Herve . The decision was based on the quality of life the poverty, blindness, bare forest existence, need to care for destitute parents, vs. Supreme Court father, ability to study at Oxford, not having to struggle to survive, having resources and contacts that could help in the ministry she was called to do. It was a great session and I hope the beginning of a new Madness Maniac! I will send the results of today’s voting and access to this site if continuing to delve into the life of the Saints and the excitement of voting appeals. Thank you Lent Madness for a fun way to share the gospel life with other generations!

  63. Jada Rain's Gravatar Jada Rain
    March 2, 2020 - 11:04 am | Permalink

    Here is my ABABCCAB poem about Herve;
    Oh, Mr. Herve,
    You may be blind,
    But you may still be quirky,
    And may be kind.
    You were a teacher,
    You were a fine creature,
    Your life was quite a journey,
    You’ve made up my mind!

  64. Joanne B. Parrott's Gravatar Joanne B. Parrott
    March 2, 2020 - 11:14 am | Permalink

    Never knew about either of these 2 worthy saints b4 today so I have no dog in this fight therefore I default to the ladies and vote for Mother Eva

  65. Michael Cudney's Gravatar Michael Cudney
    March 2, 2020 - 11:15 am | Permalink

    Martha and Mary and Bethany House pushed me off the fence.

  66. Rufus Hallmark's Gravatar Rufus Hallmark
    March 2, 2020 - 11:17 am | Permalink

    Do I imagine it, or is there just a teeny tiny bit of gender bias in our voting? The large majority of people leaving comments are women, and Eva Lee Matthews wins hands down. This is not an angry comment; I’m just wondering aloud. I was not drawn to Hervé because he was male, but because of his overcoming blindness, his teaching, and his loving music and using song in his teaching.
    May I make a second, more general comment? After voting for Sir Thomas More a few days back, I was shocked to read that he condoned torture and death for those who he considered heretics. I think the Supreme Executive Committee needs to inform us of the negatives as well as the positives about candidates.
    I am heartily enjoying Lenten Madness for the second time. Keep up the good work.

    • Anita's Gravatar Anita
      March 2, 2020 - 12:46 pm | Permalink

      That I did not know about T More

  67. March 2, 2020 - 11:24 am | Permalink

    I liked Herve more than I thought I would–the dog and the music–but I was called to vote for Sr. Eva Mary, who founded Bethany House. Many years ago, I was principal of the House of Bethany in Robertsport, Liberia, a residence for girls attending the Episcopal High School there.

  68. Jim Anderson's Gravatar Jim Anderson
    March 2, 2020 - 11:28 am | Permalink

    People, people, people: A blind guy who loves puppies, obeys his mom and serves God. What’s not to like?

  69. James N Lodwick's Gravatar James N Lodwick
    March 2, 2020 - 11:30 am | Permalink

    St. Herve’s legend is an endearing one–overcoming blindness with the help of perhaps the first known “seeing-eye” dog, love of singing–and one of my good friends is named Herve`. And now I’ve learned about his holy patron.
    But I grew up in Cincinnati, not far from the convent Eva Lee Matthews founded, a foyer of Catholic piety in a then VERY low church diocese, so I have to vote for Mother Eva. I particularly appreciate her ideal of combining Mary and Martha–prayer and service.

  70. Adelaide Kent's Gravatar Adelaide Kent
    March 2, 2020 - 11:32 am | Permalink

    I find the comments as interesting as the saintly bios. What a diverse and interesting group of Christians you all are!

  71. March 2, 2020 - 11:33 am | Permalink

    Gotta love a holy woman who makes a pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Helena, Egeria, Eva ), and I’m always in favor of modern era monastics who helped recover that great spiritual strength for the Anglican tradition.

  72. Deb Southward's Gravatar Deb Southward
    March 2, 2020 - 11:41 am | Permalink

    Eva is a “Buckeye” close to my home & !

  73. Diane Quantic's Gravatar Diane Quantic
    March 2, 2020 - 11:50 am | Permalink

    This is a tough one. Are you sure Evie wasn’t a Methodist? And how can I resist a saint with a dog? I’ll go with the Methodist doing no harm.

  74. Sandy Hunnicutt's Gravatar Sandy Hunnicutt
    March 2, 2020 - 11:50 am | Permalink

    Both are worthy candidates. I voted for Herve due to the physical challenges he had to overcome. Eva was born into a well established family with plenty of resources. Herve had to struggle daily but turned his life into a joyful one. He climbed the bigger mountain!

  75. Anne E.B.'s Gravatar Anne E.B.
    March 2, 2020 - 12:00 pm | Permalink

    Team Herve, for the pups.

  76. Carol Buckalew's Gravatar Carol Buckalew
    March 2, 2020 - 12:06 pm | Permalink

    Today brings me the 1st madness of the season! Love the bios and the comments. Children and joy and Martha and Mary joining hands, and animals and singing – it’s all my favorite things! How to choose?
    Well, the real answer is that the choosing matters less than the learning. Thank you to the commenter who recommended voting for the one you want to hear more about. That’s going to be my tie breaker strategy.

  77. John B Blackwood's Gravatar John B Blackwood
    March 2, 2020 - 12:10 pm | Permalink

    This is actually harder than I thought it would be…to pick one over the other from two very deserving saints – I guess that’s why they’re saints.

  78. Amy's Gravatar Amy
    March 2, 2020 - 12:13 pm | Permalink

    Thank you to the SEC, for that very pastoral message at the top of today’s LM post. Rather than just skimming over the collects, I’ve prayed them today.

  79. Hannell Thompson's Gravatar Hannell Thompson
    March 2, 2020 - 12:19 pm | Permalink

    I’m an associate of Transfiguration. Gotta love Eva!

  80. Kris Austin's Gravatar Kris Austin
    March 2, 2020 - 12:31 pm | Permalink

    Why do we seem to prioritize animals above children? I love my pets, but “Eva focused on educating, clothing, and caring for those children in need.” That’s all I need to know. Mother Eva FTW!

  81. Barbara Brooks's Gravatar Barbara Brooks
    March 2, 2020 - 12:33 pm | Permalink

    I didn’t think this would be a hard one after reading about Eva and seeing that really beautiful smile, but as a singer and animal lover (and an appreciator of bold disabled people), this is a tough choice. I’m going to go with Eva, but enjoyed learning about Herve.

    • Barbara Brooks's Gravatar Barbara Brooks
      March 2, 2020 - 12:35 pm | Permalink

      And I really love reading the comments.

  82. Anita Martin's Gravatar Anita Martin
    March 2, 2020 - 12:42 pm | Permalink

    Love a blind man walking and singing God’s praises as well as teaching. Singing and Preaching send His words for all to hear

  83. Vanessa Clark's Gravatar Vanessa Clark
    March 2, 2020 - 12:53 pm | Permalink

    Mother Eva, Foundress of The Community of the Transfiguration, was a loving and joyful woman who touched the world with light. Her legacy of the CT Sisters and Oblates continues to turn the world toward Christ”s Commonwealth of Peace.
    Praise be to God!

  84. Sharon Monroe's Gravatar Sharon Monroe
    March 2, 2020 - 12:58 pm | Permalink

    I voted for Herve because he declined ordaination to the priesthood and continued his ministry of teaching and preaching, singing songs glorifying God and caring for those he encountered along the way.

  85. Jack Zamboni's Gravatar Jack Zamboni
    March 2, 2020 - 1:24 pm | Permalink

    I tend to go more for people recent enough to have solid info about as compared to medieval worthies surrounded by legend. But being a singer myself, I could resist voting Herve.

  86. March 2, 2020 - 1:47 pm | Permalink

    I voted for Mother Eva. She was a brave, strong woman who followed her vocation through some very difficult waters. Her Sisters have been missionaries in China, Japan and suffered in concentration camp. She was an inspiration to them and to us.

  87. Lisa Keppeler's Gravatar Lisa Keppeler
    March 2, 2020 - 2:00 pm | Permalink

    Okay, full disclosure: When I glanced through this year’s celestial line-up, I thought it included Hergé, the Belgian cartoonist who gave us The Adventures of Tintin … and I’m thinking, great cartoonist and writer; but what don’t I know about him that makes him a halo candidate? Fascinated to instead learn about Hervé, an able, gifted, and accomplished person with a disability, and a lover of music and animals. Anyway, both Hervé and Tintin have white dogs, so perhaps with Snowy joining me in a loud Wooah! — which I guess is how dogs bark in Belgium — I voted for Hervé!

    • John Cabot's Gravatar John Cabot
      March 2, 2020 - 3:02 pm | Permalink

      Funny, I thought exactly the same thing: Hergé vs. Hervé. Then I cleaned my glasses and took a second look.

      Apart from being a great storyteller, Hergé was enamored of automobiles. The Tintin series contains meticulously rendered portraits of contemporary cars and trucks. You can find an exhaustive list at http://dardel.info/tintin/indexE.html.

      FYI: In Belgium (the French-speaking part, at least), dogs say “Ouah!”. The English-language Tintin books (which are in British English) use “Wooah!”

      • St. Celia's Gravatar St. Celia
        March 2, 2020 - 3:22 pm | Permalink

        There’s a Bugatti! En matière de voitures, Hergé a du goût très fin.

  88. Fiona's Gravatar Fiona
    March 2, 2020 - 2:09 pm | Permalink

    My vote goes to Herve, in part because his must be one of the first recorded examples of a guide dog, and because his choice of a solitary life encompassed teaching children and resisting ordination, a humble man.

  89. Eva Kathleen Vaughn's Gravatar Eva Kathleen Vaughn
    March 2, 2020 - 2:22 pm | Permalink

    My first name is Eva (although I go by my middle name) and I am a retired teacher. Easiest vote I’ve ever made!

  90. Aimiliona's Gravatar Aimiliona
    March 2, 2020 - 2:37 pm | Permalink

    As a Breton speaker with a blind friend (who has a cat and doesn’t want a dog) and two dogs, I have to vote for Hervé.

  91. March 2, 2020 - 2:47 pm | Permalink

    In the 60s I met a couple of nuns from the Community of the Transfiguration in Honolulu. I believe one was named Sister Monica.

    • Sr. Hope Mary's Gravatar Sr. Hope Mary
      March 2, 2020 - 3:02 pm | Permalink

      Ed, Sr. Monica is still living at the Convent, and would love a visit.

      • March 2, 2020 - 6:11 pm | Permalink

        Where is the convent located?

        • Diana's Gravatar Diana
          March 2, 2020 - 10:53 pm | Permalink

          Ed, we are in Glendale, in greater Cincinnati. Look us up at ctsisters.org

  92. Melanie's Gravatar Melanie
    March 2, 2020 - 2:57 pm | Permalink

    Curious how the percentage doesn’t change through the day. It was 61% – 39% first early this morning, when there were only a few hundred votes, and it’s been 61% – 39% every time I’ve checked back. More than 6,000 votes now.

    I’m going to have to watch this on future matchups. We are, if nothing else, remarkable consistent.

    • Kathy in Nicaragua's Gravatar Kathy in Nicaragua
      March 2, 2020 - 3:07 pm | Permalink

      I’ve noticed that the vote percentages often stay very consistent all day. The exception is when the voting is close, so that who’s ahead can vary back and forth.

  93. Ely Ely's Gravatar Ely Ely
    March 2, 2020 - 3:19 pm | Permalink

    I voted for Herve, I felt that as a blind man he must have encountered unusual barriers and challenges.

  94. KarenR's Gravatar KarenR
    March 2, 2020 - 3:21 pm | Permalink

    My four-legged and feathered companions are my family, so Herve’ appeals to me; but I am also at a frightening and uncertain time in my old age, and contemplating a move to Dayton Ohio. Many obstacles in the way but peace at the journey’s end, I feel. I’ll go with the Ohio nun as an offering of faith in the Lord to steer me through storms.

    • Diana's Gravatar Diana
      March 2, 2020 - 3:34 pm | Permalink

      Hello Karen. Glendale where the Convent of the Transfiguration is, is not far from Dayton. I hope you will come for a visit and let us get to know you. Sr. Diana

  95. Marlene's Gravatar Marlene
    March 2, 2020 - 3:24 pm | Permalink

    I love that Herve’s stained glass canine resembles my dear departed dawghter, Aqua, but who run the world, (and have rarely been honored in the patriarchic global milieu?) Girlzz!

  96. Terrie Wallace's Gravatar Terrie Wallace
    March 2, 2020 - 3:47 pm | Permalink

    A tough decision again! In the end though before I left for a dental appointment, my little Pomeranian looked up at me, as well as my cat and their eyes both said “Herve!”

  97. March 2, 2020 - 4:13 pm | Permalink

    I have family members who are visually impaired and I am a member of the Lions Club. My vote is for Herve’ and his guide dog. My gentle pit bull agrees.

  98. Marianna Matthews Peipon's Gravatar Marianna Matthews Peipon
    March 2, 2020 - 4:31 pm | Permalink

    I knew who I was going to vote for before the day began — I’m a relative of Eva Lee Matthews and have many wonderful memories of times spent at the school/home/convent. We were fortunate to be able to take boarding orphans into our home for Thanksgivings. Sr. Olivia was my great aunt and we had MANY laughs over the years. My family eventually built a home across the street from the convent. My husband and I are missionaries and the sisters generously supported our efforts with HIV+ orphans for several years! Blessed to be part of this others-oriented family…

    • Diana's Gravatar Diana
      March 2, 2020 - 10:54 pm | Permalink

      Marianna, we would love to have you come for a visit if you could.

      • Marianna Matthews Peipon's Gravatar Marianna Matthews Peipon
        March 3, 2020 - 8:43 am | Permalink

        We are now in the area more often. What day or time suits best for you?! Then we can compare calendars!! Feel free to email me at marianna@ukrainemedicaloutreach.org

  99. Patricia Gordon's Gravatar Patricia Gordon
    March 2, 2020 - 4:42 pm | Permalink

    Despite Mother Eva’s worthy endeavors and her enchanting smile, I had to cast my vote for Hervé and his stalwart acceptance of blindness, not using it as an excuse to refrain from caring for others and above all for his joy in praising God in music. I hope the charming image of the angelic choirs welcoming him to Paradise is true.

  100. Cathy Schuyler's Gravatar Cathy Schuyler
    March 2, 2020 - 4:47 pm | Permalink

    Dogs! He loved dogs, music, and kids! Add in “bathed in heavenly light” and he’s my kind of saint!
    Whether or not Herve advances this round, I’m claiming him. Thanks for the introduction.

  101. Melissa's Gravatar Melissa
    March 2, 2020 - 5:49 pm | Permalink

    As a CPS worker and a dog lover this was a tough one. Ultimately I was swayed by the children, which have been my life’s work in some way, shape or form since I was an adolescent. #TeamEva

  102. Terrie Wallace's Gravatar Terrie Wallace
    March 2, 2020 - 6:06 pm | Permalink

    Oh- also, we’ve been taking care of some strays that an old man who was a hoarder in the complex where I live used to be a neighbor. He was moved out by the property managers in September as his hoard got worse, and worse plus judging from the amount they did find, I think one of his issues was hoarding cats. We have been helping out the ones that Animal Services were never able to find even despite cat traps which oddly, they were smart enough to stay away from and as I also was leaving for the Dental appointment I also swore I heard one of them meowing “Herve, please, Herve!

  103. Olive DePonte's Gravatar Olive DePonte
    March 2, 2020 - 6:16 pm | Permalink

    Thought I love the idea of a saint of veterinarians, I had to vote for Mother Eva. because I attended K-6 at an Episcopal day school run by the Sisters of the Transfiguration. My principal (and 1st and 2nd grade teacher) was my childhood mentor (and taught me to love baseball, among other things), and my daughter is partially named for her.

  104. Mary Knight's Gravatar Mary Knight
    March 2, 2020 - 6:29 pm | Permalink

    I voted

  105. Donna K's Gravatar Donna K
    March 2, 2020 - 6:35 pm | Permalink

    In honor of my great aunt who was an Anglican nun, I cast my vote for Mother Eva.

  106. Linda M.'s Gravatar Linda M.
    March 2, 2020 - 6:49 pm | Permalink

    Another difficult choice. In the end, I voted for Mother Eva. Diana’s Top Ten Reasons to Vote for Eva Lee Matthews sold me. My long-haired male Siamese, Samson, will probably bite if I tell him I didn’t vote for Herve. Simple solution: keep my mouth shut & give him extra treats.

  107. Janene's Gravatar Janene
    March 2, 2020 - 7:10 pm | Permalink

    Sister Eva for me.

  108. Anthony Lee's Gravatar Anthony Lee
    March 2, 2020 - 9:20 pm | Permalink

    Being a lover of dogs (the last one of whom I had to put down four days ago) and music, I’m with Cathy Schuyler on two out of three points. I can do without kids, but I wanted to be a hermit in my youth. When I found out what that entailed, I decided to just be a recluse. Sounds like Hervé had one of the first seeing eye dogs.

  109. Anthony Lee's Gravatar Anthony Lee
    March 2, 2020 - 9:37 pm | Permalink

    Looks like my reply fell through the cracks. Was I cast into outer darkness (with weeping etc. etc.) because I accidentally voted twice? I forgot I’d already voted.

    • Anthony Lee's Gravatar Anthony Lee
      March 2, 2020 - 9:39 pm | Permalink

      Okay, now it’s reappeared and I’m totally confused. I confuse easily.

  110. Vernon L's Gravatar Vernon L
    March 2, 2020 - 10:01 pm | Permalink

    I voted for Herve Due to giving up the priesthood knowing the Lord sent him another direction Also being blind and his love for animals ,particularly his dog….

  111. Rachelle Desrochers's Gravatar Rachelle Desrochers
    March 2, 2020 - 10:10 pm | Permalink

    I have an Uncle Herve (by marriage) who just turned 95, but I had never heard of Saint Herve. I found his story very moving. So Herve gets my vote!

  112. The Rev. Deacon Michelle The Rev. Deacon Michelle "Missy" Couch
    March 2, 2020 - 10:29 pm | Permalink

    How does one choose between 2 people who coulda’ been Deacons in the Epuscopal Church?
    I went with Eva because her story is not legendary but factual. Still. .. as a dog owner/lover I was tempted to vote for Herve.

  113. Charlotte Desilets's Gravatar Charlotte Desilets
    March 2, 2020 - 10:32 pm | Permalink

    A vote for St. Herve’, patron of the veterinarians who care for my fur babies.

  114. TJ's Gravatar TJ
    March 3, 2020 - 2:35 am | Permalink

    What a difficult choice today! I feel a connection to both of these saints but ultimately went with fellow educator and “birthday twin,” Eva Lee Matthews.

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