There’s more to Lent than brackets?!

If you’ve spent more than 15 seconds on this website, you’ll know that the Supreme Executive Committee loves nothing more than the endless and shameless promotion of Lent Madness. Tim and Scott think the Saintly Smackdown is a pretty great way to share the stories of how the love of Jesus has burned brightly in the hearts of saints new and ancient, lay and clergy, prophet and martyr, and so on.

We also know that many Lent Madness fans like to engage in this Lenten season in other ways. The custom of self-denial through giving up those things that distract us from God is a worthy practice. Lent invites us to spend time with the scriptures and in prayer. Lent calls us to look beyond ourselves, to focus on loving God and loving our neighbors.

It’s only three weeks until Ash Wednesday, so we thought now might be a good time to mention a few resources to take with you on your Lenten journey.

To that end, Forward Movement offers an array of Lenten resources. You can see the whole list online, but we wanted to highlight a few for Lent Madness fans.

A Spring in the Desert: Rediscovering the Water of Life in Lent by Frank and Victoria Logue
A Spring in the Desert coverJesus stepped out of the water of baptism into uninhabitable wilderness, emerging forty days later to offer the water of life for those thirsting for God’s presence. A little more than two centuries later, a group of Christians withdrew from a spiritually barren Roman Empire to find their faith blossom in the stony soil of the Egyptian desert.

Frank and Victoria Logue offer a Lenten journey inspired by the many passages of scripture that use images of water in the desert as a sign of the healing and wholeness that come through God alone. To this they add the distilled wisdom of the Desert Mothers and Fathers and the surprisingly rich inspiration of the plants and animals that thrive in an arid land. Along the way, they will share the ways our faith speaks to the barren places in our lives and how those times of drought can be a source of strength.

The paper book is available from Forward Movement (bulk discounts available) or from Amazon for your Kindle app or reader.

Join the Journey: Lent 2020
Illustrated by award-winning cartoonist Jay Sidebotham, this colorable calendar invites spiritual reflection and is a wonderful companion for the Lenten season. Share these with your congregation, youth group, Sunday School classes, and family. Sold in bundles of 25, folded 8.5 x 11 for shipping.

Join the Journey calendar sample

The Bible Challenge
Way of Love Bible Challenge coverForward Movement publishes a number of Bible Challenge books to help you engage with scripture. This liturgical year, we’re hearing a lot from the Gospels of Mark and John, so you might might like to check out A Journey with Mark: The 50 Day Bible Challenge or A Journey with John: The 50 Day Bible Challenge. Those of you who are Episcopalians might enjoy The Way of Love Bible Challenge: A 50 Day Bible Challenge, which explores the seven themes of the Way of Love spiritual practices that we’ve been called to embraced by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

All of the Bible Challenge books offer bulk discounts, and there are links to ebook versions on the above pages.

Recent Books by the Supreme Executive Committee
Dust Bunnies book coverTim and Scott have churned out a few books between them. Maybe someday they’ll write a book together!

For now, you might like Tim’s Lenten book of humor, Dust Bunnies in the Basket: Finding God in Lent & Easter or his recent book on faith & coffee, Holy Grounds: The Surprising Connection between Coffee and Faith – From Dancing Goats to Satan’s Drink.

Scott has co-authored, with Melody Wilson Shobe, Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices and also Faithful Questions: Exploring the Way with Jesus.

Don’t Forget the Lentorium
If you’re looking for Lent Madness stuff, there’s only one place to buy it — in the Lent Madness Lenten Emporium, or Lentorium. You can find bracket posters, Saintly Scorecards, Golden Halo winner mugs, and even a Lent Madness travel mug.

Remember: Grace is Free, and so are Lent Madness and Repentance
You don’t need to spend anything to enjoy Lent Madness or to go on a great spiritual journey this Lenten season. So, all our usual sales jokes aside, we hope you find your way closer to Jesus, however you go through Lent.

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