FREE Lent Madness article!

If you watched yesterday’s edition of Monday Madness, you know that Tim and Scott revealed a well-kept secret about the world’s most popular online Lenten devotion. Participation in Lent Madness is…(shhhhhh)…entirely free. You can simply download a bracket and vote during the weekdays of Lent.

Sure, you can purchase copies of The Saintly Scorecard: The Definitive Guide to Lent Madness 2018 or giant bracket posters to put up at church or Lent Madness mugs. And, yes, the Bible says (somewhere), “God loves a cheerful purchaser of Lent Madness tchotchkes.”

But beyond our “no purchase necessary” approach to Lenten learning, we have one more item to give you. A token of our appreciation; a free pre-Lenten gift in the form of…an article about Lent Madness!

Perhaps you edit your church’s newsletter. Maybe you like to share really long posts on Facebook. Or spam your friends and relatives with unwanted e-mails. However you want to use it, the article and accompanying graphics below are yours for the taking. Because we care. Enjoy!

Lent Madness 2018
The Saintly Smackdown is Back!

By now you’ve heard that Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day coincide this year. The real Lenten love, however, kicks off the next day on February 15. Why? Because for the ninth year running, people of faith are gearing up for Lent Madness, the beloved “saintly smackdown!”

With its unique blend of competition, learning, and humor, Lent Madness allows participants to be inspired by the ways in which God has worked through the lives of saintly souls across generations and cultures. Throughout Lent, thirty-two saints will do battle to win the coveted Golden Halo. Based loosely on the NCAA basketball tournament of a similar name, this online devotion pits saints against one another in a bracket as voters choose their favorites throughout this penitential season.

Here’s how to participate: on the weekdays of Lent, information is posted at about two different saints. Each pairing remains open for 24 hours as participants read about and then vote to determine which saint moves on to the next round. Sixteen saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elate Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is awarded the coveted Golden Halo.

The first round consists of basic biographical information about each of the 32 saints. Things get a bit more interesting in the subsequent rounds as we offer quotes and quirks, explore legends, and even move into the area of saintly kitsch.

This year Lent Madness features an intriguing slate of saints ancient and modern, Biblical and ecclesiastical. 2018 heavyweights include John the Evangelist, Margaret of Scotland, Richard Hooker, Katharina von Bora, and the apostles Peter and Paul.

The full bracket is online at the Lent Madness website and, while not necessary to participate, you can order The Saintly Scorecard: The Definitive Guide to Lent Madness 2018 at This companion guide includes biographies of all 32 saints, a full-color bracket, information about how to fully participate, and a series of Pocket Lent trading cards.

Lent Madness began in 2010 as the brainchild of the Rev. Tim Schenck, an Episcopal priest and rector of St. John’s Church in Hingham, Massachusetts. In seeking a fun, engaging way for people to learn about the men and women who make up the church’s calendar of saints, Schenck devised this devotion. Combining his love of sports with his passion for the lives of the saints, Lent Madness was born.

Starting in 2012, Schenck partnered with Forward Movement (the same folks that publish Forward Day by Day) executive director Scott Gunn, to bring Lent Madness to the masses. Schenck and Gunn form the self-appointed Supreme Executive Committee, a more-or-less benevolent dictatorship that runs the entire operation.

The formula has worked as this online devotional has been featured in media outlets all over the country including national television, the Washington Post, NPR, USAToday, and even Sports Illustrated (seriously). More importantly thousands of people have been inspired by the saintly stories of those who have come before us in the faith.

Eleven “celebrity bloggers” from across the country have been tapped to write for the project: the Rev. Amber Belldene of San Francisco, CA; the Rev. Laurie Brock of Lexington, KY; the Rev. Megan Castellan of Kansas City, MO; Anna Fitch Courie of Honolulu, HI; Dr. David Creech of Morehead, MN; Neva Rae Fox of Somerville, NJ; the Rev. David Hansen of Woodlands, TX; Emily Miller of Chicago, IL; Carol Howard Merritt of Chattanooga, TN; The Rev. Marcus Halley of Minneapolis, MN; and the Rev. David Sibley of Manhasset, NY. Information about each of the celebrity bloggers and the rest of the team is available on the Lent Madness website.

If you’re looking for a Lenten discipline that is fun, educational, occasionally goofy, and always joyful, join the Lent Madness journey. Lent needn’t be all doom and gloom. After all, what could be more joyful than a season specifically set aside to get closer to Jesus Christ?

10 Comments to "FREE Lent Madness article!"

  1. Diana's Gravatar Diana
    January 17, 2018 - 3:55 pm | Permalink

    Scott and Tim, I have been waiting eagerly for wisdom and guidance on the mystic convergence of the Feast of St. Valentine and the Fast of Ash Wednesday. Surely you have insight to offer! The modern replacement of St. Valentine with Cyril and Methodius, who have only historicity to recommend them over the martyr Valentine, is, I regret to say, sad. Have you naught to offer your faithful Lent Madness followers?

    • January 17, 2018 - 4:22 pm | Permalink

      Patience, my child.

    • Jules's Gravatar Jules
      January 17, 2018 - 7:09 pm | Permalink

      And don’t forget, Easter this year coincides with the Feast of All Fools. Look out!

      • Diana's Gravatar Diana
        January 18, 2018 - 7:20 am | Permalink

        When, O when will the SEC suitably honor the Eastern Orthodox tradition of Holy Fools? This would have been the perfect year.

  2. Marybeth Wright's Gravatar Marybeth Wright
    January 18, 2018 - 7:46 am | Permalink

    Excellent article Tim!

  3. Marybeth Wright's Gravatar Marybeth Wright
    January 18, 2018 - 7:49 am | Permalink

    Excellent article Tim! I am very impressed!!
    You two,put the nail on the head!

  4. Jeanmarie McGlynn's Gravatar Jeanmarie McGlynn
    January 18, 2018 - 10:08 am | Permalink

    I would like to get daily email and participate in lentmadness

    • January 18, 2018 - 10:13 am | Permalink

      Great! Sign up for the emails on the upper right side of our webpage. It’s easy and you’ll never miss a vote. Welcome!

  5. Jennifer Mackintosh's Gravatar Jennifer Mackintosh
    January 19, 2018 - 6:45 am | Permalink

    Last year during Lent Madness one of the followers replied each week with a poem about the saint she chose. As I recall there were requests made to have all the poems compiled into one document. Is this available and if so, how can it be purchased or found?
    Thank you!

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