Amelia Bloomer vs. Fanny Crosby

Much to the relief of the entire Lent Madness global public, the Supreme Executive Committee has reconciled — temporarily — which means the Saintly Smackdown will proceed after Saturday’s all-t00-real April 1st scare. Yes, there WILL BE a 2017 Golden Halo winner.

So let’s get back to the holy business of saintly competition! Today, we continue with the final matchup of the Saintly Sixteen as Amelia Bloomer faces Fanny Crosby. To get to this round, Amelia dispatched Philipp Melanchthon while Fanny got the best of G.F. Handel. The winner will join seven other saintly souls to make up the Elate Eight. Who will Amelia or Fanny be joining? Just to refresh your memory, that would be Stephen, Augustine of Canterbury, Franz Jaggerstatter, Mechtild of Magdeburg, Raymond Nonnatus, Martin Luther, and Florence Nightingale. One of this group will, soon enough, be crowned in (extra special) glory.

Amelia Bloomer

Amelia is remembered in the church as a woman who saw women as equal and valued members of the body of Christ. She worked tirelessly in her life to invite the Church and the State to recognize the dignity of women. She was a journalist, voting rights advocate, and temperance leader, among her many roles.

Amelia Bloomer began her prophetic ministry in the temperance movement. She saw the results of alcohol consumption — violence, men squandering their pay on alcohol instead of food, and health issues. She wanted it eradicated from all aspects of society, including food. She responded to criticism made by a prominent wife of an elected official that one could not bake holiday treats without the addition of brandy, saying, “That lady must be a wretched cook indeed who cannot make apple dumplings, mince pie, or cake palatable without the addition of poisonous substances.”

She advocated for less-restricting fashions for women, seeing the style of the day as oppressive and damaging. When criticized by men for advocating for women wearing the style of pants that would bear her name, bloomers, she quipped, “Let men be compelled to wear our dress for awhile and we should soon hear them advocating a change.”

Amelia worked tirelessly for suffrage, and she pushed for the right of women to hold elected offices. Her mind and wit, quick and sharp, frequently pointed out the absurdities of the arguments for the continued disempowerment of women in government. Women, argued the majority of elected male leaders of the day, were created to submit to laws, not to make them. She countered, “It will not do to say that it is out of woman’s sphere to assist in making laws, for if that were so, then it should be also out of her sphere to submit to them.”

She added, to the clergy who argued gender discrimination was God’s holy will, “Man represents us, legislates for us, and now holds himself accountable for us! How kind in him, and what a weight is lifted from us! We shall no longer be answerable to the laws of God or man, no longer be subject to punishment for breaking them.”

In her newspaper The Lily, Amelia created a forum addressing serious issues concerning women, and gave them a voice. Bloomer said of her paper, ”It is woman that speaks through The Lily. It is upon an important subject, too, that she comes before the public to be heard.”

The forum she gave to women to speak, to be heard, and to be empowered continues to nurture all who demand dignity. Her words still ring true, and still challenge us.

Laurie Brock

Fanny Crosby

Fanny Crosby is easily given the appellations of “mother of modern American congregational singing” and “Queen of Gospel Song Writers.” Her more than eight thousand hymn texts of the late 19th and early 20th centuries make her among the most prolific hymn writers of all time. More remarkable than her myriad compositions is that she wrote all of her hymns while blind.

Far from seeing her blindness as a burden and affliction, Crosby noted that “it seemed intended by the blessed providence of God that I should be blind all my life, and I thank him for the dispensation. If perfect earthly sight were offered me tomorrow, I would not accept it. I might not have sung hymns to the praise of God if I had been distracted by the beautiful and interesting things about me.” Indeed, her faithfulness required no sight: “if I had a choice,” she said, “I would still choose to remain blind… for when I die, the first face I will ever see will be the face of my blessed savior.”

Hymn-writing for Crosby wasn’t a matter of making money, or earning a living. She noted that she always began her work in prayer: “I never undertake a hymn without first asking the good Lord to be my inspiration.” Evidently the work of working and re-working lyrics didn’t burden Crosby, either. “It is not enough to have song on your lips,” she said, “you must also have a song in your heart.” Crosby’s prayerfulness was not without practicality, though – and while her hymns have often been criticized for being overly sentimental, one can’t deny the honesty she brought to her own life of prayer: “God will answer you prayers better than you think,” she wrote. “Of course, one will not always get exactly what he has asked for….We all have sorrows and disappointments, but one must never forget that, if commended to God, they will issue in good….His own solution is far better than any we could conceive.”

But of the words all the words Fanny Crosby may have written, it is her hymns that have stirred the hearts of millions of Christians in the United States and around the world. Her best known hymn, “Blessed Assurance,” speaks of the promise found in following Jesus:

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine;
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.

Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Savior am happy and blest;
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

David Sibley

Amelia Bloomer vs. Fanny Crosby

  • Amelia Bloomer (59%, 3,800 Votes)
  • Fanny Crosby (41%, 2,650 Votes)

Total Voters: 6,450

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Amelia Bloomer: The image is from the National Park Service. Here’s the tag – in May 1851 Amelia Bloomer introduced Susan B. Anthony to Elizabeth Cady Stanton as depicted in the life-sized bronze figures sculpted by Ted Aub. In “When Anthony Met Stanton” as in real-life, Bloomer and Stanton are wearing the “Bloomer Costume” which bloomer publicized in “The Lily.”
Fanny Crosby: picture in the public domain.

204 Comments to "Amelia Bloomer vs. Fanny Crosby"

  1. Ann Garvin's Gravatar Ann Garvin
    April 3, 2017 - 8:02 am | Permalink

    I figure Amelia will win this round, so I voted for Fanny! Go gospel singers~

    • Hugh Mitchell's Gravatar Hugh Mitchell
      April 3, 2017 - 10:52 am | Permalink

      Likewise! We use gospel and bluegrass music at our services and, although raised in a High Church tradition, have grown to enjoy the direct simplicity of the music. Threes no mistaking the message. Hang on Fanny, there may be another “late surge” at the end!

      • Ann Garvin's Gravatar Ann Garvin
        April 3, 2017 - 11:55 am | Permalink

        Yes! thanks #GoGospel

    • Rhonda's Gravatar Rhonda
      April 3, 2017 - 1:32 pm | Permalink

      I was going to vote for Bloomer. But singing Blessed Assurance brought tears to my eyes and made my heart sing, so Fanny got my vote.

      • Gloria Flowers's Gravatar Gloria Flowers
        April 3, 2017 - 2:36 pm | Permalink

        Same here.

        • Judith Peterson's Gravatar Judith Peterson
          April 3, 2017 - 3:03 pm | Permalink

          It has been a long time since I sang it all the way through and it inspired me to vote for Fanny. A nostalgic vote for sure.

      • Cindy Lufkin's Gravatar Cindy Lufkin
        April 3, 2017 - 3:42 pm | Permalink

        As I read those words, I could hear my grandmother singing them as she worked in her kitchen, many years ago.

        That clinched my decision, because otherwise I couldn’t decide.

      • Celia Cole's Gravatar Celia Cole
        April 3, 2017 - 8:50 pm | Permalink

        Me, too! I thought Fanny would be ahead due to the inclusion of the song at the end! I’m surprised.

      • Karen Gullett's Gravatar Karen Gullett
        April 4, 2017 - 12:13 am | Permalink


  2. Glenn Horton-Smith's Gravatar Glenn Horton-Smith
    April 3, 2017 - 8:12 am | Permalink

    What an impossible choice!

    • Martha's Gravatar Martha
      April 3, 2017 - 8:57 am | Permalink


    • Denise Evans's Gravatar Denise Evans
      April 3, 2017 - 8:59 am | Permalink

      I agree. This one was super close for me, but I went with Fanny C.

    • Becky's Gravatar Becky
      April 3, 2017 - 10:14 am | Permalink

      Always for me a hard choice when putting two women against each other. With so few women vs so many men, I would hope next year they would not pair up two women but maybe give the women more of a chance by pairing them with a man.

      • Megan O Jones's Gravatar Megan O Jones
        April 3, 2017 - 12:52 pm | Permalink

        Remember that both of these women got to this matchup by beating men. But two of the initial matchups did pit women against each other. I wonder how the SEC decides on those initial contests – it can’t just be puns, can it?

        • peggy's Gravatar peggy
          April 3, 2017 - 1:48 pm | Permalink

          I wouldn’t be surprised. 🙂

  3. Diana's Gravatar Diana
    April 3, 2017 - 8:15 am | Permalink

    For Amelia Bloomer and Fanny Crosby
    Tune: Simple Gifts, Hymnal ’82, 554, ‘Tis the gift to be simple . . .

    ‘Tis the gift to discover the true gifts we’ve been giv’n.
    ‘Tis the gift to offer all we have to Heav’n.
    To serve as we have talent in each happenstance
    is joyous joining in holy dance.
    When we receive with heart and mind,
    The longings and wisdom that God has designed,
    And pour out the insights of our deepest souls,
    We honor God and reveal God’s love.

    She bloomed in a time when women were maligned;
    Were seen as weak and frail with feeble minds.
    She wrote and she published and she dressed with sense.
    In face of scorn she persisted yet.
    Thank God for strong Amelia
    Who saw what was wrong and who worked to call
    Attention of the public to iniquity.
    Her work did much to set women free.

    A woman with blindness – only in her eyes –
    Still exercised her vision true and wise.
    Aunt Fanny heard the music in her heart and soul,
    With prayer she wrote lyrics that still ring forth.
    When with our inward eyes we see
    Assurance of God’s gen’rous blessings free,
    Like her we can choose to share the joy
    Of wondrous love that can never cloy.

    Praise to God the Creator, pouring forth with love
    From the depth of Being all that e’re becomes.
    Praise to God the Redeemer; with us lived and died,
    And rose again e’en though crucified.
    Praise to the Spirit flowing free
    Who guides, sings and is creativity.
    Sing praise to God Who Is Community
    The Three in One and the One in Three.

    • Ntathu's Gravatar Ntathu
      April 3, 2017 - 8:27 am | Permalink

      I love the last stanza– a beautiful prayer this morning. Praise be to God.

    • April 3, 2017 - 8:39 am | Permalink

      Good morning, Diana!
      I really like the phrase “A woman with blindness – only in her eyes.”
      How long does it take you to write up theses lyrics?

      • Diana's Gravatar Diana
        April 3, 2017 - 8:45 am | Permalink

        It depends on the day, Harlie. Sometimes they just flow. Sometimes it’s hard work. Always its joy and prayer. I can’t begin to express what a gift it is when a song finally comes together and gives glimpses of what my heart is feeling. So glad you find pleasure in them, too.

        • April 3, 2017 - 9:06 am | Permalink

          Add me to the list of your fans, Diana. I now check out your hymns each morning before I make my choice, hoping to be inspired by your beautiful words. Thank you!

        • P.A./Patricia in Bar Harbor's Gravatar P.A./Patricia in Bar Harbor
          April 3, 2017 - 11:22 am | Permalink

          Thank you for today’s inspiration. I particularly like that last verse about the Trinity – a challenge for humans to describe – I like your take on them.

          • andrea's Gravatar andrea
            April 3, 2017 - 9:57 pm | Permalink

            Me too. Thank you.

    • Amy's Gravatar Amy
      April 3, 2017 - 9:09 am | Permalink

      Thank you Diana! It is a joy to read the hymn and try to work out the tune. By the third line the hymn starts to sing itself. You and your hymn poetry are a joy, thank you.

    • Sandra's Gravatar Sandra
      April 3, 2017 - 9:15 am | Permalink

      Beautiful, Diana. I especially like the first verse.

    • Diane's Gravatar Diane
      April 3, 2017 - 9:18 am | Permalink

      ‘Tis a gift to have you share these wonderful hymns! I still think you should published them.

      • Diana's Gravatar Diana
        April 3, 2017 - 9:24 am | Permalink

        I’m planning to put them into a PDF format after the Golden Halo is awarded and will send them to anyone who wants the collection.

        • Julia's Gravatar Julia
          April 3, 2017 - 9:59 am | Permalink

          I love your hymns, Diana! So happy to hear that you plan to put them in a pdf.

        • Joanne's Gravatar Joanne
          April 3, 2017 - 10:14 am | Permalink

          Put me on that list. These could be sung at ECW or DOK meetings

        • Ann's Gravatar Ann
          April 3, 2017 - 10:33 am | Permalink

          What a wonderful idea. They are inspiring and yet, no favoritism is expressed. Thank you for sharing your gift.

          • Diana's Gravatar Diana
            April 3, 2017 - 1:44 pm | Permalink

            To be honest, Ann, the biggest temptation is wanting to put in my almost always strong opinion about the saint I prefer. Thanks for saying that I’ve succeeded in resisting.

        • Barbara's Gravatar Barbara
          April 3, 2017 - 11:06 am | Permalink

          Please ask the SEC to put it up more publicly for us. I definitely want to be on your list but have lots of LentMadness participants who are asking for it as well.

        • VT Patty's Gravatar VT Patty
          April 3, 2017 - 11:54 am | Permalink

          Please add me to your list! I look for your hymn each day.

        • April 3, 2017 - 5:01 pm | Permalink

          Diana, I bet Scott and Tim could put it in the Lentorium as a free download.

          • Diana's Gravatar Diana
            April 3, 2017 - 8:33 pm | Permalink

            Tim? Scott? I’d be happy to do this if you think if appropriate.

      • Isabelle's Gravatar Isabelle
        April 3, 2017 - 6:39 pm | Permalink

        I agree, Diana should publish her lyrics! She’s so talented!!

    • April 3, 2017 - 9:25 am | Permalink

      Another fine one, Diana. Thank you!

    • Joanne's Gravatar Joanne
      April 3, 2017 - 10:12 am | Permalink

      Best one yet, about the one match up I was struggling with.
      Your lyrics inspired me to stick w/ my mother’s favorite hymnist
      “blind only in her eyes” What wonders her mind saw.

    • Verdery Kassebaum's Gravatar Verdery Kassebaum
      April 3, 2017 - 11:35 am | Permalink

      The tune was also used by Sidney Carter for “Lord of the Dance”. One of my favorites.
      Thank you, Diana, for your lyrics.

    • Margaret's Gravatar Margaret
      April 3, 2017 - 11:51 am | Permalink

      Your hymns are such a joy. I keep thinking how nice it would be to sing some on All Saints Day.

    • Jeannine Desmarais's Gravatar Jeannine Desmarais
      April 3, 2017 - 11:56 am | Permalink

      I LOVE your hymn. Thank you for sharing!

    • april's Gravatar april
      April 3, 2017 - 12:15 pm | Permalink

      Blessings, Diana. You have certainly blessed us!

    • Kathleen's Gravatar Kathleen
      April 3, 2017 - 12:27 pm | Permalink

      Thank you for this amazing set of verses. Go, Fanny!

    • Lucy Porter's Gravatar Lucy Porter
      April 3, 2017 - 2:11 pm | Permalink

      Thank you so much, Diana, for all the lyrics you have given us this year. In your honor, and because of my great love for her hymns, I vote for Fanny Crosby.

    • David N.'s Gravatar David N.
      April 3, 2017 - 9:09 pm | Permalink

      I love your “Hymns for Lenten Madness” and hope you will make them available for a wider audience — they deserve to be heard in church!

    • Carol in Alberta's Gravatar Carol in Alberta
      April 4, 2017 - 1:57 am | Permalink

      Thank you, Diana, I will be humming it all day long!

  4. Theresa Merritt's Gravatar Theresa Merritt
    April 3, 2017 - 8:16 am | Permalink

    Amelia for the Golden Halo!

  5. Rev. Steve's Gravatar Rev. Steve
    April 3, 2017 - 8:17 am | Permalink

    I voted for Fanny just because I love many of the hymns she wrote. The fact that she did it while blind makes it all the more amazing.

  6. Karen's Gravatar Karen
    April 3, 2017 - 8:22 am | Permalink

    Fanny has my vote – to live as a victorious overcomer in spite of her blindness – writing over 8000 hymns to boot – inspires me to keep my eyes (inside and out) on Christ Jesus all the more!

  7. Carole's Gravatar Carole
    April 3, 2017 - 8:23 am | Permalink

    “… you must also have a song in your heart”.

    “Filled with His goodness, lost in His love”.


  8. Karen K's Gravatar Karen K
    April 3, 2017 - 8:27 am | Permalink

    Fanny was a model for saintly living but more importantly wrote hymns that have inspired and brought comfort to thousands in the past and to come.

  9. Lois Keen's Gravatar Lois Keen
    April 3, 2017 - 8:29 am | Permalink

    Amelia. Because I can’t stand American gospel songs, except the spirituals. There, I confessed my blind spot.

    • Anne Burton's Gravatar Anne Burton
      April 3, 2017 - 9:27 am | Permalink

      I agree! I voted for Amelia for that reason and in memory of my grandmother, a lifelong member of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. She saw firsthand the effects of alcohol on the lives of rural and small-town women. They weren’t allowed to work except on the farm, and were dependent on the men who drank away the money and frequently were violent. Many times she walked to the next farm to help her neighbor deal with her alcoholic husband. This one’s for Carrie.

    • April 3, 2017 - 9:27 am | Permalink

      I commend your courage, my sistuh. 🙂

  10. Susan Maurine's Gravatar Susan Maurine
    April 3, 2017 - 8:30 am | Permalink

    There was no question in my mind this morning: Amelia all the way! We cannot fully appreciate the change in status for women as equal children of God that she advocated. Just imagine what it was really like not to be able even to vote! Fanny’s theology (God wanted her to be blind??) is extremely distasteful to me.

    • April 3, 2017 - 9:18 am | Permalink

      I understood her statements about her blindness as a rejection of ableism, not theology. Remember that until very recently, people who were blind were seen as objects of pity, unable to work or live fully. (My son-in-law, whose parents were both blind, told us once that more than once our state’s Child Protective Service was called in on his family, solely because the caller was sure two blind people couldn’t adequately care for a child.) Sure, the statements are couched in terms that don’t sound great to 21st century ears, but I hear the same underlying statement that I hear with deaf communities seeing themselves as a culture, and not needing to be “cured”.

    • Philippa White's Gravatar Philippa White
      April 3, 2017 - 10:43 am | Permalink

      It’s interesting how differently people can read the same statement – I read Fanny as saying that she (even blind) was fearfully and wonderfully made, made in the image of God and not in need of healing. For me, that’s an incredibly powerful statement.

  11. Joanne's Gravatar Joanne
    April 3, 2017 - 8:30 am | Permalink

    Miss Fanny today for my saintly mother.

  12. Bea Fosmire's Gravatar Bea Fosmire
    April 3, 2017 - 8:35 am | Permalink

    Amelia had a lot of gumption; Fanny had a lot of faith. Have to go with Fanny.

  13. Amelia Hagen's Gravatar Amelia Hagen
    April 3, 2017 - 8:37 am | Permalink

    How could I not vote for Amelia?

  14. Paty's Gravatar Paty
    April 3, 2017 - 8:38 am | Permalink

    Fanny! She brought beauty, joy, and love of God to all though her amazing gift from God. Isn’t that what we are all called to do?

  15. Epo's Gravatar Epo
    April 3, 2017 - 8:39 am | Permalink

    i voted for Amelia.

  16. Pesterl's Gravatar Pesterl
    April 3, 2017 - 8:43 am | Permalink

    Fanny Crosby was amazing! Blind Christian woman in the late 1800s and early 1900s writing and being published in her time and still sung today now that is amazing!

  17. Susan G. Sharp Anderson's Gravatar Susan G. Sharp Anderson
    April 3, 2017 - 8:43 am | Permalink

    MAN! You fooled me all weekend!

  18. April 3, 2017 - 8:47 am | Permalink

    What a terribly hard choice. Thank you, Diana, for “blindness–only in her eyes.” And Blessed Assurance is the song living in my head these days. But as a journalist, although one who thinks fruit cake without brandy is tasteless, I had to vote for Amerlia.

  19. April 3, 2017 - 8:47 am | Permalink

    What a terribly hard choice. Thank you, Diana, for “blindness–only in her eyes.” And Blessed Assurance is the song living in my head these days. But as a journalist, although one who thinks fruit cake without brandy is tasteless, I had to vote for Amelia.

  20. Beth Parkhurst's Gravatar Beth Parkhurst
    April 3, 2017 - 8:52 am | Permalink

    I’m mad at Fanny Crosby for beating out G.F. Handel, but how can I vote for someone who sneers at cooks who put brandy in their mince pies? Advice, please!

  21. Em's Gravatar Em
    April 3, 2017 - 8:53 am | Permalink

    Amen. Me, too.

  22. Toni Ponzo's Gravatar Toni Ponzo
    April 3, 2017 - 8:54 am | Permalink

    Really tough choice! In the end it was Fanny for me because of the solace and joy I often find in so many of her hymns.

  23. April 3, 2017 - 8:54 am | Permalink

    “We shall no longer be answerable to the laws of God or man?”
    Amelia might have been a great feminist, but I didn’t hear much about God or Christ in her life.. at least in today’s description… which seems to me part of what saintliness is about. So sorry, can’t go for Amelia… which leaves Fanny by default.

    • Jeanine's Gravatar Jeanine
      April 3, 2017 - 10:39 am | Permalink

      I agree. I really wanted to feel more of a contest between the two – but Fanny’s devotion to God made it an easy choice for me.

  24. Alan Christensen's Gravatar Alan Christensen
    April 3, 2017 - 8:58 am | Permalink

    In a variation on Rock Paper Scissors, I determined that Bloomer covers Fanny. But seriously, Bloomer’s witty defense of equality swayed me.

    • Wendy Webster Coakley's Gravatar Wendy Webster Coakley
      April 3, 2017 - 9:13 am | Permalink

      Thanks for the Monday morning giggle, Alan! I will look to you for more Rock Paper Scissors determinations in future rounds.

    • April 3, 2017 - 9:30 am | Permalink

      Funny one, Alan. 🙂

    • Pamela Payne's Gravatar Pamela Payne
      April 3, 2017 - 4:02 pm | Permalink

      Just the laugh I needed! Thanks, Alan. Think I will go with Amelia too.

  25. Joyce A Fletcher Menard's Gravatar Joyce A Fletcher Menard
    April 3, 2017 - 9:07 am | Permalink

    Isn’t being a ‘saint’ about living a life of Christian Faith? Many have pursued social justice issues without a faith basis. Amelia’s relationship to our Lord is what? It appears that her faith is known to God alone. Fanny on the other hand’s is clear. When she prays, God doesn’t say “who is this really?” Biography of my 2nd Great Grandfather reports that he was a fan of her works.

    • Alan Christensen's Gravatar Alan Christensen
      April 3, 2017 - 10:22 am | Permalink

      I’m hardly a Bloomer expert, but her first-round bio provides a little info about her religious life. Maybe we’ll learn more in the Elate 8.

    • Becky's Gravatar Becky
      April 3, 2017 - 10:37 am | Permalink


  26. Matthew's Gravatar Matthew
    April 3, 2017 - 9:09 am | Permalink

    If the bracket were arranged differently, these two could have been head to head for the Golden Halo. I go with Fanny Crosby. Her impact on the Episcopal Church as well as the greater church is sung every Sunday in many different parts of the country.

  27. Anne Beckett's Gravatar Anne Beckett
    April 3, 2017 - 9:14 am | Permalink

    Beautiful hymns are a joy, but the fact that women today are participants in all aspects of a spiritual and secular life are thanks to women like Amelia.

  28. Karen Pearson's Gravatar Karen Pearson
    April 3, 2017 - 9:15 am | Permalink

    “this not the fast I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke; to set the oppressed free and to break every yoke.”–Isaiah 58:6

    It seems to me that Amelia heard this call and spent her life answering it. My vote is for Amelia.

  29. Lindsay Graves's Gravatar Lindsay Graves
    April 3, 2017 - 9:25 am | Permalink

    My vote for Fanny stems in part from the hymns I heard as a child. Our congregation sang many “sentimental” hymns about Jesus and His Glory, Jesus and His Love” and I have remembered those words to this day.
    They give me great comfort in these troubled times.

    • Lee W.'s Gravatar Lee W.
      April 3, 2017 - 11:01 am | Permalink

      Amen! Me too! Her hymns take me to my childhood in a little country church in Mississippi.

  30. April 3, 2017 - 9:28 am | Permalink

    I went with Fanny. Besides what was mentioned above, for this story: it’s reported that during the Civil War, Fanny Crosby was at a hotel restaurant a wearing a rather large Union favor (apparently a pin with bunting or some such.) A lady with Southern sympathies walked up to her and told her to “take off that filthy rag”. Fanny promptly stood up, squared her fists, and said “say that again”. (I imagine so she knew where to punch.) Restaurant staff had to intervene. This story reminded me so much of my son-in-law’s late mother, who was also blind and similarly feisty, that it swayed my vote. (Also, the sneer at booze in food turned me against Amelia. My speciality dish is pork chops cooked with Jack Daniels.)

    • Alan Christensen's Gravatar Alan Christensen
      April 3, 2017 - 3:27 pm | Permalink


  31. Nancy's Gravatar Nancy
    April 3, 2017 - 9:34 am | Permalink

    Tough choice today.

  32. Mary Hickman's Gravatar Mary Hickman
    April 3, 2017 - 9:34 am | Permalink

    I was having trouble voting and reviewing results. Might be my computer but have not had trouble before.

  33. Anthony Lee's Gravatar Anthony Lee
    April 3, 2017 - 9:40 am | Permalink

    I gave Fanny kind of short shrift in the Round of 32 in her contest with Georgie Fred, so I’m giving her another chance this time. Bloomer’s advocacy of women’s rights is certainly commendable, but her categorical condemnation of any use of alcohol whatsoever is a little too draconian.

  34. John's Gravatar John
    April 3, 2017 - 9:43 am | Permalink

    Been annoyed by temperence rules for years, and the prohibition spawned gangsters and violence in the same way that anti Marijuana laws have created drug cartels and murder.

    I very much appreciate Amelia proving American clergy wrong in their interpretation of Scripture regarding women’s place in church and society, but the alcohol crusade was a bad move.

  35. Katherine Grimes's Gravatar Katherine Grimes
    April 3, 2017 - 9:53 am | Permalink

    I’m not a teetotaler, but I’ve seen families suffer and people die from alcohol abuse, so I do understand Amelia Bloomer’s vehemence. The brandy-in-pie remark might go too far, but if you’ve seen the face of a man whose son drank himself to death, you can imagine being a bit extreme.

    • Alan Christensen's Gravatar Alan Christensen
      April 3, 2017 - 3:30 pm | Permalink

      I’m no teetotaler, but there was a tremendous level of alcohol abuse in the 19th century that puts the temperance movement in perspective.

  36. Cath's Gravatar Cath
    April 3, 2017 - 10:05 am | Permalink

    Amelia was a tremendous fighter for justice, but a saint???. That’s why I voted for Fanny.

  37. Liz Hunziker's Gravatar Liz Hunziker
    April 3, 2017 - 10:08 am | Permalink

    Amelia for me! You GO Girl! I can imagine the punishment she took from both men and women for her pursuit of The Right and Just Way!

  38. Alrc Clement's Gravatar Alrc Clement
    April 3, 2017 - 10:08 am | Permalink

    As an aging choir boy…must vote for Fanny…her achievement a lasting one. While Amelia had a way with words, they were more political than poetic…had the uneasy sensation she would have served well on the editorial board of the Globe

  39. Gina's Gravatar Gina
    April 3, 2017 - 10:13 am | Permalink

    Love both of these ladies but I had to go with Amelia for
    her logical arguments for women’s equality. My paternal
    grandmother was a seamstress and was very much for
    women’s equality, too. I bet she would have loved bloomers.
    Lastly, she and I share “Amelia” as our middle name!

    Gina in Central NY

  40. JOAN OGDEN's Gravatar JOAN OGDEN
    April 3, 2017 - 10:17 am | Permalink

    So very hard to make this choice — I would have rather voted for a tie. That said, I had to go with active doer as opposed to blessedly gifted writer.

  41. Pauline Dawson's Gravatar Pauline Dawson
    April 3, 2017 - 10:20 am | Permalink

    “What does the Lord require of you … to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Only God knows the true nature of someone’s relationship with Him. But we all can see if someone is fighting for justice. So it’s Amelia for me.

    • April 3, 2017 - 11:03 am | Permalink

      Amen, and thank you for this comment!

  42. Debbie Northern's Gravatar Debbie Northern
    April 3, 2017 - 10:22 am | Permalink

    Two good candidates today so I will not be disappointed with either winner. That being said, I voted for Amelia because of her activism and wit for women’s equality. As a woman I am grateful to her and other women who have made it easier for me!

  43. Phil Bays's Gravatar Phil Bays
    April 3, 2017 - 10:31 am | Permalink

    I was in a quandary on this one. I am 76 and spent almost half of my life teaching at a college for women. On the other hand, I was raised on Fannie’s hymns. It came down to this: in my later years I have come to question some of the theology in the hymns, the one cited in particular. Is Jesus mine? Do I somehow own him? Shouldn’t it be “I am His”? So because of the theology, and my wife’s strong opinion, I am going with Bloomer.

    • Diana's Gravatar Diana
      April 3, 2017 - 3:52 pm | Permalink

      Phil, you raised an interesting question. Thinking about it sent me into the question of relationship which sent me to a camp song. The lyrics go “I’m my beloved and he is mine; his banner over me is love.” Jesus gives himself to us in every way, including in Holy Communion, in prayer, on the Cross. At the same time we belong to Jesus, which FC celebrated: “Praising my Savior all the day long”. It’s one of the most incredible realities we celebrate as Christians – this all out Grace that enables a two-way relationship. Would be interested in your further thoughts on this.

  44. Linda Burnett's Gravatar Linda Burnett
    April 3, 2017 - 10:32 am | Permalink

    I am sad that Fanny is lagging behind. I grew up singing her hymns and still they drift in and out of my spiritual landscape like dear friends, always there at the right time. Physically blind, but spiritually a true visionnary.

  45. Allison Askins's Gravatar Allison Askins
    April 3, 2017 - 10:33 am | Permalink

    As a former journalist and a lover of bloomers, Amelia got my vote today and I honestly can’t remember if she did before or not ….

  46. Anne E.B.'s Gravatar Anne E.B.
    April 3, 2017 - 10:44 am | Permalink

    Impossible choice! Amelia and her bloomers!

  47. Kathy in Nicaragua's Gravatar Kathy in Nicaragua
    April 3, 2017 - 10:45 am | Permalink

    According to: Amelia Bloomer, a Biography by Louise Noun (published in The Annals of Iowa (State Historical Society of Iowa) Volume 47 | Number 7 (Winter 1985) pps. 575-617): [Elizabeth Cady] Stanton and [Amelia] Bloomer traveled in different social circles and their interests diverged significantly. Stanton was a member of the social elite of Seneca Falls; Bloomer was not. Stanton was a freethinker who disregarded the Sabbath; Bloomer was a devout Episcopalian who attended church twice each Sunday.

    I would have been happy for either of these women to move into the Elate 8, but I did vote for Amelia.

  48. M Kahn's Gravatar M Kahn
    April 3, 2017 - 10:57 am | Permalink

    “Let men be compelled to wear our dress for awhile and we should soon hear them advocating for change. ” This is my thought annually, having my mammogram.
    Looks like the Bloomer is covering the Fanny.

    • Susan Maurine's Gravatar Susan Maurine
      April 3, 2017 - 12:49 pm | Permalink

      It was waiting to be said! Thank you! Hahahaha!

    • Isabelle's Gravatar Isabelle
      April 3, 2017 - 6:48 pm | Permalink

      MWAHAHAHAHAA!! Thanks, I needed that after a very long, arduous day. I’m leaning toward Amelia, but I respect the hell out of Fanny. We’ll see, I still have a few more hours to decide…

  49. Revmnwillems's Gravatar Revmnwillems
    April 3, 2017 - 11:00 am | Permalink

    For more of Fanny Crosby’s hymns check out:

  50. Timothy J's Gravatar Timothy J
    April 3, 2017 - 11:02 am | Permalink

    Oh, come on people! What self-respecting Whiskipalian could vote for an advocate of temperance? As much as I admire Amelia’s political truths, the long-lasting hymnody of Fanny rings true. Fanny for the win!

  51. St. Celia's Gravatar St. Celia
    April 3, 2017 - 11:02 am | Permalink

    I went with Amelia Bloomer, even though I believe God is OK with our having cake with brandy in it. Today’s parallel to the alcoholism Bloomer was striving against would be opioid addiction. We need both music and healthcare in our world, and universal enfranchisement.

  52. Gail Adams's Gravatar Gail Adams
    April 3, 2017 - 11:06 am | Permalink

    As a lover of wine, and a history major who knows of the horrors of brought on by prohibition, I can’t vote for Amelia bloomer. Just because something is abused, does not mean you get rid of it. Besides, Jesus did turn that water into grape juice. Fanny seems like a more positive person. I am a Lion; and Lions are Knights of the Blind. So, Fanny, you got my vote

    • Gail Adams's Gravatar Gail Adams
      April 3, 2017 - 11:12 am | Permalink

      Correction: didn’t

  53. Susan Wall's Gravatar Susan Wall
    April 3, 2017 - 11:07 am | Permalink

    I find it helpful in this second round to go back and reread the first round discussion of the two candidates. For instance, today several folks have questioned whether Amelia Bloomer had Christian motivations for her advocacy of women’s rights. The first round description makes it clear that she did: “Amelia was a devoted Episcopalian, challenging clergy who opposed women’s rights. Her Christian faith was fuel for her commitment to moral and social change….”

  54. Fiona's Gravatar Fiona
    April 3, 2017 - 11:16 am | Permalink

    Having voted for Amelia in the first round I am sticking with her. She sounds as if she would be immense fun, witty and opinionated, an ideal dinner guest.

  55. Tessa Lucero's Gravatar Tessa Lucero
    April 3, 2017 - 11:17 am | Permalink

    Both are strong women with deeds and achievements to recommend them, and both have a documented history of firm-grounded faith. This choice is difficult.

    I do think alcohol has its place in some recipes. We make coq au vin, not coq au eau, and fruitcake keeps better (and tastes better IMHO) with a slug of brandy in the batter and more sprinkled over the cake. However, it’s not that difficult to cook without it if you are cooking for someone who can’t or won’t consume alcohol. Amelia was right on that count.

  56. Cheryl L Nix's Gravatar Cheryl L Nix
    April 3, 2017 - 11:31 am | Permalink

    While I don’t much agree with the temperance movement, I’m going for Amelia. If American winemaking had been then what it is now she might have changed her mind! I remember being allowed to wear pants to school only in the winter, so the fight for pants was not yet won even during my lifetime. And Handel’s loss to Fanny still stings!

    • April 3, 2017 - 1:18 pm | Permalink

      When I was a college student, more than 50 years ago, I was allowed to wear pants to class one time in four years, when the Dean of Women decreed that because the temperature was minus 28 degrees Fahrenheit that morning, women could wear pants instead of a skirt that one day. Although I have a sentimental attachment to Fanny’s hymns and voted for her the first round, I voted for Amelia today. I just happen to feel especially feisty today, and her remarks about women’s equality resonated with me. I did remember that she was a devout Episcopalian. Sometimes people have to take extreme positions, such as no booze in the recipes, in order to be heard and to achieve something.

      • Emily's Gravatar Emily
        April 3, 2017 - 2:15 pm | Permalink

        Well said regarding dress. Until I was a junior in high school, girls were not allowed to wear pants to school. Hard for younger women to imagine this. Also, I agree the comment that opiate addiction addiction is today’s comparison for alcohol use.

  57. bil's Gravatar bil
    April 3, 2017 - 11:31 am | Permalink

    fanny please it for my school

  58. annieb's Gravatar annieb
    April 3, 2017 - 11:44 am | Permalink

    “A gift of song is a gift of love.” Those old hymns are a gift to my soul. So I voted for Fanny J Crosby. I think Ms Bloomer was pretty uptight (no brandy in plum pudding?), so I vote for JOY over stern austerity.

  59. Rose Mahan's Gravatar Rose Mahan
    April 3, 2017 - 11:47 am | Permalink

    I could not vote for Fanny first round as not even the best of gospel hymns could outweigh the Messiah. And music is a very important part of worship for me. But I did vote for Fanny this time. Amelia fought for social changes, but if we choose saints for spirituality, then I would had to go with Fanny. Blessed Assurance is fine, but she wrote some other hymns which I like much better and might not be as annoying to those who express a distaste for gospel hymns. Check out Near the Cross and especially the beautiful To God Be the Glory.

  60. Meredith Hales's Gravatar Meredith Hales
    April 3, 2017 - 11:52 am | Permalink

    I really like them both! But Fanny gets my sentimental vote today.

  61. April 3, 2017 - 11:55 am | Permalink

    I do love music, but I love faith put into action for social justice. And I like wearing pants and am a Leon County poll worker during elections. Go Amelia!

  62. Walker Shaw's Gravatar Walker Shaw
    April 3, 2017 - 12:08 pm | Permalink

    I vote for Bloomer. Here is the problem: “Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.” The introduction of “bloomers” by Amelia caused some problems. For example, “Some young women were denied church membership for wearing the (“Bloomer”) dress.”, New York Daily Tribune, reprinted in Lily, July 8, 1851, p. 6. Problems continute to this day. “A United Airlines gate agent barred two girls from boarding a flight Sunday morning because the girls were wearing leggings.” See what Amelia started!! You go girl!!!!!

    • Miss Jan's Gravatar Miss Jan
      April 3, 2017 - 8:50 pm | Permalink

      I have yet to see someone in public wearing leggings without a mid-thigh or longer top on who did not look underdressed (and often overweight).

  63. cadelamb's Gravatar cadelamb
    April 3, 2017 - 12:15 pm | Permalink

    For my mother-in-law, whose life we are remembering and celebrating this week, who lost her vision (one of the last things she did before her vision was completely gone was to re-read the entire Bible) and was so looking forward to receiving new eyes, and who loved the old hymns . . .
    For my multi-lingual church in which “Blessed Assurance” is one of the few hymns that all of us know in our own heart languages and can sing in one voice . . .

  64. Matthew of Nashville's Gravatar Matthew of Nashville
    April 3, 2017 - 12:33 pm | Permalink

    Having sat at the same pipe organ where Fanny played “At the Cross” at the Bowery Mission in NYC, I had to give her my vote. I love how she saw her blindness not as a burden but as an avenue through which to bless so many. As her hymn goes, “It was there (at the cross) by faith I received my sight, and now I am happy all the day!”

  65. Bill Geiger's Gravatar Bill Geiger
    April 3, 2017 - 12:40 pm | Permalink

    The adolescent male (my wife tells me this phrase is a redundancy) in me has to note the pairing of Fanny with Bloomer. Both gifted women who put their faith into action. Just because I’m more familiar with her story, my vote goes to Ms. Crosby.

  66. Tammie Taylor's Gravatar Tammie Taylor
    April 3, 2017 - 12:41 pm | Permalink

    I truly appreciate the contributions Amelia Bloomer made to the women’s movement and admire the strong stand she made on issues surrounding equality for women. I am a grateful recipient of her work to secure equal rights for women under the law.
    I also admire Fanny Crosby for her incredible faith and her earnest lifelong desire to share it with the world through her hymns. I am also a grateful recipient of her work to invigorate Christianity by penning songs about Jesus for a hurting world.

    Because Fanny’s lyrics have and continue to spread the Gospel so beautifully, she gets my vote. Her songs are indelibly etched on my heart and I commend this song of praise to you today – vote for Fanny!!!

    Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
    Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim!
    Hail Him! Hail Him! Highest archangels in glory;
    Strength and honor give to His holy Name!
    Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,
    In His arms He carries them all day long.
    Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness;
    Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!

    Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
    For our sins He suffered, and bled, and died.
    He our Rock, our hope of eternal salvation,
    Hail Him! Hail Him! Jesus the Crucified.
    Sound His praises! Jesus who bore our sorrows,
    Love unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong.

    Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
    Heav’nly portals loud with hosannas ring!
    Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever;
    Crown Him! Crown Him! Prophet, and Priest, and King!
    Christ is coming! over the world victorious,
    Pow’r and glory unto the Lord belong.


  67. Marjorie Menaul's Gravatar Marjorie Menaul
    April 3, 2017 - 12:41 pm | Permalink

    In a class on Anglicanism taught by Archbishop Carey at Notre Dame, he declared that he mentioned no women in his discussion of our history and life because no women had done anything worth mentioning as Anglican leaders. I responded by writing my research paper on a British woman whose hymns had been much more popular (and undoubtedly more effective in promoting her theology) than any male theologian he’d spoken about. In honor of unnoticed (by archbishops, anyway) women who have been there in Anglicanism all along, teaching and leading, I voted for Fanny Crosby.

    • Diana's Gravatar Diana
      April 3, 2017 - 2:04 pm | Permalink

      Marjorie, I’m sitting here all but speechless at what Archbishop Carey said. I love your response – practical, to the point and incredibly powerful. What did he have to say about your paper? Do you have what you wrote in electronic form that you could share? So proud of you. You were presented with ignorant arrogance, yet you persisted!

      • Marjorie Menaul's Gravatar Marjorie Menaul
        April 3, 2017 - 4:39 pm | Permalink

        Diana – Archbishop Carey gave me an A on the paper, but didn’t seem to realize that I was responding to his assertion that women had never contributed anything to Anglicanism. Reminds me of seminary, where ECW was never mentioned in class, but the wives of male students worked together to prepare for the power they expected to have in ECW as clergy wives. Invisibly, of course.
        Guess which seminary I attended!

        • Diana's Gravatar Diana
          April 3, 2017 - 6:49 pm | Permalink

          Marjorie, you are a brave woman!

    • Miss Jan's Gravatar Miss Jan
      April 3, 2017 - 8:42 pm | Permalink

      Elizabeth I might not have been amused about her contributions to Anglicanism (i.e. the Elizabethan Compromise) being ignored by an Archbishop of Canterbury.

  68. Leamarie's Gravatar Leamarie
    April 3, 2017 - 12:45 pm | Permalink

    Had to go with Amelia, whose strength and character helped to change things for the better for women. A trailblazer during very hard times. I think we can bolster our own stregth through her example during these hard times of division and heartlessness in our politics.

  69. Donna Reynolds's Gravatar Donna Reynolds
    April 3, 2017 - 12:59 pm | Permalink

    Such a hard choice. Love “Blessed Assurance” and love Fanny’s faith, but have to go with Amelia for saving us from restrictive clothing and for advocating for women.

  70. Brenda McHenry's Gravatar Brenda McHenry
    April 3, 2017 - 12:59 pm | Permalink

    In the days before there was an income tax, the federal government made most of its money in taxing alcohol. The result of that was what triggered the whole temperance movement, and subsequent ban on alcohol. So I don’t blame Amelia for being against booze. She’s my choice. I don’t find any of Fanny’s hymns in my hymnal , which is very old.

  71. April 3, 2017 - 1:03 pm | Permalink

    Though a “high” Anglican and not a lover of evangelical-type hymns, I prefer Fanny Crosby for NOT being part of the Temperance Union and its various tenets.

  72. Gretchen Pritchard's Gravatar Gretchen Pritchard
    April 3, 2017 - 1:08 pm | Permalink

    In another era I might have picked Fanny, but right now, the idea “perfect submission” is on the rise in distorted and awful ways; our call in this time and place, is to be fighters like Amelia rather than pietists like Fanny.

    Never mind that Amelia’s zeal, directed at alcohol, led to the horrors of prohibition. Today, I imagine, with that lesson available, she would attack it in less clumsy ways. I have seen what alcohol did to someone in my family, and to that person’s marriage; and what happens when marriage to an alcoholic is combined with “perfect submission” to what is falsely cast as God’s will — rather than intelligent self-preservation in the name of justice.

  73. Judith in White Hall's Gravatar Judith in White Hall
    April 3, 2017 - 1:08 pm | Permalink

    Went with Fanny, but have no trouble with Amelia going all the way. Still looking for the other names Fanny had to use to get all her hymns published. Would love to see a hymnal of all of Fanny’s hymns.

  74. Aleathia Dolores Nicholson's Gravatar Aleathia Dolores Nicholson
    April 3, 2017 - 1:30 pm | Permalink

    Fannie Crosby’s hymns reach the evangelical hymn lovers as well as SOME high church Anglicans ! I still get chills singing/hearing VICTORY IN JESUS (NOT FANNIY’S) and the last line: “He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.” Hoo Boy ! Just saw a High Churcher cross herself and mutter something in Latin !

    • April 3, 2017 - 9:30 pm | Permalink

      Aleathia, thank you for reminding this high church Anglican (Southern Baptist raised) of that wonderful hymn.
      “O victory in Jesus, my savior forever”!

  75. Diana's Gravatar Diana
    April 3, 2017 - 1:58 pm | Permalink

    Scott and Tim, you are examples to us all. Your hard work of reconciliation is a true sign of grace – and whiplash. From total breakup to a resurrection of the SEC team in three days is – well – all but unbelievable. Fortunately there are precedents. I’d use the A-word, but it’s still Lent.

    • Elizabeth's Gravatar Elizabeth
      April 4, 2017 - 1:54 am | Permalink

      Thank goodness for precedents!

  76. Candace's Gravatar Candace
    April 3, 2017 - 2:00 pm | Permalink

    Fanny is still my favorite and I’m sad that she will likely not make it to the end! Still she’s a Golden Halo winner in my book!

  77. Revmnwillems's Gravatar Revmnwillems
    April 3, 2017 - 2:02 pm | Permalink

    “Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord,
    By the power of grace divine;
    Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope,
    And my will be lost in Thine.”
    (Fanny J. Crosby “I Am Thine, O Lord”)

  78. Bonnie Caudell's Gravatar Bonnie Caudell
    April 3, 2017 - 2:02 pm | Permalink

    I had to vote for the Temperance leader to honor my mother, who devoted much of her life to teaching young people the value of temperance so their lives would not be destroyed as had the lives of her brothers.

  79. Amy Kendall's Gravatar Amy Kendall
    April 3, 2017 - 2:24 pm | Permalink

    Even though I am a musician, I am more in the Classical tradition and do not care for the gospel hymns. Plus, belonging to a church with 2 female pastors, I feel we owe Amelia a great deal. Amelia gets my vote!

  80. Donald Lowery's Gravatar Donald Lowery
    April 3, 2017 - 2:50 pm | Permalink

    Though an Episcopalian and a priest, I grew up Pentecostal and still love the old timey Gospel hymns. Simply to be reminded of her wonderful text, “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine” secured my vote. It links in my mind with the words of our baptismal liturgy, “You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in baptism and marked as Christ’s own forever.”. Truly, “this is my story, this is my song….”

  81. St. Celia's Gravatar St. Celia
    April 3, 2017 - 2:51 pm | Permalink
    • St. Celia's Gravatar St. Celia
      April 3, 2017 - 2:53 pm | Permalink

      • St. Celia's Gravatar St. Celia
        April 3, 2017 - 2:55 pm | Permalink


      • St. Celia's Gravatar St. Celia
        April 3, 2017 - 2:55 pm | Permalink

        Fanny Crosby’s “Blessed Assurance”

      • April 3, 2017 - 3:37 pm | Permalink

        Thank you for that link, St. Celia. What a marvelous rendition!

        • St. Celia's Gravatar St. Celia
          April 3, 2017 - 4:16 pm | Permalink

          I finally got the video to show in the text box!

      • April 3, 2017 - 5:51 pm | Permalink

        Oh thank you so much for the song. So beautiful !

      • April 3, 2017 - 10:52 pm | Permalink


  82. Joyce in Madison. GA's Gravatar Joyce in Madison. GA
    April 3, 2017 - 2:55 pm | Permalink

    Giving women a “voice” wins my vote! Accolades for Amelia!

  83. April 3, 2017 - 3:04 pm | Permalink

    “Oh, what a happy soul I am,
    although I cannot see!
    I am resolved that in this world
    Contented I will be.

    How many blessings I enjoy
    That other people don’t,
    To weep and sigh because I’m blind
    I cannot, and I won’t!”

    – Fanny Crosby, Age 8

    After looking into Fanny’s bio more deeply on my own, I had to go with her. She not only had sexism to deal with (inferred), but ableism as well. And she took it in stride. Luckily, I won’t be too devastated if Amelia wins as I hold her in high esteem and owe her much. Hard choice.

  84. April 3, 2017 - 3:05 pm | Permalink

    because I love hymns and hymnwriters, I am voting for Fanny this time around.

  85. Amy's Gravatar Amy
    April 3, 2017 - 3:38 pm | Permalink

    Whether Amelia was outwardly religious or not, she worked for equality and justice. When my grandmothers were young adults, they could not vote. My mother was born before women could vote. Amelia get my vote.

  86. Susan Mattingly's Gravatar Susan Mattingly
    April 3, 2017 - 4:01 pm | Permalink

    My first name is a traditional family name, but my middle name of Carol, is not. When I questioned my now-departed mother why Carol, she responded that she always wanted me” to have a song in my heart”.In her memory and honor I voted for Ma. Crosby.

  87. Margaret's Gravatar Margaret
    April 3, 2017 - 4:04 pm | Permalink

    I can’t help but think how pleased Bloomer would be that so many churches sponsor AA (and NA, etc) groups (while she’d probably be working to reinstate prohibition).

    • April 3, 2017 - 4:43 pm | Permalink

      LOL, Margaret. You’re probably right on both counts.

  88. Pamela Payne's Gravatar Pamela Payne
    April 3, 2017 - 4:19 pm | Permalink

    Tough choice today. I will be happy with either saint moving to the Elate Eight.

  89. Anne Harris's Gravatar Anne Harris
    April 3, 2017 - 4:24 pm | Permalink

    Actually hear Fanny Crosby’s voice found on wax cylinder recording. Book and CDs called Waxing the Gospel!

  90. Edwina's Gravatar Edwina
    April 3, 2017 - 4:26 pm | Permalink

    Amelia Bloomers is my gal…also – where is the statue that is shown ???

  91. Linda from St. Ed's's Gravatar Linda from St. Ed's
    April 3, 2017 - 4:32 pm | Permalink

    Fanny Crosby gets my vote again. I admire Amelia Bloomer’s accomplishments, but she strikes me as more of a secular hero who happened to be a faithful church member. Mind you, I’m not judging her motivation or the sincerity of her faith…it’s just that most of what she did could have been done by a talented, dedicated non-Christian. I’m also disappointed that she received more votes than Melanchthon, my personal Reformation hero…but I’ll try not to let that be the reason for my vote. 😉

  92. April 3, 2017 - 4:49 pm | Permalink

    Edwina, it’s at the Women’s Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, NY. Linkie:

  93. April 3, 2017 - 5:11 pm | Permalink

    Didn’t vote for either in the first round. (Too much of a music lover not to go with Handel, also voted for Melancthon as the patron saint of sidekicks and second bananas.)

    Voted for Amelia Bloomer this time, because of her strong advocacy of women’s equality.

    I saw her involvement in the temperance movement as a drawback, though. In my view, the fact the temperance movement promoted abstinence – rather than intelligent drinking – as the only alternative to problem drinking led to a situation in most English-speaking countries in which a high level of binge drinking is found in a high proportion of those who choose to drink. And the main long-term effect of Prohibition in the US was to entrench organised crime as an influential institution in the wider society. (I think Ms. C. would have had similar opinions to Ms. B., however, so the temperance thing was a non-issue for me in the end, really.)

    I also had large problems with Ms. Crosby’s hymns. Yes, they’re written to catchy, heart-warming tunes, but I think the words of what we sing in worship are also as important as the tunes. Do we really believe that a Jesus-shaped God would consign people to be fuel for an eternal BBQ … just for getting their theology wrong? Do we really believe that a Jesus-shaped God would demand a substitutionary blood sacrifice as the only alternative to being fuel for an eternal BBQ? These are the messages that Ms. C.’s hymns convey.

    I believe that God is Love … radical, unconditional Love! I see Ms. C. as putting far too many conditions on God’s love.

  94. April 3, 2017 - 5:32 pm | Permalink

    Hard choice today.
    Both were amazing women but Amelia got my vote

  95. Mary Miers's Gravatar Mary Miers
    April 3, 2017 - 5:37 pm | Permalink

    Sentiment can be treacherous, but sometimes I see it a a God-given guide when decisions are tough. When I thought of “Blessed Assurance I remembered my devout father-in-law, whose love of “Blessed Assurance ” prompted my equally devout but also liberal, service-oriented husband, John, to request it for his funeral. And in proud continuation of John’s advocacy for persons with disabilities. our granddaughter Moira, eight years old, just taught herself Braille so she could teach blind children. Thanks be to God!

  96. Jane's Gravatar Jane
    April 3, 2017 - 5:42 pm | Permalink

    Oh I’m so disappointed! Although Amelia is a worthy soul, my heart and vote was for Fanny. Her saying “the first face [she] would see will be that of Jesus,” brought tears to my eyes. And Blessed Assurance remains my favorite hymn. What a love-filled beautiful soul she was!

  97. Doris Udry's Gravatar Doris Udry
    April 3, 2017 - 6:07 pm | Permalink

    This was an easy choice for me today. I wish I could vote more than once for Amelia. She did so much for women.

  98. Miss Jan's Gravatar Miss Jan
    April 3, 2017 - 7:01 pm | Permalink

    Fanny had me at “. . . when I die, the first face I will ever see will be the face of my blessed savior.”

  99. Mary Lou Creamer's Gravatar Mary Lou Creamer
    April 3, 2017 - 7:13 pm | Permalink

    I started reading those words and started singing them. That said (or sung), I had to stick with Amelia. She’s a gal whose actions captured my heart!

  100. Peggy Hans's Gravatar Peggy Hans
    April 3, 2017 - 7:24 pm | Permalink

    Grateful beyond measure for the incomparable efforts of Amelia Bloomer. Yes, she truly is a saint. However, the God-inspired words given to Fanny Crosby for hymns that speak to the soul cause me to vote for Fanny. I’m a church organist, who didn’t grow up singing Fanny’s songs in my Episcopal church. However, somewhere along the way, I married another organist (Episcopalian) who grew up Southern Baptist. I learned from him to cherish the hymns of Fanny Crosby. Now, playing for a small UCC congregation, I have personally witnessed the transforming power of her songs.

  101. Sarah Brockmann's Gravatar Sarah Brockmann
    April 3, 2017 - 7:27 pm | Permalink

    Raise a glass to Amelia Bl….oh, wait…never mind

    • Diana's Gravatar Diana
      April 3, 2017 - 8:37 pm | Permalink


  102. Bonnee's Gravatar Bonnee
    April 3, 2017 - 7:27 pm | Permalink

    Yes, a Lutheran college in the early 60s–skirts only. Thanks, Amelia (although it took awhile for my college to catch up).

  103. Dutton in Madison, GA's Gravatar Dutton in Madison, GA
    April 3, 2017 - 7:32 pm | Permalink

    I was blind, but now I see. I get Amelia’s importance, but Fanny Crosby has my heart.

  104. April 3, 2017 - 8:25 pm | Permalink

    Amelia. For my Great Great Grandmother Mary Jane Williams who had ten children and was a member of the WTU. Also because , as a woman and a feminist I owe so much to the Suffragettes!

  105. Zoey - 6 years old's Gravatar Zoey - 6 years old
    April 3, 2017 - 8:36 pm | Permalink

    My name is Zoey and I really like Amelia because she wanted women to be considered equal. I like that a lot.

    • Diana's Gravatar Diana
      April 3, 2017 - 8:38 pm | Permalink

      Zoey, that is a wonderful reason. I’m glad you are voting and I’m glad you are telling us why you vote the way you do. You will grow up to be a strong and equal woman, too.

    • April 3, 2017 - 9:15 pm | Permalink

      Zoey, that is a wonderful reason! You are going to grow up to be a mighty woman!

  106. St. Celia's Gravatar St. Celia
    April 3, 2017 - 9:15 pm | Permalink

    Inspired by the debate over temperance, I remembered that last year we were given a recipe for a “Yellow Fever” cocktail in honor of the nuns who fought yellow fever in the south. Believe it or not, there is a “Suffragette” cocktail from 1909, and I have paired it with a 1920 non-alcoholic “prohibition classic,” so that we may continue to debate theology in a civilized manner.

    Here’s the Original Suffragette Cocktail printed originally in the San Francisco Call. “The suffragette cocktail is the newest American drink,” the San Francisco Call wrote on July 4, 1909. “Any other kind of a cocktail makes a man want to go home and beat his wife. The new drink has exactly the opposite tendency. . . . One makes a man willing to listen to the suffragettes’ proposition. Two convince him that it has some merit. Three make him a missionary, willing to spread the gospel abroad, and four make him go home and wash the dishes.”

    Here’s the recipe: “Cilo gin, French vermouth and Italian vermouth in equal parts to make a gill, mix in a cocktail glass, add a dash of orange bitters, twist in two strips of lemon peel and serve.”

    (According to, a “gill” is ¼ pint. I do not know if that is the sense here.)

    For those “equally attractive non-alcoholic options” required by forward-thinking dioceses and vestries, try this simplified peach syrup from Bertha Stockbridge’s 1920 prohibition classic “What to Drink”: simmer 10oz of peach slices with 8oz of water and 8oz of sugar for 30 minutes, then strain.

    Whichever option you choose, know that you’ll be invigorated to debate the trinity with St. Athanasius (old “Contra Mundum” himself, whom we denied the Golden Halo previously). Enjoy. Though we might not be eating meat or chocolate during Lent, no one said we couldn’t have a cocktail.

  107. Michael McInerney's Gravatar Michael McInerney
    April 3, 2017 - 10:03 pm | Permalink

    I voted Crosby. I summed this up to a coworker as “Bloomer doing worldly work for God, versus Crosby doing Godly work for the world” My opinion is that the latter is greater.

  108. Diana's Gravatar Diana
    April 3, 2017 - 10:31 pm | Permalink

    As the daughter of one alcoholic, the sister of another and acquainted with many others both active and recovering, I have a lot of sympathy for the heart behind the Prohibition movement. It didn’t serve its purpose, addiction and greed being what they are, but the goal is understandable. That being said, I’m still awaiting a last moment surge of genuine votes for courageous, vulnerable, feisty, loving songwriter Fanny Crosby.

  109. andrea's Gravatar andrea
    April 3, 2017 - 10:31 pm | Permalink

    Amelia Bloomer. Pants.

  110. Robert Coates's Gravatar Robert Coates
    April 3, 2017 - 10:37 pm | Permalink

    This was a conundrum since I voted for both ladies in the first round. While Amelia did great things, mostly she worked in the political realm. Fanny’s hymns were great works of faith. So I voted for the lady of faith.

  111. Tommy's Gravatar Tommy
    April 3, 2017 - 11:18 pm | Permalink

    I didn’t think this would even be a contest. Fanny’s hymns has touched so many lives. My husband wanted Fanny to go all the way. He was brought up singing her hymns.

  112. Carol in Uganda's Gravatar Carol in Uganda
    April 4, 2017 - 2:00 am | Permalink

    Another tough choice! Amelia for me as I see her work as still needed in many parts of the world.

  113. April 4, 2017 - 4:50 am | Permalink

    I envy those of you who grew up in the Episcopal Church. I only came to it about 20 years ago. I grew up a Southern Baptist. I must confess I enjoyed Fanny Crosby’s hymns. They are easily singable. I love our TEC hymnal, which I think has hymns that are more beautiful and have more depth. But if you remember Fanny’s hymns with some affection, you might want to check out this site. I’ve sorted it in order of the frequency of the use of the hymns. It’s kinda her Hit Parade.

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