Monday Madness: Limerick Edition

In today’s post introducing the long-anticipated Battle of the Consonants, we put out a call for limericks. I mean, don’t the names Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky and Nikolaus von Zinzendorf just scream “poetry?” We were pleased to see that many heeded the call and wanted to share a few of them with you. Plus, this is a great way to honor St. Patrick whose feast day we ignored on Friday.

Of course, today is Monday, and that means it’s time for everyone’s beginning of the week ritual, Monday Madness. Tim has chosen two limericks to read aloud to you, the Lent Madness Global Viewing Public. But that’s not the only big thing in this week’s episode of Monday Madness. Scott has some big ideas to market Lent Madness during this bracket-tide season. And Tim and Scott talk about the final three battles in the Round of the 32, including a Lent Madness first!

So watch the full episode, including (a mercifully brief) Saintly Poetry Slam. Here are some selections from limericks submitted by viewers, and you can read the whole lot of them in the comments section for today’s contest.

Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky —
so amazing the languages he knewsky!
Zinzendorf did so much
spreading grace midst the “Dutch,”
but he never experienced sushi!
Lisa Kepler


Like Joseph. I have an affliction
That causes a difficult striction.
When words I must type.
I’ve been known to gripe,
Why must I endure this condition?
Cheryle Gardiner


Nic nixed his life as a noble.
His Unitas Fratum went global.
But Joe’s a humdinger
Who wrote with one finger,
So go Joe, on laptop or mobile!
Peg S.


Schereschewsky was sent to the east,
While Zinzendorf blessed every feast.
And as we have heard
They both spread the Word
To greatest as well as to least.
Sue G.


There once was a game called Lent Madness
It delighted my heart and brought gladness
Of the saints I would learn
To the internet I turn
My weekdays no longer are aimless!
Deacon Dorothee


What madness it is to choose
Between one born among Jews,
And the other a Count,
When both lives amount
To greatness in spreading Good News!


The consonant matchup? Oh gee.
They’re both men of valor to me.
But the prayer I love best
Goes, “Come, Jesus, my guest,”
So I voted for Nicky von Z.


Joe was a great man with one finger
That functioned; he was a humdinger,
Translating the Word
For those who’d never heard
Of Jesus with Whom our hearts linger.

Nikolaus unified his brothers
And sisters in Christ; preached to others.
We still use his prayer
When at table we share
Fellowship and food at Grandmother’s.
Sharon L.


There once was a guy Schereschewsky
To him languages were not pesky.
Although he got ill
He did more than nil
He used his one finger to press keys.
Mary W.


Of course, Sister Diana Doncaster, as she has done every day of Lent Madness 2017, also shared a hymn/ode to both contestants:

For Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky and Nikolaus von Zinzendorf
Tune: St. Thomas (Williams) Hymnal ’82, 524 I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord.

All praise and thanks to God
Who hast done all things well;
Like giving us two awesome saints
Whose names we cannot spell.

A faithful Jewish man;
a linguist, scholar too,
Through scripture Sam found Jesus Christ
And pledged his life thereto.

A priest; he eastward went
to China, gave his all,
as priest and bishop; translator –
it was his final call

There was a rich young man.
Who could have power too.
But Nick’s true heart was turned to Christ
To love his whole life through.

We need community.
We need to sing and praise.
Nick’s wisdom and his hymnody
Encouraged life in grace.

Again how can we choose,
Between amazing saints?
Whose lives give us examples of
God’s oft amazing grace.

8 Comments to "Monday Madness: Limerick Edition"

  1. Susan Maurine's Gravatar Susan Maurine
    March 20, 2017 - 4:23 pm | Permalink

    Y’all are so talented, the way you can read that URL backwards AND upside-down. They didn’t teach that when I was in seminary!

  2. Harriet's Gravatar Harriet
    March 20, 2017 - 4:52 pm | Permalink

    You guys are goofy but I am enjoying Lent Madness. Thank you for being so clever!

  3. Katie Thomson's Gravatar Katie Thomson
    March 20, 2017 - 6:19 pm | Permalink

    That’s the spirit!! Lent Madness abounds!!

  4. Jan Robitscher's Gravatar Jan Robitscher
    March 20, 2017 - 6:31 pm | Permalink

    God’s plan had a noble beginning.
    But man spoiled his chances by sinning
    Salvation was wrought.
    Now the saints, we are taught,
    Make it sure that God’s plan is winning!

  5. March 20, 2017 - 7:42 pm | Permalink

    Love your all’s weekly videos! Pitiful that you can’t remember your own URL, but TBTG that you can read upside down. 😉

  6. Pat Blair's Gravatar Pat Blair
    March 20, 2017 - 8:11 pm | Permalink

    Love the nuttiness! Thanks for all your hard work – this is so much fun!

  7. Emmy's Gravatar Emmy
    March 20, 2017 - 9:24 pm | Permalink

    Peg S gets my vote for best limerick, and Joe got my vote for Saint du Jour. One finger! I have trouble enough with all ten… and thanks to the SEC for their usual fine work in providing such difficult choices.

  8. Andrew Allen's Gravatar Andrew Allen
    March 21, 2017 - 12:11 am | Permalink

    A man who was named Schereshcewsky
    He liked to drink some brewsky
    he liked to have fun
    So he drank more than one
    And he never did stop at just twosky

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