Monday Madness — Global Edition

This week, Lent Madness spans the globe as Tim and Scott come to you “live” from Cincinnati and Cape Town. Every episode of Monday Madness is always an adventure, and this one is no exception. Celebrity Blogger Week and SEC Day are among the important topics of this show.

Remember, there’s not much more time to get your Saintly Scorecards (individual or bulk) or giant bracket posters. By the way, the bracket posters have been discounted to a close-out special price! Supplies are limited! If you don’t want to buy anything, you can study on your own and then print out your own bracket to fill out.

We want to give a few shout outs to places that are featuring Lent Madness.

If you have a website, we expect that you’ve already put a Lent Madness widget on your home page? If not, this is a great way to get Jesus and/or the SEC to love you more. And make sure you follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.

This is here for social media sharing. Move right along.

Monday Madness screenshot

2 Comments to "Monday Madness — Global Edition"

  1. Zoe holland's Gravatar Zoe holland
    February 22, 2017 - 12:24 pm | Permalink

    How may I order a bracket chart for 2017 Lent Madness?

    • Robert's Gravatar Robert
      February 25, 2017 - 11:21 am | Permalink

      You can go to the Lent Madness website and, under the menu, click on the Lentorium link. You can order from there.

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