Monday Madness: Celebrity Blogger Week Edition

As Celebrity Blogger Week kicks off today, Tim and Scott bring you another action-packed episode of Monday Madness. This week, they talk about Celebrity Blogger Week and the burden of the Lentarazzi that our Celebrity Bloggers face. However, if you are lucky enough to spot one of our Celebrity Bloggers in person, they’ll probably agree to sign an autograph for you. You can look forward to a different featured Celebrity Blogger every day this “week” until we finish all eleven of our rock Lent stars.

Oh, yeah. It wouldn’t be Monday Madness without shameless commercial promotion. This week though, it’s getting urgent. Make sure you buy your Saintly Scorecards (individual, bulk price, or eBook) and giant bracket posters while supplies last. We usually run out before Lent!

If you haven’t invited every person you know, and at least a couple of total strangers, to like Lent Madness on Facebook and follow Lent Madness on Twitter, you’re not doing your job! If you’ve been calling your Senators and Representatives, go ahead and mention Lent Madness while they’re on the phone. Get to it!

Remember, it’s only 16 days until Ash Thursday. There’s not much time to strategize your bracket, evangelize your friends, and synergize your wallet at the Lentorium!

This image is here for social media sharing. Never mind. But since you looked anyway, why not enjoy LentMadnessTV?

Monday Madness Feb 13 2017

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