Celebrity Blogger Week: Neva Rae Fox

Celebrity Blogger Week continues with the inimitable Neva Rae Fox who returns for her third year of Lent Madness. Quite the world traveler, Neva Rae often heads out on adventures with the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. In addition to being photobombed by Stonehenge in her headshot, the other picture was taken at an outdoor cafe in Jordan (Fun Fact: One member of the SEC was sitting across from her at the table — and it’s not the one you would expect).

Neva Rae Fox

Neva Rae Fox counts her blessings – and gives thanks to the Supreme Executive Committee – for the honor of returning as a Lent Madness Celebrity Blogger for a third year. Neva Rae is the Public Affairs Officer for the Episcopal Church which continues to keep her busy, dedicated, connected, and on her toes. Neva Rae remains active in her own Episcopal Church – St. John’s, Somerville NJ, Diocese of New Jersey. She is a frequent presenter and also is active in various volunteer, social and philanthropic causes. Relaxation for this Jersey Girl is enjoying music (ranging from Clapton and Copeland to Beethoven and Puccini), cheering (often in vain) for the Philadelphia Phillies and Eagles, and checking off “bucket list” items – in 2016 she checked off Stonehenge, Scotland, and running longer than she ever dreamed. Next goal on her bucket list is to visit all 50 states (she’s currently marked off 47). Neva Rae looks forward to adding another Lent Madness mug to her collection.

1. What is the single most inspirational place you have ever visited (besides your own church).
The locale on the Jordan River where John baptized Jesus. I visited the Kingdom of Jordan in October, and was incredibly moved by that visit. Then renewing my baptismal vows in the Jordan River close to the same spot where John baptized Jesus truly, honestly gave me a new perspective. Forever.

2. Share one unusual fact about yourself with the Lent Madness public.
I have never ever ridden a bicycle. However, that is about to change since Santa brought me a bike for Christmas!

3. Of the saints you’ve written about for Lent Madness 2017, what most inspires you? What most disturbs you?
I was inspired by Nicholas Von Zinzendorf in his quiet, steady, steadfast ongoing faith and evangelism.

What disturbs me was that Elizabeth Ann Seton was born and raised an Episcopalian but converted to Roman Catholicism — why did she leave? That part of her story isn’t really explained.

4. If you could get just one tattoo this Lent, what would it be? (besides the Lent Madness logo and “none” is not an option).
Star Trek Enterprise — I am an avowed Trekkie.

5 Comments to "Celebrity Blogger Week: Neva Rae Fox"

  1. Ann C Case's Gravatar Ann C Case
    February 17, 2017 - 9:30 am | Permalink

    Neva –
    I tried to get our priest to do “The Theology of Star Trek” for Lent but, alas, the calendar was already planned. Maybe next year!

  2. Sharon's Gravatar Sharon
    February 17, 2017 - 9:44 am | Permalink

    Elizabeth Ann Seton moved to Italy when her husband became ill, where they were held in quarantine and where he died. She remained in Italy and was helped by an Italian family where she was introduced to Roman Catholicism. Since it is not much different than the Anglican church, she probably found something there that resonated with her in the faith of the people who helped her. While that may not be an official explanation it is one that has some credence. Often people are drawn to a specific faith in their encounters with loving, compassionate people.

  3. Jeanne King's Gravatar Jeanne King
    February 17, 2017 - 9:52 am | Permalink

    Sharon, I have a personal story that supports your post. My husband and his brother are cradle Episcopalian. When my brother-in-law was in Viet Nam, the chaplain was Roman Catholic and according to Ric was very much a comfort, help, spiritual leader to the Marines. He followed them into combat. After Viet Nam he did the necessary “conversion”.

  4. Hope McCharen's Gravatar Hope McCharen
    February 17, 2017 - 10:21 pm | Permalink

    I love these two stories. We could each be the person that someone seeking could follow into the faith.

  5. Bettie's Gravatar Bettie
    February 20, 2017 - 12:09 pm | Permalink

    As a descendent of the Seton family I have a special interest in Mother Seton, and have been reading (off and on) Joan Barthel’s “American Saint: The Life of Elizabeth Seton” which spends a bit of space on her struggles with the change. My sense is that both the Episcopal Church and the Roman Catholic church have evolved a lot in the past centuries. One change we have experienced is having the Eucharist more available than when it was only offered a couple of times a month. Apparently it was appealing for her to be able to partake more than once a day. Of course her experience in Italy and friends there were a big influence also. It is an interesting book. Maya Angelou wrote the introduction and you get a sense of her struggles also with the “powers that be” in the Catholic Church. I would even say she was a feminist for her time.

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