Monday Madness: Mugshot Cameo Edition

In today’s episode of Monday Madness, Lady Edith and Lady Mary both find love. Or not. Actually, Tim and Scott do make reference to Downton Abbey, but you’ll have to tune into PBS to find out what happens to the Crawleys. But in this week’s Monday Madness episode you CAN see some excellent examples of the #LentMadness #MugShot genre. This is the last week to get your submission in so that you can possibly win your very own St. Francis! Deadline is March 15, so hurry up and post your #LentMadness #MugShot.

As you wait for next week’s episode of Monday Madness whilst mourning the loss of Downton Abbey, why not binge-watch every episode on LentMadnessTV? You can also spend hours wandering the aisles of the Lentorium, either in the nearest brick & mortar store or our world-famous online commerce destination.

This is just here for social media sharing. Never mind.

Monday Madness March 7 2016

1 Comment to "Monday Madness: Mugshot Cameo Edition"

  1. Janene Gorham's Gravatar Janene Gorham
    March 8, 2016 - 7:55 pm | Permalink

    Which one is St.Frances ?

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