William Laud vs. Kamehameha

Ah, a battle between an Archbishop of Canterbury and a king. That seems rather familiar. But the real question is, which island will emerge victorious in this matchup between William Laud and Kamehameha? England or Hawaii? Whoever it is, the winner will advance to face David Oakerhater in the next round.

Yesterday’s battle between Thecla and John Keble led to some respectfully passionate debate in the comment section. In fact, we set a record for most comments in a first round pairing with over 300. Impressive! In the end, Thecla prevailed 58% to 42% meaning we’ll be hearing more about those ravenous seals in the Saintly Sixteen when she squares off against Brendan the Navigator.

NPG 171; William Laud after Sir Anthony Van DyckWilliam Laud

William Laud was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1633–1640 and remains among the most controversial figures in the history of Anglicanism. Heralded by many as a martyr and condemned by others as a tyrant and bigot, Laud was among the most visible proponents of a uniquely English brand of anti-Calvinism in the seventeenth-century Church. As such, he was in near constant conflict with English Puritans of his day.

Even before his elevation to the See of Canterbury, Laud was somewhat of a liturgical and ecclesiastical innovator. During his term as dean of Gloucester, he caused great consternation (as so many priests throughout the ages have) by moving furniture. Laud moved the altar table in Gloucester to the east wall — the location typical of most altars before the Reformation. This move brought upon him the ire of his bishop and local Puritans, suspicious of a reintroduction of a Roman Catholic custom.

Laud’s movement of the altar was a liturgical manifestation of his theological persuasion that the Church of England followed in unbroken succession from the pre-Reformation Roman Catholic Church in England, although under the supreme governance of the king and the oversight of bishops. This belief led him to stridently impose liturgical uniformity throughout the church, seeking that all things be done “decently and in good order” in the “beauty of holiness.” His increased emphasis on the celebration of the sacraments was often viewed as contrary to Reformation doctrines of salvation through faith alone. An abortive attempt to impose The Book of Common Prayer on Scotland in 1637 marked the apex of his time as Archbishop of Canterbur y. By 1638 Scottish leaders pledged to resist the new prayer book and uphold Puritan practice by force, and by the end of the year, no bishops remained in Scotland.

Laud was sincere in his beliefs but dangerously out of touch with common persuasions in England of his time. His fierce defense of the Church’s privileges and prerogatives came at the same time as a growing sentiment against the divine right of kings, and his strident rule as Archbishop of Canterbury in favor of liturgical uniformity won him few friends. By 1641 he was impeached and carried away to theTower of London.

He was sentenced to death in 1645. At his execution, he said, “The Lord receive my soul, and have mercy upon me, and bless this kingdom with peace and charity, that there may not be this effusion of Christian blood amongst them.”

Collect for William Laud

Keep us, O Lord, constant in faith and zealous in witness, that, like your servant William Laud, we may live in your fear, die in your favor, and rest in your peace; for the sake of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

David Sibley


On January 11, 1855 Hawaii crowned a new, young monarch — King Kamehameha IV.

With his wife Queen Emma, Kamehameha set forth to transform the Hawaiian islands by offering his people a new way, new healthcare methods, and a new faith — Christianity.

Kamehameha was born on February 9, 1834. As a young man, he toured the United States, Central America, and Europe, and he discovered Christianity — and Anglicanism in particular. He was taken with the liturgy and core beliefs of Anglicanism. In 1860 Kamehameha and Emma petitioned the Church of England to send Anglican missionaries to Hawaii. Three priests arrived on October 11, 1862. Kamehameha initiated one of his greatest contributions to his people — translating The Book of Common Prayer into the native language. He led his people as a practicing, dedicated Anglican and began a building campaign for a cathedral and a school.

A devastating smallpox epidemic in the Islands prompted Kamehameha and Emma to go into the communities and witness firsthand the devastation from leprosy, influenza, and other foreign diseases that were spreading through the native population. They embarked on a fundraising campaign to build a new hospital, and even today, their commitment to the health of their people is evident. Queen’s Hospital is named for Emma.

Kamehameha’s death on November 30, 1863, didn’t stop the work and ministry that was underway. Emma continued her husband’s dedication and charity by establishing more schools and churches and by tending to the sick and poor.

Although Kamehameha died a young man, the impacts of his Christian ideals and dedicated work on Hawaii are still witnessed today. Kamehameha and Emma are honored throughout Hawaii and are depicted in stained glass windows at St. Andrew’s, the church they helped found.

His feast day is celebrated in conjunction with his wife, Queen Emma, on November 28.

Collect for Kamehameha

O Sovereign God, who raised up Kamehameha and Emma to be rulers in Hawaii, and inspired and enabled them to be diligent in good works for the welfare of their people and the good of your Church: Receive our thanks for their witness to the Gospel; and grant that we, with them, may attain to the crown of glory that never fades away; through Jesus Christ our Savior and Redeemer, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Neva Rae Fox


William Laud vs. Kamehameha

  • Kamehameha (84%, 6,121 Votes)
  • William Laud (16%, 1,154 Votes)

Total Voters: 7,275

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266 Comments to "William Laud vs. Kamehameha"

  1. Francis of Granby's Gravatar Francis of Granby
    February 25, 2015 - 8:03 am | Permalink

    You had me at “anti-Calvinism.”

    • Jim of KY's Gravatar Jim of KY
      February 25, 2015 - 8:16 am | Permalink

      Best. Reply. Ever.

    • Pat's Gravatar Pat
      February 25, 2015 - 8:40 am | Permalink

      Seriously? They had me at “Hawaii”.

      • Mary Jane Ingalls Buchanan's Gravatar Mary Jane Ingalls Buchanan
        February 25, 2015 - 10:45 am | Permalink

        Hawaii: Sweetest air on earth. I was married on Maui in a small chapel by the sea. This chapel built at the time of the King Kamehameha has sacred doors through which the women and children, old and infirm of both sides could pass during armed conflict. How much suffering could humanity be spared if contemporary nations adopted this sacred tradition. Thanks for listening.

        • Barbara Olsen's Gravatar Barbara Olsen
          February 25, 2015 - 12:45 pm | Permalink

          What a novel idea. Keep the innocent safe and let the warring men fight it out as they will.

        • Alice Flick's Gravatar Alice Flick
          February 25, 2015 - 4:22 pm | Permalink

          I’m with you, Mary Jane! Although I was born on William Laud’s day (January 10), the happiest years of my childhood were spent living at the foot of Diamond Head. We attended church at St. Andrew’s. My vote goes to King Kamehameha.

        • Michelle Crull's Gravatar Michelle Crull
          February 25, 2015 - 4:28 pm | Permalink

          That’s a great idea (keeping the innocent out of the way of armed conflict)! Thanks for sharing the information.

    • Christina Thom's Gravatar Christina Thom
      February 25, 2015 - 10:41 am | Permalink

      This was a no brainer. Laud wanted it back to the good old days. Only problem the good old days weren’t that good.

      • Chief Jim Donovan's Gravatar Chief Jim Donovan
        February 25, 2015 - 11:21 am | Permalink

        Christina: My thots exactly! It’s refreshing to read of those in power who use their power for the common good, borne out of love. Would that it were universal!

    • Tammany Tiger's Gravatar Tammany Tiger
      February 25, 2015 - 10:52 am | Permalink

      Me too Francis of Granby.

    • Gail Renborg's Gravatar Gail Renborg
      February 25, 2015 - 11:33 am | Permalink

      It is a terrible shame that the very people who endeavored to bring Christianity to Hawaii from England, also brought the diseases that plagued (no pun intended) the Islanders, and decimated their numbers. It seems that lives were lost, but souls were saved.

    • Debra's Gravatar Debra
      February 25, 2015 - 1:38 pm | Permalink

      They had me at “near constant conflict with English Puritans of his day.”

      • JAMG's Gravatar JAMG
        February 25, 2015 - 2:31 pm | Permalink

        Me, too, Debra. To me it sounds like he saved our beautiful liturgy from the Puritans.

        • patricia's Gravatar patricia
          February 25, 2015 - 7:15 pm | Permalink

          i’m with you, francis of granby-and debra and jim-“beauty of holiness” all the way. (sorry for the lack of capital letters-not working on this phone.)

    • PWSMom's Gravatar PWSMom
      February 25, 2015 - 9:39 pm | Permalink

      You lost me at smallpox epidemic. What sort of enlightened ruler allowed a smallpox epidemic in the 1800’s? Catherine the Great risked the life of herself and her child to demonstrate to her people that an early form of vaccination would protect them from smallpox….

      • Tessa Lucero's Gravatar Tessa Lucero
        February 26, 2015 - 11:48 am | Permalink

        What sort of enlightened ruler allowed a smallpox epidemic in the 1800s?
        Probably one who didn’t have access to vaccines for himself or his people by the time the first ship with smallpox aboard docked in Hawaii.

  2. Francis of Granby's Gravatar Francis of Granby
    February 25, 2015 - 8:04 am | Permalink

    But I love Kamehameha, too.

  3. Sharon Boivin's Gravatar Sharon Boivin
    February 25, 2015 - 8:05 am | Permalink

    I voted for Kamehameha because his story gave me goosebumps. That’s usually a good sign.

    • Kathleen Sheehy's Gravatar Kathleen Sheehy
      February 25, 2015 - 9:26 am | Permalink

      Same here! Although I did spare a thought for poor Laud. While I’m not impressed with his brand of zeal, nobody should be imprisoned, let alone executed, for having a different view.

      • February 26, 2015 - 1:30 pm | Permalink

        Yep, Laud may have been out of touch on many things, but I’m an Arminian at heart — none of this utter depravity. 🙂
        So I spared “the little firecracker of Canterbury” a thought — then voted for Kamehameha.

  4. Denise's Gravatar Denise
    February 25, 2015 - 8:05 am | Permalink

    Kamehameha has such a lovely story! This was completely new to me and very interesting. Plus, he’s wearing a super cool outfit, though doesn’t look very Hawaiian!

    • Robert Andrews-Bryant's Gravatar Robert Andrews-Bryant
      February 25, 2015 - 3:04 pm | Permalink

      Have you ever seen pictures of the feather cape they make to drape his statue? THAT’S Hawaiian!

  5. Thomas van Brunt's Gravatar Thomas van Brunt
    February 25, 2015 - 8:07 am | Permalink

    This is a no brainer. Even though I agree Laud’s high church views, he was tyrannical.

    • Carolyn D. Mack's Gravatar Carolyn D. Mack
      February 25, 2015 - 8:19 am | Permalink

      Laud was following what he saw to be the English Constitution, so it is probably overstatement to call him tyrannical. He helped set in motion the events that led to the Scottish Covenant, English Civil Wars, and Glorious Revolution and therefore ultimately to the American Revolution. And I’m with the person above who said, “You had me at anti-Calvinist!”

      • Jim Bimbi's Gravatar Jim Bimbi
        February 25, 2015 - 8:57 am | Permalink

        All very true. And as my diocese’s liturgical officer I know the fuss that is created by changes in worship space and ceremony. But today I go with Kamehameha as a sentimental favorite as he was the ancestor of one of my seminary classmates.

    • Robert's Gravatar Robert
      February 25, 2015 - 7:11 pm | Permalink

      Worse yet than being tyrannical, he was English. : )

  6. Mary W.'s Gravatar Mary W.
    February 25, 2015 - 8:09 am | Permalink

    Look out Big Pineapple!

    Seriously, reading between the lines, I suspect that some parts of the liturgy that attracted Kamehameha may have been due to Laud’s liturgical reforms. However, Laud just doesn’t sound like he was a very sensitive man. So I’m going with Big Pineapple.

  7. Karen's Gravatar Karen
    February 25, 2015 - 8:10 am | Permalink

    Perhaps Queen Emma is the real saint today.

    • Julie's Gravatar Julie
      February 25, 2015 - 8:23 am | Permalink

      I was thinking the same thing. Maybe Emma should appear in the bracket.

      • Maryw47's Gravatar Maryw47
        February 25, 2015 - 8:52 am | Permalink

        Hasn’t Emma been in the bracket already? I think I remember reading her story–and voting for her!

      • Carol Townsend's Gravatar Carol Townsend
        February 25, 2015 - 8:58 am | Permalink

        Emma was in a recent Lent Madness and, if I recall correctly, almost made it to the Golden Halo. She’s been “bracketed” before, but didn’t win…which means I’m sure she’ll be back. I remember because there was often a surge in her numbers late in the day – the infamous “Hawaii is awake and voting!” timing.

        • Kathryn Ford's Gravatar Kathryn Ford
          February 25, 2015 - 2:40 pm | Permalink

          I, too, was remembering Emma’s appearance in a previous Lent Madness . What an amazing couple. My daughter was married on Maui so we have a sentimental attachment to this paradise on Earth!

      • Victor of Sturbridge's Gravatar Victor of Sturbridge
        February 25, 2015 - 9:04 am | Permalink

        If I recall correctly, Emma was the runner-up in 2012 and so not eligible to be in the bracket. She lost to Mary Magdalene.

    • Susan Mattingly's Gravatar Susan Mattingly
      February 25, 2015 - 8:30 am | Permalink

      Great response ! Next time you are in Hawaii go to the Bishop museum and learn more about her !

      • Susan Maurine's Gravatar Susan Maurine
        February 25, 2015 - 3:15 pm | Permalink

        Bishop Museum is wonderful! I went there in 1987, and of all the things I saw and did in Hawaii, quite honestly, that made the biggest impression on me. I loved it!

    • Katherine Grimes's Gravatar Katherine Grimes
      February 25, 2015 - 9:10 am | Permalink

      Good point! Maybe next year.

    • Harlie Youngblood's Gravatar Harlie Youngblood
      February 25, 2015 - 12:29 pm | Permalink

      Kamehameha and Emma are both the real saint.

    • Shirley Gordon's Gravatar Shirley Gordon
      February 25, 2015 - 2:07 pm | Permalink

      I wanted to vote for Emma!

  8. Lois Keen's Gravatar Lois Keen
    February 25, 2015 - 8:14 am | Permalink

    I rehabilitated Laud in a paper written for Anglican Hell, I me a, History, taught by a Catholic substitute adjunct person. However, we had a classmate from Hawaii, and celebrated Kamehameha with great joy every year, so, in honor of my classmate, I cast my vote for Kamehameha.

  9. Rambler's Gravatar Rambler
    February 25, 2015 - 8:18 am | Permalink

    As one who loves liturgy and has often been misunderstood with resulting frustration, I have to throw a sympathy vote to William Laud.

  10. Scott Elliott's Gravatar Scott Elliott
    February 25, 2015 - 8:19 am | Permalink

    From the introduction to the Sursum Corda (1928):

    “Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we *Laud* and magnify thy glorious Name; evermore praising thee, and saying…”

    How can we do otherwise?

  11. Betssy Hiteshew's Gravatar Betssy Hiteshew
    February 25, 2015 - 8:20 am | Permalink

    Laud is a very unappealing saint. He seems like a strange choice. However, this raises the question in my mind that saints don’t necessarily have to be likable. However, K. won out, and I suspect he and his wife will be hands down winners.!

  12. February 25, 2015 - 8:20 am | Permalink

    From a cause/effect perspective William Laud has had way more influence on my life as an Anglican than King K. King K is a nice story but William Laud towers over him in the chronicles of Anglicanism.

  13. Hilda's Gravatar Hilda
    February 25, 2015 - 8:20 am | Permalink

    I voted for Kamehameha because he sought unity and spreading the Gospel rather than division like Laud. Although his intentions were honourable, his methods go against what Christianity teaches : “Love thy neighbour”.

    • jane's Gravatar jane
      February 25, 2015 - 2:45 pm | Permalink

      I’m with you Hilda. I felt as if Kamehameha and Emma were truer to the gospel, but, I love the way the comments help me see the bigger picture and I can see how Laud and the Calvinists were struggling to make the church truer to its mission. I guess the admonition to “Speak the truth in love” is one to always keep in mind.

  14. Carol's Gravatar Carol
    February 25, 2015 - 8:24 am | Permalink

    Our Hawaiian Seminarian doubled my enthusiasm for this vote.

  15. Ellie Tupper's Gravatar Ellie Tupper
    February 25, 2015 - 8:24 am | Permalink

    Meli Kalikimaka!

    • Julia Taylor's Gravatar Julia Taylor
      February 25, 2015 - 4:18 pm | Permalink

      It is not Christmas!

  16. Emily Correll's Gravatar Emily Correll
    February 25, 2015 - 8:24 am | Permalink

    I think there was a saying at the time of his power that went “All praise be to God and little Laud to the devil.” Kamehameha gets my vote.

  17. Barb T.'s Gravatar Barb T.
    February 25, 2015 - 8:26 am | Permalink

    Laud sound too much like a “my way or the highway” kind of guy. So I am going with Kamehameha.

  18. hOOT27's Gravatar hOOT27
    February 25, 2015 - 8:27 am | Permalink

    All Glory LAUD and honor!

  19. Tania's Gravatar Tania
    February 25, 2015 - 8:27 am | Permalink

    Moving church furniture around … That’s Laud-able!

  20. Kim Forbes's Gravatar Kim Forbes
    February 25, 2015 - 8:28 am | Permalink

    Kamehameha because I tend to prefer consensus builders and team players. But, I do respect Laud for the Christ-like journey he took of confronting the church hierarchy, receiving the death penalty, and, on the executioner’s block, praying for the peace and unity of the church.

  21. Patsy's Gravatar Patsy
    February 25, 2015 - 8:28 am | Permalink

    I’m voting for Kamehameha for bringing faith and wellness to his beloved kingdom and because he was married to Emma, whom I dearly love. It was hard not to vote for a martyred Anglican though.

  22. February 25, 2015 - 8:30 am | Permalink

    Anybody else reminded of the most recent efforts to impose uniformity throughout the Anglican Communion?

    • Tom Downs's Gravatar Tom Downs
      February 25, 2015 - 10:58 am | Permalink

      Tho this time around it is the Puritans trying to force uniformity.

      • Carolyn Sharp's Gravatar Carolyn Sharp
        February 25, 2015 - 11:51 am | Permalink


  23. Michael B. Palazzolo's Gravatar Michael B. Palazzolo
    February 25, 2015 - 8:30 am | Permalink

    Although I appreciate the work that King Kamehameha did (and one of my best friends is Hawai’ian — don’t be mad Lisa!) my high church tendencies have swayed me to vote for Bishop Laud. The Puritans did much damage to the church, as they are doing today, and it takes much conviction to fight against them. Bishop Laud gave his life for what he believed. Perhaps he was a tyrant, I don’t know…the victors write the history books, but I appreciate the work that he did to restore some of the catholic elements of worship to the Anglican faith.

    • Regina Christianson's Gravatar Regina Christianson
      February 25, 2015 - 10:26 am | Permalink

      King Kamehameha was also high church and devoutly Anglo-Catholic. I think you would also appreciate his churchmanship. Laud and Kamehameha share much in faith, even with very different personalities.

      • Geoff McLarney's Gravatar Geoff McLarney
        February 25, 2015 - 12:08 pm | Permalink

        Yes, I’m grateful for Laud’s stand against the Puritans, but the fate of the Hawaiian Reformed Catholic Church is such a dark chapter in the annals of American imperialism, and I have a sentimental spot for these small “off-brand” Anglican dioceses (see also the Haitian Apostolic Orthodox Church).

  24. Betsey's Gravatar Betsey
    February 25, 2015 - 8:30 am | Permalink

    I love Kamehameha’s story, but with only one vote to cast .. the agony! … I think, like Rambler, I will offer a sympathy vote to William.

    Parts of William’s story resonated with me (cause an issue when you’re trying to do good) and I rather like how William’s life of 200 years before Kamehameha’s could somehow link them, so first-come-first-votee today.

  25. Barbara's Gravatar Barbara
    February 25, 2015 - 8:30 am | Permalink

    I’m certainly glad I didn’t live in 17th-century England.

    Kamehameha for me.

  26. Joan's Gravatar Joan
    February 25, 2015 - 8:32 am | Permalink

    Amen Hilda!

  27. Sallie's Gravatar Sallie
    February 25, 2015 - 8:35 am | Permalink

    We had to vote for Kamehameha–as a Roman Catholic, I don’t feel up to explaining Archbishop Laud to my 9 yr old Church of the Brethren grand-daughter, who is playing/learning along with me.

    • Molly Reingruber's Gravatar Molly Reingruber
      February 25, 2015 - 9:20 am | Permalink

      So impressed that you have been able to find a common activity with her that is also religious! Lent Madness: brings some people communion…others despair at the tyranny of the majority.

    • Martin's Gravatar Martin
      February 25, 2015 - 9:37 am | Permalink

      (Well actually his mom today) Sallie, I can completely relate! My RC husband was reading Lent Madness to Martin, but he actually only read Kamehameha and told me I had to take Laud (I’m Methodist). I did a very generalized summary. Life in our inter church family involves a lot of generosity, flexibility, and seeking common ground.

      • Kathy Hartley's Gravatar Kathy Hartley
        February 25, 2015 - 2:45 pm | Permalink

        Sallie, your family, especially Martin, sounds awesome! So many learning opportunities for Martin! We need to raise more adults who will grow up to be generous and flexible and will seek common ground. Keep on keepin’ on!

      • Jude's Gravatar Jude
        February 25, 2015 - 8:19 pm | Permalink

        I’m doing Lent Madness with my kids this year, too! It’s a great way, I think, of introducing Lenten devotions. And it’s certainly sparked some interesting conversations!

    • Heather's Gravatar Heather
      February 25, 2015 - 12:57 pm | Permalink

      Sallie and Martin’s mom, I’m so glad to see your comments! My husband was raised RC and I was raised Mennonite. We’ve ended up as Methodists. Knowing so very little about any saints of any kind, I’ve loved using Lent Madness to learn and find inspiration for myself. But even more I really appreciate how fun this is to do with our kids. It’s very nice to see comments from other people doing this with their children, and nicer still to learn that others are using it to bridge denominations in their families, too.

    • Glenis Elliott's Gravatar Glenis Elliott
      February 25, 2015 - 1:38 pm | Permalink

      What a great way to encourage the young to participate. Good for you.

  28. Peter's Gravatar Peter
    February 25, 2015 - 8:35 am | Permalink

    Although intention regarding liturgy gets my attention, a King’s fervor of faith and finding, encouraging, working at, and living the faith inspires my soul. King K it is!

  29. Alec clement's Gravatar Alec clement
    February 25, 2015 - 8:35 am | Permalink

    Another example of the impact delivered by one man. The Holy Spirit must have been with this wonderful King

  30. Heidi Shott's Gravatar Heidi Shott
    February 25, 2015 - 8:39 am | Permalink

    May the good king go to the Golden Halo round as Queen Emma did in 2012! Neva Rae, I have two biographies kicking around. Let me know if you want them for more material, and I’ll send them your way. Though perhaps the SEC has offered CBs a research budget this year…nah.

  31. Anne Clayton's Gravatar Anne Clayton
    February 25, 2015 - 8:39 am | Permalink

    Whomever you voted for, and for me the King trumped the Archbishop, you have to acknowledge the Christlike humility and forgiveness in Laud at his departure.

    Speaking of Archbishops, where are they??? I miss them!

    • Betsey's Gravatar Betsey
      February 25, 2015 - 9:23 am | Permalink

      I was missing them, too, Anne, and found the Maple Anglican’s blog. The latest post tells the story – life’s busy – http://www.mapleanglican.com

    • Anne E.B.'s Gravatar Anne E.B.
      February 25, 2015 - 9:59 am | Permalink

      Me too. Bring them back!

  32. Lucy Porter's Gravatar Lucy Porter
    February 25, 2015 - 8:40 am | Permalink

    I had to think about this for awhile. As much of my active ministry was in hospital chaplaincy, Kamehameha appeals to me because of his interest in health care. According to his biography, he led from his faith rather than trying to impose it on his country by force.

    • Another Peg's Gravatar Another Peg
      February 25, 2015 - 11:33 am | Permalink

      Lucy, you make an excellent point. Kamehameha invited the church in, and invited people into the church. Poor Laud lost me with his attempts to force the Scots to embrace the church (though attempting to force Scots (amongst whom are some of my ancestors) into anything is a feat of faith and bravery unto itself). I knew a church member like Laud who would fearlessly do the equivalent of moving the altar if in his heart he believed it was best for the church. He could be hard to take, but what a force he was. Still, the Good King is my pick today.

  33. Marcia's Gravatar Marcia
    February 25, 2015 - 8:40 am | Permalink

    This was a tough one. As a Nashotah House student, I love what William Laud did to bring ancient beauty back to Anglican worship, yet Kamehameha truly blessed God’s people in Hawaii. So my vote goes to both the king and queen.

  34. Jerry Rankin's Gravatar Jerry Rankin
    February 25, 2015 - 8:40 am | Permalink

    A divider vs. an uniter. I voted for Kamehameha, who sought to serve his people in the grace and peace of Christ.

  35. Matthew's Gravatar Matthew
    February 25, 2015 - 8:42 am | Permalink

    Laud’s practices seem a little radical. I’m going with Kamehameha, and not just because of Dragon Ball. He not only brought the religion to Hawaii before its annexation, he reformed his community.

  36. JustMeJo's Gravatar JustMeJo
    February 25, 2015 - 8:43 am | Permalink

    Is it just me, or was poor ABC Laud really a dyed-in-the_wool curmudgeon?

  37. February 25, 2015 - 8:43 am | Permalink

    Actually, it seems that Kamehameha and William Laud share some commonalities: their passion for good Anglican liturgy. Had they lived in the same century they may have conspired together to move furniture! My vote goes to Kamehameha.

  38. Nina Nicholson's Gravatar Nina Nicholson
    February 25, 2015 - 8:45 am | Permalink

    As someone who was also drawn to the Episcopal/Anglican church as an adult, I had to vote for Kamehameha.

  39. MegN's Gravatar MegN
    February 25, 2015 - 8:45 am | Permalink

    Hmmm… “My way or the highway” vs healthcare and concern for ordinary people. I was all ready to vote for the archbishop, until I read the details. Archbishop Laud deserves to be in the contest, but my vote goes to the King, for his care and love for his people.

  40. Judy Hoover's Gravatar Judy Hoover
    February 25, 2015 - 8:46 am | Permalink

    Kamehameha has my vote because he steadfastly brought Christianity to his people and brought it in the “language understanded by the people.”

  41. Beth's Gravatar Beth
    February 25, 2015 - 8:46 am | Permalink

    This one is difficult for me. Laud’s story does remind me of current efforts to impose uniformity throughout the Anglican communion. Kamehameha’s story is inspiring, although I wonder if his work to bring Anglicanism to his country was part of the introduction of the modern “plagues” associated with Western lifestyles.

  42. Tara Bennett's Gravatar Tara Bennett
    February 25, 2015 - 8:49 am | Permalink

    The Anglican missionaries were the only missionaries invited to Hawaii by the monarch, vs all the others who arrived to preach to the so-called “heathens”. I remember joyous celebrations in church yearly on Kimg Kamehameha and Queen Emma day each year when we lived in Hawaii, and Emma was how I came to Lent Madness a few years ago when she was featured and an email went out to churches and vestries in Hawaii to support our local saint. He did more to encourage the growth of the church and his people than a liturgical reformer out of touch with the people. An easy choice.

  43. Susan Maurine's Gravatar Susan Maurine
    February 25, 2015 - 8:52 am | Permalink

    Going to Hawaii for our 30th anniversary. We have been looking forward to voting for King Kamehameha!

  44. Vicki Wadlow's Gravatar Vicki Wadlow
    February 25, 2015 - 8:54 am | Permalink

    King Kamehameha gets my vote for caring so much for his people. Also…….it’s Hawaii. I think all of us who look out our windows to white or grey want in the best sort of way, to see palm trees and drinks with umbrellas, and white sand beaches. I think Kamehameha is going to get the “I am so sick of winter.” vote.

  45. Robert Corey's Gravatar Robert Corey
    February 25, 2015 - 8:58 am | Permalink

    Saints who die young are a hard vote, but then again, so did Jesus. I wonder sometimes why he couldn’t have stayed longer.

    Laud is an evil name, second only to Bloody Mary, among those of us of Puritan heritage. Anglo-Catholic is good. Oxford Movement is good. Anti-Puritan is bad, especially if enforced cruelly.

    But having been told just Yesterday of the table being moved from wall-facing (priest turning his back to consecrate), to it’s present position just behind the rail, I thought — who wouldn’t want it the way it is now? Laud wouldn’t, that’s who. That sealed it.

  46. Patrice's Gravatar Patrice
    February 25, 2015 - 8:59 am | Permalink

    One of the things I appreciate most about the church is that wherever you go there is consistency in the liturgy and the knowledge that we are joined together with believers the world over in common prayer. I appreciate Laud for going against the tide to uphold that. Presumably that may have been part of its appeal for King K as well. Still, I have to go with the king (and queen) for accomplishing so much in such a short time. Their example challenges me personally to take my faith outside the church and to make better use of what time I have.

  47. Ann E's Gravatar Ann E
    February 25, 2015 - 8:59 am | Permalink

    Kamehameha for me this morning. His faith was strong, and it led him to do much practical good for his people: the translation of the BCP, schools, hospitals. What great things he might have accomplished had he been granted a longer life.

    • Bruce's Gravatar Bruce
      February 25, 2015 - 10:59 am | Permalink

      Second your thoughts. Intrigued, I went to Wikipedia where I learned more about the Crown Prince’s American and Continental tour. After honor audiences with Louis Napoleon, Prince Albert and Pres. Taylor, Liholiho was humiliated in confrontation with North American racism. In his own recounting of the episode where his right to travel in a train compartment was challenged, the prince says ” the conductor… took me for somebody’s servant just because I had a darker skin than he had. Confounded fool;. the first time that I have ever received such treatment, not in England or France or anywhere else……..In England an African can pay his fare and sit alongside Queen Victoria. The Americans talk and think a great deal about their liberty, and strangers often find that too many liberties are taken of their comfort just because his hosts are a free people.”

  48. Ron's Gravatar Ron
    February 25, 2015 - 9:00 am | Permalink

    Wow what a story about a King and Queen.

  49. Katherine's Gravatar Katherine
    February 25, 2015 - 9:05 am | Permalink

    Shame one all your punish hymn references! 😉
    I’m inclined to back a clergyman willing to move furniture…but bullying the bishops out of Scotland sort of soured me.

    • Babzee's Gravatar Babzee
      February 25, 2015 - 11:07 am | Permalink

      laud have mercy! It is shameful.

    • Peg S.'s Gravatar Peg S.
      February 25, 2015 - 3:18 pm | Permalink

      Such punishment should be outlaud.

  50. Nicole's Gravatar Nicole
    February 25, 2015 - 9:11 am | Permalink

    I also believe Queen Emma should be on the bracket. God bless this King and Queen who worked so tirelessly to improve the temporal and spiritual lives of their community.

  51. February 25, 2015 - 9:13 am | Permalink

    Having just watched Whiplash, using tyranny to bring out the best in people is “not my tempo.” I went with Kamehameha.

    • Susan Maurine's Gravatar Susan Maurine
      February 25, 2015 - 3:19 pm | Permalink

      Haha! Love it that you can use “Whiplash” in connection to your Lent Madness vote. {{shudder}} What a brutal movie!

  52. Molly Reingruber's Gravatar Molly Reingruber
    February 25, 2015 - 9:13 am | Permalink

    I didn’t realize that King K died so young! My childish resentment toward Emma (for crushing many a saint to reach the finals in Lent Madness a couple of years ago) plus my fondness for liturgy nerds, made me WANT to vote for Laud. But I couldn’t do it. I’m sure there must be more to the story, and that’s why he’s commemorated on the calendar, but I just couldn’t do it.

  53. February 25, 2015 - 9:14 am | Permalink

    Although I would love to cast a sympathy vote for Laud in his tribulations over moving the altar in the name of best practices, I must vote for Kamehameha due to the laudatory service he rendered his kingdom in so many ways. Ah, the suffering entailed for sincere clerics who try to adjust the furniture…aaaugh.

  54. Katherine Grimes's Gravatar Katherine Grimes
    February 25, 2015 - 9:14 am | Permalink

    After reading the bios, I was surprised that the comments weren’t 99% in favor of King Kamehameha. Perhaps that’s because I’m not a cradle Episcopalian (although my English ancestors and relatives are Anglican). Kamehameha sounds like a good man, a good leader, and a good Christian.

  55. NJ's Gravatar NJ
    February 25, 2015 - 9:15 am | Permalink

    K gets my vote. After the winter we’ve had, Hawaii all the way. Seriously, though, I was pleased by the efforts of K and Emma to do things that helped, and continue to help, the people of Hawaii.

  56. shawn crawford's Gravatar shawn crawford
    February 25, 2015 - 9:18 am | Permalink

    Although I feel compelled to vote for Kamehameha for all the good he did and continues to do, he did not really sacrifice anything for his beliefs. It looks like he lived a pretty cushy life even thought he and his wife worked hard. But would he have given up his life for his beliefs? He didn’t have those Puritans to contend with. Would he have stood up to them? And as King he probably didn’t have a lot of contention with his people. What is the criteria for being a saint anyway?

    • Molly Reingruber's Gravatar Molly Reingruber
      February 25, 2015 - 9:35 am | Permalink

      It depends on which church you are talking about. The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches have different rules (more about miracles and martyrs) than the Episcopal Church of the U.S. Here we have a process for approving saints that is based on elected representatives (very American) and the criteria tends to be only this: an extraordinary witness of God. Their “accomplishments” may be large or small, but something about them inspires us to help build up the kingdom of God. In that sense we’re all saints. However, the church has made it adequately cumbersome (you have to wait 50 years after their death to nominate someone, etc) so that not every single local saint or do-gooder will be on the calendar.

      • Lesley Hildrey's Gravatar Lesley Hildrey
        February 25, 2015 - 10:31 am | Permalink

        This cannot be correct, I’m sorry! We are commemorating 50 years since the martyrdom of Jonathan Daniels, our church’s saint (listed in the book in Canterbury cathedral), this very year. JD has been an official Episcopalian saint for some years now. Feel free to look him up, he died in the civil rights movement in Alabama, after leaving To answer MLK jr ‘s call to Selma. Just saying…!

        • Emily Correll's Gravatar Emily Correll
          February 25, 2015 - 5:44 pm | Permalink

          Maybe martyrdom speeds up the process? As a former Alabaman who grew up in the next county and remember his death, I definitely think Jonathan Daniels deserves his official sainthood.

  57. February 25, 2015 - 9:21 am | Permalink

    For all those wondering about Queen Emma making it into the bracket — she’s been in! She went all the way to the Golden Halo round before losing to Mary Magdalene in 2012. Along the way she defeated Catherine of Siena, Paul of Tarsus, and Dietrich Bonheoffer. It was quite a run for the queen shepherded through the bracket by now-retired celebrity Blogger Heidi Shott. It also got the Hawaiian voting block nicknamed “Big Pineapple” for their ardent support of Emma.

    • Carol Townsend's Gravatar Carol Townsend
      February 25, 2015 - 2:18 pm | Permalink

      So Tim, since Queen Emma did make it to the final round, does that mean she’s retired from all future Lent Madnesses as someone suggested earlier? Or will we perhaps have the chance to see Her Majesty in a future bracket? What are the rules on retirement from LM? (for the saints…not the celebrity bloggers…which is a whole ‘nuther topic, because I miss Heidi Shott’s shepherding here!)

    • Susan Maurine's Gravatar Susan Maurine
      February 25, 2015 - 3:22 pm | Permalink

      Thanks for explaining the pineapple thing!

  58. Charlie's Gravatar Charlie
    February 25, 2015 - 9:22 am | Permalink

    Laud wasn’t a good man, but he was a martyr for Anglicanism. When the forces of darkness threatened the Church, he stood firm.

  59. John ANderson's Gravatar John ANderson
    February 25, 2015 - 9:23 am | Permalink

    William Laud is one of the AofC’s we have hymns about: Ya know, “Glory, Laud, and Honor.

    • Susan Maurine's Gravatar Susan Maurine
      February 25, 2015 - 3:23 pm | Permalink


  60. Marj Lewis's Gravatar Marj Lewis
    February 25, 2015 - 9:26 am | Permalink

    Defender of the faith or aboriginal “convert”? Wow, what a choice. I had to go with Laud, defender. With my sincerest apologies to that great cloud of witnesses who started as victims of the faith but allowed themselves to be loved by Jesus.

  61. JP's Gravatar JP
    February 25, 2015 - 9:28 am | Permalink

    Party foul. The write-up certainly showed some bias here. Unfair!

    • Adam Naff's Gravatar Adam Naff
      February 25, 2015 - 5:39 pm | Permalink

      I agree. Laud has been in the bracket before, I wonder if his write up that time was as negative as this one?

      In the interest of full disclosure, I voted for Kamehameha on a coin flip. After I voted though I went back and read their bios again and wish I had voted for Laud, he had a greater influence on the Church as a whole whereas Kamehameha’s influence, though laudable, was isolated.

  62. February 25, 2015 - 9:29 am | Permalink

    Tough choice today. My liturgical sense says Laud. My love for the dried pineapple from our local co-op steers me towards the king….

  63. Millie Ericson's Gravatar Millie Ericson
    February 25, 2015 - 9:30 am | Permalink

    I was surprised to see Thecla win over Keble, when her fellow Mystics, Hadewijch (whom I voted for) and Theresa (whom I didn’t) went down in defeat! Glad to see one of these strong women move forward!

    As for Laud and Kamehameha, it seems the sentimental is winning out. The King is greatly honored in Hawaii but had little impact further afield. Laud’s work was that one of great courage and had a lasting impact on the worldwide church! I have to stand with him and all the multitude of clergy who have “moved furniture”; and with those who have stood in the gap for the faith, as William did, against the tyrannical majority. Hooray for William Laud!

  64. Ralegh's Gravatar Ralegh
    February 25, 2015 - 9:32 am | Permalink

    It appears Kamehameha is off to a very good lead. I’ll have to follow the crowd. I’m sure the church is much in debt to Laud, but I am impressed by Kamehameha’s dedication to simple goodness. It’s all about love, isn’t it?

  65. February 25, 2015 - 9:35 am | Permalink

    I, too, applaud the unifying actions in love and faith of King Kamehameha. For me his example of bringing faith, healthcare and The well being of his people is preferable to the stiff unyielding tyrannical actions of a man who seems devoid of any sensitivity for others. Though Laud did do some good, and I too prefer some high church liturgies, I voted for the man who brought peace and unity, faith and health to his people.

  66. Jennifer's Gravatar Jennifer
    February 25, 2015 - 9:37 am | Permalink

    I have had good results in the past from voting for people born in Hawaii that have funny names and give their people health care so I will do it again.

    • Kathy Hartley's Gravatar Kathy Hartley
      February 25, 2015 - 2:53 pm | Permalink

      Brilliant, Jennifer!!! YES!

    • Katherine Schroeder's Gravatar Katherine Schroeder
      February 25, 2015 - 4:29 pm | Permalink

      So have I, Jennifer. In fact I’ve voted that way twice. Well, today makes thrice. I was almost tempted to cast a pity-vote for Laud. He’d getting totally crushed. But those born-in Hawaii guys are so lovable. (Wonder if Kamehameha ever had to produce his birth certificate…)

  67. Barbara Ross's Gravatar Barbara Ross
    February 25, 2015 - 9:37 am | Permalink

    From the first time I visited an Anglican church as a young adult, I’ve been drawn to worship “in the “beauty of holiness.” But Laud is such an unappealing character in other ways that I must cast my vote for the king.

    • February 25, 2015 - 9:48 am | Permalink

      Laud sounds like an old Pharisee and Kamehameha sounds like he cared for all people.

      • Linda Brown's Gravatar Linda Brown
        February 25, 2015 - 10:21 am | Permalink

        I fear that Laud is in danger of being martyred again! He perhaps was not wise or engaging in his method, but we all benefit from his efforts to shape and preserve the Liturgy. That said, Kamehameha had, by all accounts, a sweet spirit. Tough choice!

    • Anne E.B.'s Gravatar Anne E.B.
      February 25, 2015 - 9:56 am | Permalink

      Yes Barbara, I agree, unappealing is the perfect word for poor Laud. Doesn’t stand a chance. I cast my vote for King K and dear Queen Emma.

      • Ginny Berkey's Gravatar Ginny Berkey
        February 25, 2015 - 6:34 pm | Permalink

        I also agree. Laud was unappealing. As much as this cradle Episcopalian loves our litergy and has a special place in her heart for the Twenty-eight praybook, Laud certain went about it the wrong way.

  68. February 25, 2015 - 9:41 am | Permalink

    I think saints are to be windows to God and patterns for our lives in faith. Kamehameha was a much clearer window for me and the pattern to strive for (not the being royalty part). I love our shared liturgy with its rich symbolism and the words/music we share across space and time. It sounds like Kamehameha did too, but went for the Second Great Commandment. This was the easiest choice for me so far–also leaves me thankful for “copy” and “paste” when writing Kamehameha.

  69. Molly Reingruber's Gravatar Molly Reingruber
    February 25, 2015 - 9:45 am | Permalink

    Sometimes it helps me when I decide to vote to consider evangelism: When Father Tim or Scott do interviews, explaining Lent Madness and introducing past winners, I sometimes think beyond what personally inspires me, and think about how the agnostic or “spiritual but not religious” folks will hear it. I’m thinking that Laud may not inspire many outside the Anglican Communion to turn to Lent Madness and learn about the saints.

    • Glenis Elliott's Gravatar Glenis Elliott
      February 25, 2015 - 1:54 pm | Permalink

      Very well said.

  70. Phil Matthews's Gravatar Phil Matthews
    February 25, 2015 - 9:45 am | Permalink

    I find most interesting that in traveling in the 19th century to the USA and Europe he not only converted to Chrustianity but chose Anglicanism specifically. I wonder what in Anglican thought and practices appealed it him? In many ways the Anglican Church is in the middle of the various Christian sects, from the long historical churches of Catholicism to the new more fundamentalist churches and faiths sprouting up post 1600 arising out of he Protestant Refirmation. The Celtic roots in Anglicanism was based upon the values of moderation. And as we have evolved as the Anglican Communion we are certainly diverse and reflect the full spectrum of religious views and have people participating on all the continents. I was once in Fiji and went to the Angkican service in Suva and it was like home from the service to the coffee hour, but the church and service had a Fijian Anglican feel. King K and Emma reflect in my mind what we of the Anglican Communion have to offer. Diversity in beliefs, consistency in traction, service to others and fellowship. As Robin Williams once said one of the best reasons to be an Episcopalean is you always find one person to agree with theologically. We have grown a lot since Laud and the Puritans King K and Emma are there with us.

    • Phil Matthews's Gravatar Phil Matthews
      February 25, 2015 - 9:48 am | Permalink

      Excuse the typos, still having my first cup of tea. “traction” should be “tradition”

  71. Virginia's Gravatar Virginia
    February 25, 2015 - 9:46 am | Permalink

    Once, slightly lost while trying to get out of north Texas, I found myself in the town of Pittsburg, saw an Episcopal Church sign, decided to investigate, and was astonished to discover it was Saint William Laud Episcopal Church. Hm. This, I believe, is the only such dedication in ECUSA, anyway. I’d be interested to know the story behind the name.

  72. Rick Heestand's Gravatar Rick Heestand
    February 25, 2015 - 9:48 am | Permalink

    King takes bishop…

  73. Linda T.'s Gravatar Linda T.
    February 25, 2015 - 9:49 am | Permalink

    ” dangerously out of touch with common persuasions . . . fierce defense of the Church’s privileges and prerogatives” I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, to read this about a clergyperson.

  74. Jeffrey H Rickard's Gravatar Jeffrey H Rickard
    February 25, 2015 - 9:50 am | Permalink

    The Chapel Singers of the University of Redlands sang the Office of Compline in St. Andrew’s Cathedral early on in my tenure at the University. It rained all week during our tour until the Choral Eucharist on Sunday when during the Offertory Anthem – Kyrie by Louis Vierne – the sun broke through during the final two pages. There was not a dry eye in the choir. On another note, Trinity Episcopal Church, Redlands MOVED church furniture and brought a temporary altar closer to the congregation. The resulting ecclesiatical enragement by older members of the congregation (and some in the choir) was possible grounds of a beheading of the rector and deportation of those who supported this “Redlands” Movement. Kyrie elision!

  75. Margaret Moran's Gravatar Margaret Moran
    February 25, 2015 - 9:51 am | Permalink

    Kamehamaha didn’t have to be elected to office, but chose to take the active path to serve his people (with the help of an admirable woman). Laud grasped the nettle and followed what he thought was the Right Way, and endured winter and also being killed for his strong beliefs, so although I like K better, I give some homage to the Archbishop. Margaret

  76. February 25, 2015 - 9:54 am | Permalink

    I’m with Big Pineapple today…thinking warm thoughts (and hoping for many votes) for King Kamehameha. Kona coffee is on the menu today. For those who might not be aware, there is a Hawaiian sovereignty movement to this day. No matter what you think of it, you might be interested in learning about it from this article in Indian Country Today, “Hawaiian Sovereignty 101”, one of the largest Native news publications in the US. http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/06/28/hawaiian-sovereignty-101-growing-fight-native-independence-155531

  77. Joanne's Gravatar Joanne
    February 25, 2015 - 9:58 am | Permalink

    Is there a printed version of all these biographies? There is so much interesting info that I’d like to reread, but not on a screen.
    This is myFIRST comment….

    • February 25, 2015 - 10:17 am | Permalink

      Welcome to the madness. There is a Saintly Scorecard published each year with the special bios created for Lent Madness. If still available, it can be purchased at Forward Movement’s website. Click the above Resources and Lentorium tabs to find that link and perhaps a few other helpful things.

      • Linda Brown's Gravatar Linda Brown
        February 25, 2015 - 10:53 am | Permalink

        Also available as an e-book, if the hard copies are sold out.

        • Joanne's Gravatar Joanne
          February 25, 2015 - 8:14 pm | Permalink

          Thanks, Linda. I did get an ebook for my NOOK. Print was sold out.

      • Joanne's Gravatar Joanne
        February 25, 2015 - 8:16 pm | Permalink

        Next year I’ll be quicker. Only ebooks are available. Thanks for the info.

  78. Kim's Gravatar Kim
    February 25, 2015 - 10:07 am | Permalink

    I was actually really torn with this one. I deeply respect Laud’s anti-Calvinism and his commitment to liturgy. Kamehameha’s deep faith and commitment to good are equally praiseworthy. However, I worry that his willingness to work with the West may have blinded him to western interests in Hawaii, interests not at all holy, and in so doing may have unintentionally facilitated western imperialism in Hawaii. I am not a fan of Laud’s righteous commitment to hierarchy, either. My vote goes to Kamehameha by a hair because whatever consequences there were, they were unintentional. Laud knew what he was doing.

  79. Lee Greenawalt's Gravatar Lee Greenawalt
    February 25, 2015 - 10:08 am | Permalink

    Did the Supreme Executive Committee create a “strawman” challenge to Kamehameha ? or are they hoping to find high church devotees? It seems clear that between moving the altar, or moving among the sick, which is more saintly and deserving of a halo.

  80. February 25, 2015 - 10:22 am | Permalink

    Because of his commitment to practicing Anglicanism and providing healthcare, it’s Kamehameha for me today.

  81. Sarah Gaede's Gravatar Sarah Gaede
    February 25, 2015 - 10:23 am | Permalink

    My beloved late Church History professor, Don Armentrout, would spin in his grave (figuratively speaking, since I think he was cremated) if I voted for William Laud. So Kamehameha it is. Plus it’s so much fun to say.

    • Mary Robert's Gravatar Mary Robert
      February 25, 2015 - 11:03 am | Permalink

      Amen to what Don Armentrout (God rest his soul) would think about voting for Laud. It puts a smile on my face!

    • Babzee's Gravatar Babzee
      February 25, 2015 - 11:09 am | Permalink

      What a great tribute to Don!

  82. February 25, 2015 - 10:25 am | Permalink

    Laud was lost to me before I finished reading his bio. Kamehameha!

  83. Julie Kaufman's Gravatar Julie Kaufman
    February 25, 2015 - 10:25 am | Permalink

    For any interested in King Kamehameha and Queen Emma, I heartily recommend Sarah Vowell’s book on this history of Hawaii at this time, called _Unfamiliar Fishes_.

  84. Linda DelaCruz's Gravatar Linda DelaCruz
    February 25, 2015 - 10:27 am | Permalink

    It’s been so cold over here in upstate NY this winter, I’m going for Hawaii! Also, Laud doesn’t have much to laud himself over Kamehameha, IMHO.

  85. Susan hayes's Gravatar Susan hayes
    February 25, 2015 - 10:27 am | Permalink

    If Laud had not defended the BCP Kamehameha might not have had the opportunity to fall in love with it

  86. Mary Nicholson's Gravatar Mary Nicholson
    February 25, 2015 - 10:28 am | Permalink

    Coming from Hawaii I may be prejudice. My vote goes to King Kamehameha. I admire him and Queen Emma for getting in the middle of things for the people. They got their hands dirty. They were really servants for the LORD.

  87. Sebastian Morris's Gravatar Sebastian Morris
    February 25, 2015 - 10:32 am | Permalink

    As a devoted Anglo-Catholic my vote must to go to Laud, although it’s quite likely he’d rather not have it, since that vote so far this Lent seems to be the kiss of doom.

  88. Melody's Gravatar Melody
    February 25, 2015 - 10:32 am | Permalink

    What was the religion of Hawaii before Kamehameha introduced Anglicanism? I imagine it was native aboriginal, but does anyone have any further insight or detail?

    • Beth Parkhurst's Gravatar Beth Parkhurst
      February 25, 2015 - 12:17 pm | Permalink

      Before Kamehameha IV introduced Anglicanism, Congregationalism was pretty well entrenched. As a boy, the future Kamehameha IV had been educated by Congregationalist missionaries at the Chiefs’ Children’s School, which had been founded by Kamehameha III to prepare future generations to become Christian rulers. (The traditional Hawaiian religion had been outlawed in 1831, three years before the birth of the future Kamehameha IV.) So in embracing Anglicanism over the Calvinism of his youth, Kamehameha IV was in a sense following in William Laud’s footsteps.

      Father Damien, who ministered to the lepers at Molokai, was a bright light among Catholic clergy in Hawaii during Kamehameha IV’s reign. Catholicism was not a well-established as Anglicanism or Congregationalism in Hawaii, though.

  89. Bob Nelson's Gravatar Bob Nelson
    February 25, 2015 - 10:34 am | Permalink

    Kamehameha! He surfed, dude!

  90. Tessa Lucero's Gravatar Tessa Lucero
    February 25, 2015 - 10:37 am | Permalink

    William Laud has my respect as a defender of the sacraments and the liturgy and as a martyr for his convictions.

    But Kamehameha has my vote as one who used his position and his resources to bring Christian beliefs and faith to his people, especially by translating the Book of Common Prayer into the Hawaiian language. I wonder what else he would have done had he lived longer.

  91. Jem Ansuy's Gravatar Jem Ansuy
    February 25, 2015 - 10:39 am | Permalink

    It’s predictable that Laud will go down to a resounding defeat–which leads to the question: “why was he even considered?” I understood that contestants would be edifying movers and shakers within Christian tradition, and that given there are many such souls to emulate, we would be presented with tough choices to make. Lo, when the people voted for a non-existent Juan Diego, and embraced Oakerhater over Theresa, I realized this exercise was far from being the catechesis it might have been. Given the pairings thus far, I’m waiting for St. Christopher to face off against Arteban, “The Fourth Wise Man.”

    This came to mind with Kamehameha’s candidacy. His little known involvement with Christianity would have served the Church well when James Michener evangelized the masses with a gospel portraying Christianity as the worst plague to ever hit Hawaii (in his book-turned-film “The Hawaiians”). Thanks for reporting the king’s Christian identity. He was guaranteed a victory against the straw man Laud.

    • Ginny Rodriguez's Gravatar Ginny Rodriguez
      February 26, 2015 - 2:28 am | Permalink

      You have found the problem with Lent Madness. It is madness. Ferrets choose the matchups? Saints vie for “saint of the day”? And, finally, the last standing saint wins The Golden Halo ! LM is an absurd game.

      The serious business of LM is studying and thinking about and commenting on the wide variety of saints. Challenging, annoying, frustrating shifting through dusty centuries of half forgotten details in search of the face of Christ.

      Happy Lent!

      “Happy Lent!”

  92. John Colón's Gravatar John Colón
    February 25, 2015 - 10:44 am | Permalink

    William Laud’s account had me at anti-puritan and anti-Calvinist. (Is that close to a redundancy?) However, I have long championed Kamehameha and Emma. I believe that in voting for him, I was voting for two! Have you seen his statue at the U.S. Capitol? I find it awe-inspiring to this day. You can see it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Nu%CA%BBuanu

  93. February 25, 2015 - 10:52 am | Permalink

    I’m no fan of the divine right of kings, Established religion, or politically inept bishops. But that said, I am, as an Episcopalian, grateful to Archbishop Laud for defending the celebration of the sacraments, the importance of a common liturgy, and a middle way between the militant absolutisms of Reformation Puritanism on the one hand and Counter-Reformation Roman Catholicism on the other.

    • Em's Gravatar Em
      February 25, 2015 - 11:10 am | Permalink

      Laud and the Susans have my vote today. Susan Wall here, and Susan Hayes above, have nicely consolidated my reasons for voting for Laud. And yeah, anti-Calvinist got me from the get-go.

  94. Megan's Gravatar Megan
    February 25, 2015 - 10:52 am | Permalink

    I’ve just got to go for the guy who was willing to adapt and change for the good of the people. Kamehameha and Emma invited Anglican missionaries, improved health, and acted out of clearly demonstrated love. Laud’s heart might have been in the right place, but his willingness to adapt is lacking. Kamehameha gets my vote today (and in my mind, a win for one of this couple is a win for both).

  95. John Colón's Gravatar John Colón
    February 25, 2015 - 10:56 am | Permalink

    A CORRECTION: I provided a link to a Wikipedia link to the Battle of Nu’uanu and King Kamehameha I (or the Warrior King who united the islands of Hawai’i by force). Replicas of the statue I refer to is found in several places including the U.S. Capitol and is of Kamehameha the Great, not Kamehameha IV whom we commemorate with Queen Emma on our calendar on November 28. Still, I like the statue: https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AilqeESDI0aZiz9j0TPR85ibvZx4?fr=yfp-t-706-s&toggle=1&fp=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&p=kamehameha%20statue%20in%20washington%20dc

    • Linda Brown's Gravatar Linda Brown
      February 25, 2015 - 12:27 pm | Permalink

      He looks more like himself in the statue than in the photo above!

  96. kirk philippsen's Gravatar kirk philippsen
    February 25, 2015 - 11:14 am | Permalink

    Someday I’ll make a long pilgrimage to his homeland.

  97. Donna Devlin's Gravatar Donna Devlin
    February 25, 2015 - 11:18 am | Permalink

    Laud and Cranmer and Henry and cohorts truly did good things for the church but at what cost to mercy and justice and just plain goodness? King K did good things for people AND the church.

  98. Diane Norton's Gravatar Diane Norton
    February 25, 2015 - 11:25 am | Permalink

    An interesting match-up. My vote went to the one I thought hardly anyone would favor. Among morning voters that prediction turned out to be correct as reflected in the exit polls.

  99. Aida's Gravatar Aida
    February 25, 2015 - 11:26 am | Permalink

    First time I ever read the comments before voting. Tough choice. I suspect that Laud had something to do with helping to form the core of beliefs that attracted Kamehameha. And I am touched by Laud’s prayer at his death. Thank you for including that.
    Still Kamehameha touches my heart & mind, so he gets my vote.

    Interesting how the more recent saints have qualities that more easily appeal to young people

  100. Sandra Mueller's Gravatar Sandra Mueller
    February 25, 2015 - 11:27 am | Permalink

    Kamehameha (and Emma) is (are) still dearly loved in the Islands. Born on Easter Sunday, I was given an Hawaiian name Kealahou (New Path, or New Way.) Aloha.

  101. Emily's Gravatar Emily
    February 25, 2015 - 11:27 am | Permalink

    I’m puzzled how Laud reached sainthood in the first place. I used to live in Hawaii and miss it terribly in this frigid winter we are having, so it would have taken a much more persuasive candidate to overcome the movingly solicitous Kamehameha.

  102. E Weber's Gravatar E Weber
    February 25, 2015 - 11:28 am | Permalink


    Please read, those who are so sure Calvinism is a bad thing.

    • Geoff McLarney's Gravatar Geoff McLarney
      February 25, 2015 - 3:26 pm | Permalink

      As one of those people, thank you for this: an interesting read, even if he seems to overestimate the significance of the Articles within Anglicanism.

  103. Cheryle's Gravatar Cheryle
    February 25, 2015 - 11:29 am | Permalink

    As a high church person, my natural sympathy like with William Laud. And although my ancestors were some of those Puritans who sought to escape the “excesses” of the CofE, I’m very thankful that those “excesses” have survived. We have a beautiful liturgy, and yes, the altar should be on the East end of the building!

    However! Kamehameha’s seems to be the more gentle spirit with genuine concern for the people. Laud seems to be more about form, while Kamehameha is more about substance, and so I must vote for the one who took Jesus’ teaching to heart and ministered to the least.

    • Cheryle's Gravatar Cheryle
      February 25, 2015 - 11:30 am | Permalink

      Only one cup of coffee – “my natural sympathies lie”

      Time for a refill.

  104. Kelley Brown's Gravatar Kelley Brown
    February 25, 2015 - 11:29 am | Permalink

    Although Laud had my Presbyterian heart at “decently and in order”, I can’t say no to the Big Pineapple. I also move for an amendment to the bracket to include his Queen.

    • Kim's Gravatar Kim
      February 25, 2015 - 11:32 am | Permalink

      I second that motion!

      • Phil's Gravatar Phil
        February 25, 2015 - 11:33 am | Permalink

        A vote fir King K is a vote for Emma!

    • Susan Maurine's Gravatar Susan Maurine
      February 25, 2015 - 3:29 pm | Permalink

      She’s been there, done that; see above!

  105. Carol Buckalew's Gravatar Carol Buckalew
    February 25, 2015 - 11:33 am | Permalink

    As a lover of the liturgy of the Episcopal Church I had to consider Laud. But we lived in Hawaii for 4 years and loved it there.i have been to the cathedral. I voted for Kamehameha.

  106. Lea's Gravatar Lea
    February 25, 2015 - 11:41 am | Permalink

    I am a wee bit aware of the history of both of these good men but my vote goes with the guy who was willing to go out and witness the suffering of his people and then do something about it. Hands-on service work is high on my list for a saint (unless the person is cloistered) so my vote goes with Kamehameha.

  107. Fiona Haworth's Gravatar Fiona Haworth
    February 25, 2015 - 11:46 am | Permalink

    I have always loved the ability of the Anglican Church to encompass a broad spectrum of belief and practice held within the beauty of the liturgy. The attempt to impose uniformity and the bullying of Scotland leads me to vote for Kamehameha.

  108. Madamesenora's Gravatar Madamesenora
    February 25, 2015 - 11:49 am | Permalink

    The Anglican Church had a dubious beginning filled with intolerance. People such as Laud only fueled the flames of religious bigotry. I would hope that the church does not celebrate him today.

  109. Steve Sandlin's Gravatar Steve Sandlin
    February 25, 2015 - 11:50 am | Permalink

    Laud Almighty it was hard to choose today. But I went with Laud as he gave his life for his beliefs.

  110. Marguerite's Gravatar Marguerite
    February 25, 2015 - 12:04 pm | Permalink

    It couldn’t have been easy to lead the Hawaian people to give up their gods and embrace Christianity. King Kamehameha led his people with

    gentle persuasion and by example. Several English kings showed the futility of imposing religious beliefs on the hearts of their people.
    Kamehameha seems to me to have followed Christ’s teachings more closely although one cannot ignore the sincerity of Laud’s religious zeal.

    • Beth Parkhurst's Gravatar Beth Parkhurst
      February 25, 2015 - 4:15 pm | Permalink

      Kamehameha IV is noted for having rejected the Calvinism of his boyhood
      for High Church Anglicanism. He was raised as a Congregationalist, Hawaii’s traditional religion having been outlawed by a previous ruler.

  111. Carmen's Gravatar Carmen
    February 25, 2015 - 12:04 pm | Permalink

    Laud would not win me as a friend either, in fact, he and I would likely lock horns and neither of us would win or be happy Christians with this narrow-minded heavy at the helm so I cast my vote for Kamehameha who discovered Christianity and shared it with his people. He and Queen Emma helped their fellow Hawaiians in so many practical ways also. Kamehameha’s life bespeaks love and charity evidenced by deep compassion and care of the physical health of his people as well as their well-being in matters of faith. Laud exemplifies rigid enforcement of misguided esthetic side issues that distract attention from more relevant and important aspects of Christianity. I understand perfectly why he was impeached. A pity that Kamehameha’s life was cut so short. Kudos to Emma for carrying on with Kamehameha’s work in health care.

  112. Donald Lowery's Gravatar Donald Lowery
    February 25, 2015 - 12:07 pm | Permalink

    I am of the High Church persuasion and I love William Laud’s usages. However, he was a persecutor and tormentor, even of the so called Conforming Puritans who accepted Episcopacy and used, and yes some even loved, the Book of Common Prayer. I think he should be removed from the calendar. Kamehameha on the other hand was a fine Christian whose “works follow after him.” It was hands down Kamehameha

  113. Susan's Gravatar Susan
    February 25, 2015 - 12:12 pm | Permalink

    Oh, dear. I’m a historian of 17th century England by trade, so Laud is squarely in my field. Normally I’m on the side of the puritans and Calvinists, but my vote is going for Laud today. So much of what we experience as traditional Anglican liturgy derives from his followers. King Kamehameha did good work, but was not a risk taker.

    And to have a Calvinist vote for Laud is a sign that under Christ there is a possibility of reconciliation.

  114. Georgette's Gravatar Georgette
    February 25, 2015 - 12:24 pm | Permalink

    As a lifelong Episcopalian I am sad to say that this is my first experience with Lent Madness and it is absolutely amazing and inspiring! My mother, who passed away last year would have enjoyed this very much. I enjoy reading everyone’s comments as much as the stories themselves … Thank You for Enlightening my Day!

  115. John Kreidler's Gravatar John Kreidler
    February 25, 2015 - 12:24 pm | Permalink

    It is hard to accept, but sometimes the people we need in the church are the contrary and those difficult to like.

  116. February 25, 2015 - 12:33 pm | Permalink

    As one who was raised Baptist and now an Episcopal priest, I LOVE the liturgies and sacraments of high Anglican worship, and all the “trappings” attendant therewith. However, Laud’s determination to force all to his desires seems not the most Christian attitude. I have to go with Kamehameha, whose love of Christ brought our way of faith to the people of Hawaii.

  117. Aggy Kusunoki's Gravatar Aggy Kusunoki
    February 25, 2015 - 12:43 pm | Permalink

    Aloha! As a teacher at St. Andrew’s Priory, the school founded by Queen Emma, and a parishioner at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, I will be putting the word out today – especially to those at school! (If a lot of votes come in from one IP address, that will be why!) Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma had great foresight, and the positive impact and lasting effects of what they started are still felt today. Hawaiʻi at that time was different than today, and these aliʻi were truly connected with their people. They both worked tirelessly, even going door to door to raise funds for the hospital. Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma wanted to make sure that their people had access to what was needed and were taken care of spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Everyday I am inspired by their generosity, kindness, compassion, faith, and strength. My vote goes to Kamehameha IV!

  118. Miss J's Gravatar Miss J
    February 25, 2015 - 12:43 pm | Permalink


    I had to vote for Kamehameha because one of the founding vestry members of the parish I attend, Thomas Jefferson Dryer (who also founded a newspaper that is still in print, _The Oregonian_) was sent by President Lincoln as U. S. Commissioner (a State Department posting, so he was just representing us, not trying to run things) to the Sandwich Islands (as they were then known) in 1861 and he would have known fellow Anglicans Emma & Kamehameha.

  119. Elaine Culver's Gravatar Elaine Culver
    February 25, 2015 - 12:44 pm | Permalink

    King Kamehameha. What’s not to love? I especially like his and Queen Emma’s concern for the sick.

  120. February 25, 2015 - 12:50 pm | Permalink

    I am dittoing what I previously wrote in the hopes that this time I will be added to the email notification!

  121. Constance Castillo's Gravatar Constance Castillo
    February 25, 2015 - 12:52 pm | Permalink

    Archbishop Laud was about to arrest my 10th or 11th great-grandfather, an Anglican priest but a dissenter, so Peter Bulkeley fled to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636 to save his skin. Very satisfying to vote for King Kamehameha and uphold the family honor.

  122. Lory Garrett's Gravatar Lory Garrett
    February 25, 2015 - 12:57 pm | Permalink

    Although I love high church, I can’t do Laud. His anti-Calvanist tunnel vision led to cruelty (cropping ears and facial branding) and death. Gotta go with Kamehameha: he looked after his people. When he couldn’t get funding for health care from his Legislature, he raised the money privately and publicly. Yup, gotta be Kamehameha.

  123. Megan Castellan's Gravatar Megan Castellan
    February 25, 2015 - 1:00 pm | Permalink

    When presented with this choice today in chapel, the Middle Schoolers of St. Paul’s Episcopal Day School, Kansas City, MO, voted overwhelmingly in favor of Kamehameha. They were particularly swayed by the king’s travel for his people and his establishment of schools and hospitals on their behalf. William Laud, it was pointed out to me, didn’t really travel very far at all!

  124. Carol Miro's Gravatar Carol Miro
    February 25, 2015 - 1:04 pm | Permalink

    As a graduate of the University of Hawaii, Manoa, I have to vote for Kam IV. As much as enjoy the rituals of the church and the Book of Common Prayer, he was a bully in his imposition of them. Didn’t deserve beheading though.

  125. Marilyn's Gravatar Marilyn
    February 25, 2015 - 1:04 pm | Permalink

    This was a no-brainer for me. How can one not vote for a man who wants to better his people. Besides, I loved James Michner’s book “Hawaii.” I voted for Kamehameha.

  126. Carol Ingells's Gravatar Carol Ingells
    February 25, 2015 - 1:05 pm | Permalink

    Someone mentioned that a vote for Kamehameha was a “sentimental” one. I disagree. He and Emma were Christians by choice and followed in Christ’s path to a remarkable degree. They practiced a compassionate Christianity. In my view, Laud practiced the familiar hierarchical way, believing in his rightness and focusing on “doing church right”, which to me has never been very important. I’m glad to vote for the King.

  127. daryl storey's Gravatar daryl storey
    February 25, 2015 - 1:06 pm | Permalink

    i don’t think feeling sorry for someone is worthy of a vote. Kahmehameha it is!

  128. February 25, 2015 - 1:06 pm | Permalink

    Rulers who cared about their people vs. moving furniture. This wasn’t hard to choose. the king of course.

  129. February 25, 2015 - 1:09 pm | Permalink

    While I admire Bishop Loud, Kamehameha made a huge impact on Hawaii, and I went to Google and found The Cathedral of St. Andrew:
    This convinced me that I should vote for Kamehameha.

  130. Solange De Santis's Gravatar Solange De Santis
    February 25, 2015 - 1:09 pm | Permalink

    Bring on the saintly luau! Kamehameha.

  131. Robert Fitzpatrick's Gravatar Robert Fitzpatrick
    February 25, 2015 - 1:13 pm | Permalink

    Several who voted for the Archbishop noted they did so because he was “High Church.” Let me note that the Church in Hawaiʻi was established by King Kamehameha IV with the assistance of Edward Bouverie Pusey (who help arrange for the Sisters of the Society of the Holy Trinity to come to the Islands to teach) and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce of Oxford. The first name of the Church in these Islands was “The Reformed Catholic Church in the Kingdom of Hawaii.” Those with a High Church or Anglo-Catholic inclination can vote for the King in good conscience. You see the King’s attitude in the following excerpt from his preface to his translation of the 1662 BCP into Hawaiian:

    “THIS BOOK is a Book of Prayer, sanctioned by the Church of Christ as an assistant to devotion. Thus has the Church done from the earliest days, and what this book contains has reference to worship only. Its purpose is to teach men the way to pray truly to God; to point out all the rites sanctioned by His Church; the way in which those rites and the sacramental offices are to be observed and performed; to explain the fasts and holydays ordained by the Church, and to teach the priests of God their own particular functions and those things which they have together with the congregation to perform in the sight of God; to make one voice of prayer and supplication common to all, and so to establish the method and the words even of adoration that men need not only then worship in common when they worship in one congregation…. In this Book of Prayer we see all that she prescribes: we see what she rules and enforces; what her offices, her creeds, her system, her support in life, her promises in death; what things we ought to do and what to leave undone; which things being constantly before our eyes and dutifully followed, we may humbly hope to be indeed her children, and be strengthened to fulfil all the commandments of our blessed Lord, the One Head of the One Church, which now we gladly behold and gratefully acknowledge. This our Church is an off-shoot of that branch of the One true Church, established in Great Britain and called the Anglican Catholic Church, which is itself a branch of the One Apostolic and Holy Catholic Church founded for evermore by our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be all praise, power, glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.”

    June, 1863.

  132. Maggie's Gravatar Maggie
    February 25, 2015 - 1:15 pm | Permalink

    I can’t believe that Laud even made the bracket – he sounds like a nasty customer.

  133. Maggie's Gravatar Maggie
    February 25, 2015 - 1:17 pm | Permalink

    ….although I am sorry he lost his head……

  134. February 25, 2015 - 1:18 pm | Permalink

    Kamehameha and his honey Emma both exemplify for me what true Christian values are when lived out, no matter what your state in life. The Anglican pre-occupation with
    liturgy, (has its place) should be far down the scale from spreading the Faith and serving the people of God.

  135. JTWojtowick's Gravatar JTWojtowick
    February 25, 2015 - 1:20 pm | Permalink

    Early missionaries to Hawaii developed a “Temperance Map” with the land of Self-Denial separated by the Sea of Intermperance and the Great Gulf of Wretchedness which led to the Sea of Anguish and the opposite shore of Ruin and the Land of Inebriation.
    In praise of a furniture mover and stalwart of the good fight with RC’s and friends of Calvin.
    Here’s to the old world.

  136. Michael Federoff's Gravatar Michael Federoff
    February 25, 2015 - 1:26 pm | Permalink

    Doesn’t the Papal Bull make this all mute?

    • Elizabeth's Gravatar Elizabeth
      February 25, 2015 - 3:20 pm | Permalink

      I think you mean “moot.”

  137. Phil Kober's Gravatar Phil Kober
    February 25, 2015 - 1:34 pm | Permalink

    As a tenth great-grandson of William Brewster, who escaped England in 1620 because of the likes of Laud and his ilk to come to the new world, there is no way I would vote for William Laud. While I don’t condone execution for the likes of William Laud, his actions and views were decidedly divisive and cut off large numbers of people from the church. King Kamehameha is much more likeable in my view!

    • Beth Parkhurst's Gravatar Beth Parkhurst
      February 25, 2015 - 4:36 pm | Permalink

      Tough choice, since they both made their theological bones rejecting Calvinism. Even though your great-great-great and mine were buds, Phil Kober, I kinda like the Anglican liturgy the way it is today.

  138. Karen Moore's Gravatar Karen Moore
    February 25, 2015 - 1:34 pm | Permalink

    After reading more about KAMEHAMEHA in several different sources I was not so favorably impressed. Voted for Laud.

  139. Carol's Gravatar Carol
    February 25, 2015 - 1:37 pm | Permalink

    Kamehameha truly served the people of Hawaii. As a young man, before he became king, he spent weeks caring for Hawaiians who were dying from measles (!) brought to Hawaii by westerners. They were dying because they lacked the inherited immunity of the westerners. As King, he went door to door in the business community of Hawaii soliciting donations to build the Queen’s Hospital, a major health center to this day.

  140. February 25, 2015 - 1:40 pm | Permalink

    It seems that (so far) when a saint of indigenous Western Hemisphere origins has appeared, they’ve won, and substantially so. Guess that will end if/when Kamehameha goes up against Oakerhater in the next round. Anyway, it strikes me that people are responding to these lesser-known, beautiful stories pretty strongly.

  141. NancyC's Gravatar NancyC
    February 25, 2015 - 1:41 pm | Permalink

    William Laud, of course. I’m thankful he saved the rituals that form the “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace”.

    I’m afraid that I think Kamehameha did the wrong thing for his people. They were better off believing in God their way.

  142. Sortt's Gravatar Sortt
    February 25, 2015 - 1:41 pm | Permalink

    After reading about today’s saints twice, “liturgical uniformity throughout the church” and “increased emphasis on the celebration of the sacraments” swayed my vote to Laud. There is comfort in being “at home” when visiting other Episcopal churches because of our liturgy and the celebration of the sacraments – particularly the Eucharist.

  143. Bob Lawson's Gravatar Bob Lawson
    February 25, 2015 - 1:42 pm | Permalink

    It was not easy being Archbishop of Canterbury, before or after the Reformation. Thomas a Becket, Simon of Sudbury, and William Laud all died for their beliefs.

  144. Kay Richardson's Gravatar Kay Richardson
    February 25, 2015 - 1:55 pm | Permalink

    The king was truly a saint, but Laud preserved the Church in dire times, so Laud got my vote, despite Star Chamber and the atrocities he condoned. Those calling for the United States to be declared a Christian nation should learn more about Laud and the Puritans. We do well to remember why our Founding Fathers separated Church and State.

  145. Jo's Gravatar Jo
    February 25, 2015 - 2:11 pm | Permalink

    I truly enjoy this Lent Madness. Today’s candidates for me was an easier choice than the past five days because while both spread the Gospel message Kamehameha & his wife brought a new faith to the people of their nation in a way that was filled with compassion, kindness & love. Even through the difficult times his nation kept their faith. I feel they reached an abundance of people through heartfelt delivery.

  146. Josh Hoover's Gravatar Josh Hoover
    February 25, 2015 - 2:12 pm | Permalink

    What is it with Hawaiians and health care? Almost like they think God wants people to take care of their bodies as well as their souls.

    • Randall Byrd's Gravatar Randall Byrd
      February 25, 2015 - 6:33 pm | Permalink

      Don’t forget he gave these brothers and sisters of ours a peaceful and easy rhythm(with apologies to the Eagles).

  147. Pat Blair's Gravatar Pat Blair
    February 25, 2015 - 2:28 pm | Permalink

    To have had such a lasting impact in what became a brief life-time is truly inspiring. I think Kamehameha saw “the light” early on and acted on it – as did Emma.

  148. Barry of Bute's Gravatar Barry of Bute
    February 25, 2015 - 2:50 pm | Permalink

    If it wasn’t for William Laud and his sacred martyrdom, Episcopalians today would not be composing collects for saints. We would be planning Tent Revivals and receiving a memorial testimony for Jesus once a month. Few have done more for Anglicanism.

    • Francis of Granby's Gravatar Francis of Granby
      February 25, 2015 - 4:53 pm | Permalink


  149. Nancy T.'s Gravatar Nancy T.
    February 25, 2015 - 2:50 pm | Permalink

    I hope I am not voting for a loser this time. I managed to get with the majority only once so far.
    Of course, this doesn’t mean I am wrong…

    Being able to “worship in the beauty of holiness” is one of the keys reasons I am and remain decidedly Episcopalian. Kill-joy Puritans would never appeal to this ex-Catholic. My vote is for Wm. Laud.

    • Glenis Elliott's Gravatar Glenis Elliott
      February 25, 2015 - 3:21 pm | Permalink

      There are no losers in Lent Madness. The more we learn about these Saints the better we are knowing them.

      • Nancy T.'s Gravatar Nancy T.
        February 25, 2015 - 3:45 pm | Permalink

        You are right. It’s great to be learning about, learning from, and gaining inspiration from all 32.

  150. February 25, 2015 - 3:07 pm | Permalink

    Gnoshing on pineapple and voting for King Kamehameha today! Mahalo!

  151. Lorna Worley's Gravatar Lorna Worley
    February 25, 2015 - 3:22 pm | Permalink

    William Laud was a righteous man, no doubt, and tended to beat others over the head with his righteousness. I voted instead for a man who loved his people and served them as the Lord Jesus loves and serves us.

  152. Diane's Gravatar Diane
    February 25, 2015 - 3:24 pm | Permalink

    As someone who has read one of the many journals of a prominent protestant missionary’s wife who lived on Hawaii for the rest of her life and was still working when Kamehameha IV become monarch I was compelled to vote for the King. From what I have read about the time, I agree that both the king and his wife were both saints for the work that they did for their people.

  153. Janet Harris's Gravatar Janet Harris
    February 25, 2015 - 3:27 pm | Permalink

    All you had to do was look at the pictures and think about what life would be like without Hawaiian Bread.

  154. Lester V. Mackenzie's Gravatar Lester V. Mackenzie
    February 25, 2015 - 3:31 pm | Permalink

    How it warms my heart to see King K in the lead. I might have to go catch some waves in tribute! Aloha ke akua.

  155. Carol Riddick's Gravatar Carol Riddick
    February 25, 2015 - 3:41 pm | Permalink

    Yesterday I got all caught up in feminism and blood thirsty seals. Today I was determined to vote in a more rational way. Hawaii is a beautiful place. Kamehameha and his wife, Emma were inspired Christian people in the very best sense. But, I didn’t vote for them. Usually I am totally against Tyrants and bigots, but universal liturgy got me. “All things to be done decently and in GOOD ORDER in the beauty of holiness” this is what brought me to the Episcopal Church; so my vote went for William Laud.

  156. Elizabeth's Gravatar Elizabeth
    February 25, 2015 - 3:48 pm | Permalink

    As a lover of Pre-Reformation and modern Roman Catholic ritual and mysticism, I was thinking that there had to be some information to balance these two contenders out a bit: Something less than exemplary about Kamehameha and some evidence that Laud too could be kind and benevolent, but alas, Encyclopedia Britannica does nothing to help out poor well intentioned but misguided Laud: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/332198/William-Laud/4085/Trial-and-execution, or cloud the luster of Kamehameha’s halo: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/310557/Kamehameha-IV. I think that Laud’s story exemplifies the observation of Old Lady Grantham to Lady Mary in a recent episode of Downton Abbey, that love can be a far more dangerous motivator than hatred. Thank the Almighty that the last Hawaiian royals used divine love for love’s sake.

    Kamehameha, you get my vote.

  157. February 25, 2015 - 4:01 pm | Permalink

    While I voted for Kamehameha on the basis of his service to his people, I believe there was insufficient information about William Laud’s life to encourage a vote for him. The very fact that Laud was killed by fundamentalists should have encouraged more of a sympathy vote. While I voted for Kamehameha, “Je suis Guillame”.

  158. Barbara from St. Barnabas's Gravatar Barbara from St. Barnabas
    February 25, 2015 - 4:19 pm | Permalink

    I vote for the King and his saintly wife Emma. He appealed to me for translating the book of common prayer into the native language of his people & for the care and concern he showed for his people – building a cathedral, school, and hospital. I found his commitment to improving health care for his people admirable. Emma’s dedication in continuing the work of her husband after his death – is admirable as well!

  159. February 25, 2015 - 4:36 pm | Permalink

    I’ve often used Laud as an example in All Saints’ Day sermons: “If he can be one, you can too!”
    But I have to vote for someone bringing the worship to people in their own language, because when I say “And now – in the language of your own heart – as our Savior Christ has taught us, we are bold to say” in my parish I usually hear at least 4 languages joining in common prayer.

  160. Deacon Georgia's Gravatar Deacon Georgia
    February 25, 2015 - 4:42 pm | Permalink

    King Kamehameha and Emma are commemorated on my birthday, so Kamehameha it is! Happy Lent Madness!

  161. February 25, 2015 - 4:52 pm | Permalink

    As a liturgist, I’m going to cast a sympathy vote for Laud. There’s a joke I heard a few years ago:

    Q. What’s the difference between a liturgist and a terrorist?
    A. You can negotiate with a terrorist!

    and I love this joke because the first time I heard it, it convicted me; and it captures so clearly the ever-present temptation for us liturgists, who care so passionately about every detail because we care so passionately about the liturgy, and we know the symbolism associated with every jot and tittle of the text, music, art, vestments, architecture, and yes even furniture, which contribute to and influence the experience of the liturgy whether consciously recognized by the assembly or not.

    So in rueful recognition of my own besetting sins, and also because of his final plea for peace and unity in the church that was about to execute him, I cast my vote for Abp Laud, whose life story serves both as an inspiration, and as a cautionary tale.

  162. Sr. Candace, OSL's Gravatar Sr. Candace, OSL
    February 25, 2015 - 5:08 pm | Permalink

    As a fairly new permanent resident of Hawaii, of course I voted for King K IV. We haven’t learned nearly enough about our surrounding culture, but the Aloha spirit of this diverse community is due, certainly in part, to the early work of King K and his predecessor who united the islands. We love it here, surrounded by the glory of God’s creation. The Christian community is also diverse and active!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!

  163. Susie's Gravatar Susie
    February 25, 2015 - 5:56 pm | Permalink

    I’ve never commented here, but the comments of others here are prompting me to today. I am a life-long UCCer and pastor of the lowest-liturgy congregation I’ve ever known, but I sang in a very high Episcopal youth choir and I adore good liturgy. In fact, I crave it on certain occasions, and usually head that direction when I’m on vacation. That said, I will never be able vote for anyone who tells me the only way to worship truly is their way. I feel like that kind of rigidity displays a pretty tiny view of God.

  164. Stacy's Gravatar Stacy
    February 25, 2015 - 5:59 pm | Permalink

    Not sure why Kamehameha and Emma couldn’t share the ticket together. They share the collect and day. They were clearly a ministry team. Let’s not promote “lone rangers” among our Holy Women and Holy Men. 😉

  165. Nancy Evans's Gravatar Nancy Evans
    February 25, 2015 - 6:22 pm | Permalink

    I was raised in the United Presbyterian Church and came to the Episcopal Church when I got married the second time. I am not high church at all. King Kamehameha has my favor.
    BTW what is wrong with Calvinism…….


  166. Diane HH's Gravatar Diane HH
    February 25, 2015 - 6:28 pm | Permalink

    Almost had me with “decently and in good order” . . Then again, anti-Calvin? St. K gets my,vote.

  167. Randall Byrd's Gravatar Randall Byrd
    February 25, 2015 - 6:28 pm | Permalink

    Come on you guys! A Liturgical Manifestation! I for one am glad for the “sticklers” concerning our Tradition. But, alas, I am in the loser’s camp again.

  168. George Wernet's Gravatar George Wernet
    February 25, 2015 - 6:41 pm | Permalink

    All glory, Aloha & honor?

  169. Suzanne's Gravatar Suzanne
    February 25, 2015 - 7:15 pm | Permalink

    Why’d they put a dinosaur like Laud up against a sweetheart like Kamehameha! Poor old Laud can’t even get out of the gate, let alone stay in the race.

  170. Jude's Gravatar Jude
    February 25, 2015 - 8:13 pm | Permalink

    I wish I could say I voted for Kamehameha solely because of his great contributions to the spiritual and physical well-being of the people of Hawaii. That, and he translated The Book of Common Prayer into the vernacular, which is awesome. And I think I would have voted for him for those reasons, all else being equal.

    But I have to be honest – I was predisposed to Kamehameha as a Dragon Ball fan. I have a sneaky suspicion my kids will both vote for Kamehameha for that reason alone.

  171. February 25, 2015 - 11:13 pm | Permalink

    I love Laud! I love Laud, and all the Caroline Divines, and all of the cavilers, and the Stuarts, and I have since I was 16.

  172. G Rousseau's Gravatar G Rousseau
    February 25, 2015 - 11:55 pm | Permalink

    Someone messed up….there was no difficulty choosing who would get my vote today.

  173. Frank Jacob's Gravatar Frank Jacob
    February 26, 2015 - 12:48 am | Permalink

    I voted for Kamehameha because during my time in Hawai’i his spirit could still be felt in the people of that beautiful land. He was the leader that is only seen in fairy tales. I also agree that he and Queen Emma were a real team!

  174. Ellen Gracie's Gravatar Ellen Gracie
    February 26, 2015 - 3:51 am | Permalink

    K may have been crowned a king but he (and Emma) was a deacon at heart! 🙂

  175. Carol Virginia's Gravatar Carol Virginia
    February 26, 2015 - 8:28 am | Permalink

    Lent Madness. What a wonderful read! I might even suggest it to my book group!
    So…with a nod to laudable Laud… King Kamahamaha it is.(It is fun to say) and Emma’s Palace is well worth
    seeing. Love is inspirational (but never when coupled with mistrust –which may have been the Downton Abbey observation.)

  176. Vicki's Gravatar Vicki
    February 26, 2015 - 9:12 am | Permalink

    Thanks for the history! Being born on Kauai, my dad was the priest at St John’s, Eleele. The folks my family met there remained friends throughout our lives. It is a culture we all can learn so much from.

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