Celebrity Blogger Week: Nancy Frausto

As one of two Celebrity Bloggers hailing from California (give us a break, it’s a BIG state), Nancy Frausto has yet to rub the beautiful, warm sunshine in the face of the one member of the SEC who has been buried in snow the last couple of weeks. This shows either incredible self-restraint or a desire for one of our newest CBs to at least wait until Round One begins before rubbing ice melt into the wound.

The Rev. Nancy Frausto

The Rev. Nancy A. Frausto is THE ultimate Lent Madness fan girl . . . or so she says. After the defeat of Oscar Romero in 2013 and Moses the Black in 2014, Nancy has regained enough composure to accept the invitation of Celebrity Bloggerdom for 2015. While being neither a celebrity nor much of a blogger, the invitation came as a total surprise. Needless to say there was a ridiculous amount of “happy dancing” as she accepted the grand honor. Nancy is the Diocese of Los Angeles’ first Latina leader to pursue ordination after having grown up in a Spanish speaking Episcopal parish. She serves as Associate Priest at St. Mary’s Mariposa, Koreatown, and as Priest-in-Charge for Trinity Church, East Hollywood. An avid lover of scrappy churches, Nancy has discovered in her first year as a priest that Holy Hustlin’ (making money out of nothing to sustain your ministry) needs to be taught in seminary. When not Holy Hustlin’ you can find her singing her heart out to Patsy Cline at a Karaoke Bar or at comic book stores checking out the newest DC Comic.

What do you most love about the extraordinary honor of being a Celebrity Blogger (besides global adulation)?
I love that I might get the inside scoop on why Scott and Tim are each others’ archnemesis. Did George the dog or Mimi the ferret have anything to do with it? Is this a Professor X/Magneto relationship? Inquiring minds need to know!!

What is the quirkiest thing you’ve learned about one of your saints and how does this inspire your faith? unnamed
I loved finding out that Juan Diego would walk fifteen miles to attend mass every day! Talk about commitment and stamina!

Downton Abbey or the Walking Dead and why?
The Walking Dead all the way! Aside from the fact that we must be prepared for the unexpected, scavenging for supplies is not much different than scavenging for funds to support a “scrappy” church.

Besides Lent Madness, what do you most look forward to in the season of Lent?
I look forward to seeing how many of my Facebook friends will truly keep their word and not post, like, or even log on to social media for the whole season of Lent.

SEC Note: Did you know you can follow Scott’s dog on Twitter @GeorgeTDog? It’s true. Plus George has more followers than 95% of all bishops. According to Tim, Mimi the ferret will join Twitter when Hades freezes over.

4 Comments to "Celebrity Blogger Week: Nancy Frausto"

  1. Lyn Sims's Gravatar Lyn Sims
    February 11, 2015 - 8:10 am | Permalink

    I’m looking forward to Nancy’s journey here. I love this woman! Nancy, do you want to leave arid, smoggy CA and come to beautiful North Carolina? We could use someone who loves a scrappy church, since that’s what my home parish is.

  2. Carol Virginia's Gravatar Carol Virginia
    February 11, 2015 - 8:48 am | Permalink

    Nancy, your perspective is delightful. Did I understand correctly that you’ve asked parishioners and friends to give up Facebook posts for Lent? as in meat and hot fudge sundaes? If so,
    imposing fines might be scrappy lucrative. No?

  3. peter fluchere's Gravatar peter fluchere
    February 11, 2015 - 10:24 am | Permalink

    DC comics?! The 75th anniv year of Batman, and a stamp as well. Are there theological implications, or just the good vs evil thing? Great cars. My dad worked at Superman after WWII.
    Lenten effort, “find those who are on the back burner”
    , seems like facebook would be a good avenue for that.

  4. Kevin Gunn's Gravatar Kevin Gunn
    February 11, 2015 - 11:14 am | Permalink

    I adore Nancy Frausto and I don’t care who knows it!

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