Monday Madness — February 4, 2014

Apparently some basketball teams run their own bracket. Thanks to Warren Buffet you can get one billion dollars for correctly completing that other bracket. It’s madness! Because Lent Madness is better than basketball, the prize for flawlessly completing a Lent Madness bracket is also better. Watch this week’s episode of Monday Madness (Tuesday Edition) to learn more.

Scott and Tim urge you to show how much you love Jesus by buying plenty of copies of the Saintly Scorecard and the giant bracket poster. You’ll also want to follow Lent Madness on Twitter and Facebook.

Don’t forget to head over to the Lentorium so you stock up on Lent gifts for all your friends and neighbors.

The image below is here for purposes of social media sharing. Think of it as a free bonus!

Monday Madness

2 Comments to "Monday Madness — February 4, 2014"

  1. sue's Gravatar sue
    February 4, 2014 - 8:58 pm | Permalink

    I love you guy’s sense of humor and can’t for Lent madness. Thank you for making my day!

  2. James Oppenheimer's Gravatar James Oppenheimer
    February 4, 2014 - 11:56 pm | Permalink

    Ah, but they did not get it right.

    There’s no Joe Hill !

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