As Pre-Lent Comes, the Archbishops Do an Interview

Archbishops John Chrysostom and Thomas Cranmer, thanks to Maple Anglican’s Clairvoyatron 2100, have interviewed Supreme Executive Committee member Scott Gunn. You should immediately stop whatever you’re doing and gather ’round the computer to watch the video for exclusive access to insider information on the world’s greatest and biggest online Lenten devotion.

You can visit the Lentorium to load up on the Lent Madness merchandise Scott mentions in the video. And in your spare time, make sure you watch every episode on LentMadnessTV.

Lent is just around the corner! Have you evangelized for Lent Madness yet? Tell all your friends and neighbors to like Lent Madness on Facebook and follow @LentMadness on Twitter. Set aside whatever Lenten programming is planned in your parish, and prepare to orient the entire season around Lent Madness. After all, won’t Easter be all that much more joyous when you’re basking in the glow of the Risen Christ and the thrill of having rooted for the Golden Halo-winning saint?

4 Comments to "As Pre-Lent Comes, the Archbishops Do an Interview"

  1. February 16, 2014 - 7:57 pm | Permalink

    I love you lent madness!!!❤️

  2. Jennifer's Gravatar Jennifer
    February 16, 2014 - 8:05 pm | Permalink

    The Clairvoyatron 2100 is astonishingly extra lifelike this year. Am I in heaven?? O what Rapture, Maple A!
    Also, an LOL to The Big Gunn for “Executive Di-rectory”. heh.
    Waiting in gleeful anticipation for the games to begin. (I hope that’s not a sin during this Adventide of Lent.)

  3. Lane Johnson's Gravatar Lane Johnson
    February 17, 2014 - 8:55 am | Permalink

    My adult Sunday school class will be participating this year even though, as Methodists, we are dismayed at having to choose between the Wesley brothers. Not cool at all.

  4. Madeleine Baier's Gravatar Madeleine Baier
    February 17, 2014 - 1:37 pm | Permalink

    The bishops look pretty good, considering they’ve been dead for several hundred years! Fr. Gunn, the idea of a bracket on the side of a bus here in Ann Arbor, Michigan is not altogether a bad idea. However I require motivation. Put Fred Rogers in next year’s bracket(do not tell me you can’t, I ain’t buying it)and I’ll approach the AAATA with the necessary funds… you can see, I’m an accomplished nagger, as was my mother, and when I get the bit in my teeth there’s but one way to shut me up! Nyaaaaaah!

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