Back to Lent Month: Penny Nash

Hungry_and_you_fed_meVeteran Celebrity Blogger Penny Nash recently contributed to a couple of compilation projects. The covers are so intriguing that we decided to feature these books in Back to Lent Month. Okay, we don’t just judge books by their covers at Lent Madness — or saints by their icons. But check these out for some additional bread for the journey (as you desperately await Lent).

Some of the finest homilists come together to build a compilation of sermons and homilies for Cycle C in the Liturgical Year. Hungry, And You Fed Mewhich has won two awards from the Association of Catholic Publishers, breaks open the Sunday readings in order to provide insight, warmth, humor and spiritual food for the reader. Under the moniker of the Homilists for the Homeless, these authors make it possible for proceeds from the sale of every book to go towards feeding and sheltering the homeless and those in need.

A second volume, Naked, And You Clothed Me (homilies for Year A) will be published in November.

A broken heart, a new job, an unexpected pregnancy, a confrontation, a win, a setback—not uncommon experiences when you’re between 18 and 30. But what if you could talk to yourself just when that was happening, in the light of everything since: what would you say? With LETTERS TO ME, you can listen in as artists, teachers, poets, consultants, bloggers, pastors, and activists from a wide range of backgrounds recall a significant event — and then speak to a younger version of themselves with compassion and wisdom about what it means, and how it mattered.

2 Comments to "Back to Lent Month: Penny Nash"

  1. September 24, 2013 - 11:13 am | Permalink

    Thank you for posting these books! I can’t wait to get my hands on them, um, add them to my library! Never know where I will be inspired or find great ideas! On another note, my diocese will be meeting September 27-28 for our annual Diocesan Convention in Pierre (pier as opposed to pe-air), South Dakota. There will be an exhibition table set up for 2014 Lent Madness. I am excited and hope that the Madness will further spread in my diocese!

  2. September 24, 2013 - 3:00 pm | Permalink

    Hi Mercy – hope you will enjoy the books. Keep on the lookout for the next volume from the Homilists for the Homeless (which will be Hungry, and You Fed Me) with sermons and reflections for the upcoming Year A. It should be out in about a month!

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