Celebrity Blogger Week: The Rev. Chris Yaw

Chris YawCelebrity Blogger Week winds up with the Rev. Chris Yaw. Actually that’s not entirely true since we’re sticking in Bracket Czar Adam Thomas tomorrow — we need to keep him happy. But Chris is our eighth and final Celebrity Blogger this year. He’s so busy that he kept his answers brief; however we have read through the lines to determine that he won’t be giving up chocolate for Lent.

The Rev. Chris Yaw lives in Detroit, where the weak are killed and eaten. He serves the good people of St. David’s in Southfield, Michigan who have yet to figure out his three-year-old actually writes his homilies. Chris is thrilled to be entering his second year of celebrity blogging (sure, he writes those too…) and is actually quite enthralled with online Christian learning. Visit the experiment at churchnext.tv

(Editor’s note: Chris is too humble to mention that he won an Emmy Award in a previous life as a TV journalist, writer, and producer. We translate this to mean that Lent Madness has won an Emmy. Take that, Susan Lucci!).

How long have you been a Celebrity Blogger? What do you like about doing this or what have you learned along the way?Yaw Bio
I love this job! And since I’m in my second year, Tim has doubled my pay. The best part of this job is being around some of the most gifted and energetic voices in the church who have a deep love for God despite her obvious bias for female saints.

What are you most looking forward to about Lent Madness 2013?
I look forward to reacquainting myself with the lives of these faithful examples of perseverance and dedication whose witness continues to inspire multitudes, and not just Tim and Scott, but the lesser saints as well. I am elated to be along for the ride on the emerging world dominance of Lent Madness.

What should the the Lent Madness faithful know about you? (quirks, interests, hobbies, etc.)
I will do anything for chocolate. I was once in a Lenny Kravitz video. I miss playing dodge ball. I like soup.


6 Comments to "Celebrity Blogger Week: The Rev. Chris Yaw"

  1. Jim's Gravatar Jim
    February 6, 2013 - 9:22 am | Permalink


    I still remember your reporting at Channel 12 in Cincinnati and it is great to see how far you have come. You audience has grown from those in the Cincy area to the mammoth world wide Lent Madness audience. Plus instead of doing local news stories you now report on the greatest story ever told.

    If you ever get bored with Michigan you should try Appalachia. We are not much on soup or chocolate but we do have this delightful beverage made from corn, well enough about culinary things.

    Looking forward to your Lent Madness blogs.

  2. claire's Gravatar claire
    February 6, 2013 - 9:37 am | Permalink

    Well. It is common knowledge in the world of soaps that the great scandal of the 1980/90’s was that Susan Lucci was nominated every year but actually only won one Emmy, I think. Well. The fact that I know this says that I am “of an age” and have probably forgot the exact number, but the fact remains it was SCANDALOUSLY few. There.

  3. Aleathia (Dolores) Nicholson's Gravatar Aleathia (Dolores) Nicholson
    February 6, 2013 - 2:03 pm | Permalink

    Lenny Kravitz?…….WOWEE! as Christopher Walken is wont to say. Remember his mom on the JEFFERSONS?…..kravitz, not Yaw. Well, welcome aboard. I’m having to read about you on yjis looooong blurb because today’s isn’t coming through..So be it…life’s little peccadilloes…whatever.

  4. Natalie Priest Yaw's Gravatar Natalie Priest Yaw
    February 6, 2013 - 2:47 pm | Permalink

    Is it tacky for me, Chris’ wife, to post a comment here? I thought it would be a crime against all things saintly to let it go without saying that Fr. Chris can also make a mean headboard out of an old door. Bam. *Drops mic and walks off stage*

  5. Bill Lambert's Gravatar Bill Lambert
    February 6, 2013 - 6:32 pm | Permalink

    Hope your Raitings continue go well and the consultants don’t try and change your look or presentation. (ps… I’ve got an Emmy and all I am is a Junior Warden)

  6. Martha Cook's Gravatar Martha Cook
    February 7, 2013 - 9:43 pm | Permalink

    Susan Lucci got an Emmy. I’m looking forward to Adam Thomas! Why is the photo so out of size? It was hugely focused on a small part….? looks better now…..

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