Why Lent Madness is Better than General Convention

Some people think General Convention is the most important thing going on in the Episcopal Church. The Supreme Executive Committee disagrees, and we have ten reasons to prove that Lent Madness is better than General Convention.

1. Far from being limited to the shangri-la that is Indianapolis, Lent Madness is a global phenomenon.

2. Elections are truly democratic rather than foregone conclusions.

3. Having a Supreme Executive Committee eliminates mind-numbing non-supreme, non-executive committee work.

Voting at General Convention — snore.

4. Instead of boring names like Katharine and Bonnie, we have names like Enmegahbowh and Philander.

5. Lent Madness mugs rock.

6. House of Bishops? House of Deputies? We have the House of Tim and Scott (not that they would ever consent to live under the same roof).

7. We have a MUCH better logo (halo trumps mitre every time).

8. Who needs an exhibit hall, when you can go to the Lent Madness Store? (with great merchandise on the way for Lent Madness 2013).

Voting at Lent Madness — score!

9. Instead of 250 resolutions, we resolve things the old-fashioned way: 32 saints walk in. Only one walks out with the Golden Halo.

10. Ever hear an Easter sermon about a piece of legislation? Of course not. But I’ll bet a few of you heard sermons about the winner of the Golden Halo 2012.

We have some ideas for how to make General Convention better and our ideas have nothing to do with restructuring or elections or numbered committees. Stay tuned for BREAKING NEWS on St. Alban’s Day for our plans to make this the best General Convention in the history of bicameral synodical assemblies.

32 Comments to "Why Lent Madness is Better than General Convention"

  1. Carolyn Ballinger's Gravatar Carolyn Ballinger
    June 20, 2012 - 9:08 am | Permalink

    Considering that today is the summer solstice, it is a good time for a re-awakening of something or other in the Episcopal Church. It is sad that one of the main things I’m hoping for out of this convention is that we don’t publicly embarrass ourselves this time. PLEASE, guys and gals, please just don’t.

  2. Peter's Gravatar Peter
    June 20, 2012 - 9:10 am | Permalink

    Yes, we love Philander. Am not loving my “denomination of choice”. I think the church should wake up to a new world,
    where not everyone is thrilled by special interest agendas.

  3. Laurie Atwater's Gravatar Laurie Atwater
    June 20, 2012 - 9:12 am | Permalink

    For your sakes, I hope the work isn’t too awfully mind-numbing. (May be a forlorn hope, but there you have it.)
    (Re: “The shangri-la that is Indianapolis” — as we get closer to time, I will have a list of insider tips for visitors for you. I lived there for 27 years and want to help steer you right. Like away from Broad Ripple at night unless you are under 25.)

  4. June 20, 2012 - 9:18 am | Permalink

    Finally! Something that makes sense coming out of the Episcopal Church. I agree with Carolyn, too; I pray that we rediscover that we’re here to live out the Gospel and share it. It’s time and I’m not afraid to say it – there are so many more issues we have to be addressing!

    • Madeleine Borthwick's Gravatar Madeleine Borthwick
      June 22, 2012 - 10:00 am | Permalink

      Ellen, my goodness! there are a lot of things coming out of the Episcopal church that make sense. Some of them include: 1) they ordain women(I used to be Catholic and it’ll never happen with them); 2) they’re gay-friendly(some of my best and dearest friends come from the LGBT community, can some of these other denominations make the same claim?) and they don’t tell you that birth control is a sin(See: Catholic). that’s just a few of the reasons I chose this denomination. that was over 2 years ago and I’ve not regretted it for a single minute.

      • Ted Chase's Gravatar Ted Chase
        June 23, 2012 - 4:54 pm | Permalink

        Madeline, if we Episcopalians aren’t Catholics as well, does it really matter who or what we ordain? I came from the intolerant other side of the aisle (virulent anti-Catholic) to find in the Episcopal Church a Catholicism that is coherent and inclusive, and that makes sense. I am no more willing to let RC’s steal the name Catholic, than I was in the Viet Nam era to to let war-mongering hawks steal the flag, patriotiotism and “God bless America” from the rest of us!

        • Ted Chase's Gravatar Ted Chase
          June 23, 2012 - 4:56 pm | Permalink

          Sorry about the “who” instead of “whom” in the second line!

    • Madeleine Borthwick's Gravatar Madeleine Borthwick
      June 22, 2012 - 10:00 am | Permalink

      Ellen, my goodness! there are a lot of things coming out of the Episcopal church that make sense. Some of them include: 1) they ordain women(I used to be Catholic and it’ll never happen with them); 2) they’re gay-friendly(some of my best and dearest friends come from the LGBT community, can some of these other denominations make the same claim?) and they don’t tell you that birth control is a sin(See: Catholic). that’s just a few of the reasons I chose this denomination. that was over 2 years ago and I’ve not regretted it for a single minute.

      • Madeleine Borthwick's Gravatar Madeleine Borthwick
        June 22, 2012 - 10:06 am | Permalink

        oops…how did this get posted twice? sorry about that, it must be my lack of computer-saviness

        • Jennifer's Gravatar Jennifer
          June 22, 2012 - 11:09 am | Permalink

          But you ARE denominationally clever, at least! Nothing but the best…
          ; )

  5. June 20, 2012 - 9:22 am | Permalink

    Laurie, can you tell the people who will be at General Convention and are 25 and under (THEY EXIST!!) places they should go, too?

    • Emilysweetpea's Gravatar Emilysweetpea
      June 20, 2012 - 10:46 am | Permalink

      yes even at 33 I am not over the hill and will be there for 3 weeks!

    • Gary Goldacker's Gravatar Gary Goldacker
      June 20, 2012 - 10:57 am | Permalink

      Anywhere downtown. It’s a cool place!

  6. Ciel Hazen's Gravatar Ciel Hazen
    June 20, 2012 - 9:30 am | Permalink

    Longing for Lent – I miss you and the other contributors. Is there another season you can invade?

  7. RoseAnn Evans's Gravatar RoseAnn Evans
    June 20, 2012 - 10:06 am | Permalink

    *sigh* I was so hoping for Pentecost Passion! Ordinary Time can be so…well…ordinary! Happy Solstice!

  8. aleathia nicholson's Gravatar aleathia nicholson
    June 20, 2012 - 10:25 am | Permalink

    I, for one, did preach my last sermon that included a description of LENT MADNESS guaranteed to bring the Cathedral into 2013 fully aware of this most enlightening Lent activity. I may have to make one parishioner understand that we do not need to replicate LENT MADNESS, but just join in with what exists. He is indeed very smart but not that much. In other words, he ain’t nobody’s Tim Schenck! I am encouraging my rector to stop by your booth, and I’m sure it will be the most visited one at General Convention , to introduce himself and let you know I am the reason LENT MADNESS is known at Christ Church Cathedral. Is this a case of “sucking up?” Of course! I also expect my bishop to make his presence known to you also. This should be your biggest year at the convention and I am jolly well doing my da…uh..my best to make LENT MADNESS known to one and all. On to 2013 and more saints! Bigger saints! Better Saints! Oh, merciful heavens…this is what happens when I’m late eating breakfast.

  9. June 20, 2012 - 10:32 am | Permalink

    I can’t wait to hear your suggestions for improving General Convention, even though I’m not attending.

  10. Hope and Skye's Gravatar Hope and Skye
    June 20, 2012 - 10:38 am | Permalink

    And unlike General Convention that sounds kind of stuffy, Lent Madness even allows eight year olds like us to join in all the fun!

  11. Gary Goldacker's Gravatar Gary Goldacker
    June 20, 2012 - 10:58 am | Permalink

    Hope you are taking a supply of Lent Madness mugs with you so people can really be prepared!!!

  12. Judy's Gravatar Judy
    June 20, 2012 - 11:52 am | Permalink

    So simple! A format for the future of General Convention? One could only hope.

  13. Marguerite's Gravatar Marguerite
    June 20, 2012 - 12:04 pm | Permalink

    Lovely, but I still wish we could have the GC back here in Minneapolis again….soon.

  14. Mary Lou's Gravatar Mary Lou
    June 20, 2012 - 12:11 pm | Permalink

    Would welcome your suggestions for improving GC, and I will be attending. This was just what I needed to get me laughing about what will likely be an unlaughable event.

  15. June 20, 2012 - 1:52 pm | Permalink

    I was told watching haircuts, paint dry and rust form were more fun than a General Convention.

    • Linda's Gravatar Linda
      June 20, 2012 - 6:10 pm | Permalink

      LOL! (Sometimes haircuts are interesting.)

  16. Jennifer's Gravatar Jennifer
    June 20, 2012 - 2:17 pm | Permalink

    11. If you vote at General Convention in your pyjamas with a glass of Scotch at your side, you have to answer WAY more questions than you do exhibiting same behaviour during Lent Madness
    12. General Convention = necessary evil (and God bless the organizers and participants for all their hard work and doing what they do for the church and Christ’s mission in the world) . Lent Madness = unnecessary but good (and God bless the organizers and participants for all their hard work and doing what they do for the church and Christ’s mission in the world)

  17. June 20, 2012 - 6:12 pm | Permalink

    Woo Hoo! Lent Madness 2013 is up and running! Can’t wait to hear more about your views and reviews on the upcoming General Convention. An idea to perhaps to make this year’s ecclesial gathering a little more exciting: The Episcopal 500! Have a car race like the Indy 500 & the drivers be bishops or a chosen representative of their diocese.

  18. Marguerite's Gravatar Marguerite
    June 20, 2012 - 8:59 pm | Permalink

    Not sure either Scott or Tim will EVER make PB having a laugh at the GC like this. Tut. Tut.

  19. Liturgucal Quaker's Gravatar Liturgucal Quaker
    June 21, 2012 - 5:21 am | Permalink

    Enjoy your convention, folks! I’ll stay home (metaphorically) and look forward to Lent!

  20. June 21, 2012 - 6:50 pm | Permalink

    Note to anyone preaching on July 22 — this will be an excellent opportunity to mention Mary Magdalene and her Golden Halo, as well as all of Lent Madness. Ironically, the Gospel for that Sunday points out that Jesus had compassion for the people who interrupted his “vacation” with the disciples . . . fair warning to clergy: stick with Lent Madness!

  21. Madeleine Borthwick's Gravatar Madeleine Borthwick
    June 22, 2012 - 10:04 am | Permalink

    So glad to see lent madness-related stuff in my inbox again!!!!still bummed out that Thomas Cranmer didn’t get the Golden halo tho’.

  22. carolyn cameron's Gravatar carolyn cameron
    June 25, 2012 - 6:35 pm | Permalink

    Nice to see you online again. Thanks for your humor!

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