Monday Madness — Worldwide Media Frenzy

This week Tim and Scott review the worldwide media frenzy surrounding Lent Madness and they preview the first battles of the Round of the Saintly 16. To deal with LMW, you are urged to drink coffee from a Lent Madness mug or to read the Calendar of Saints: Lent Madness 2012 Edition on your Kindle or Nook. Oh, and there’s a cameo appearance this week.

Enjoy more videos on the Lent Madness video channel.

16 Comments to "Monday Madness — Worldwide Media Frenzy"

  1. Adam's Gravatar Adam
    March 12, 2012 - 6:25 pm | Permalink

    Let’s go with Czar.

    Also, I should probably get to writing more about Philander Chase. Yikes.

  2. Catherine's Gravatar Catherine
    March 12, 2012 - 6:59 pm | Permalink

    A Lent Madness XBox game? I could get behind that! Oh, and I sure hope Philander doesn’t win. Otherwise Lent Madness 2013 will have to be restricted only to those saintly people who also founded schools with high internet engagement counts.

  3. Patty Reichert's Gravatar Patty Reichert
    March 12, 2012 - 7:42 pm | Permalink

    I have a question regarding your Saintly book available for Kindle or Nook. We have Kobo. Is it available for me to download on my Kobo?

  4. Ed Adcock's Gravatar Ed Adcock
    March 12, 2012 - 7:50 pm | Permalink

    Check your settings, Scott has apparently cast you in a blue/grey color scheme biasing your comments. Surely you are healthier then Tim makes you look.
    On another note, I prefer Tsar, it gives the title a more eastern Mongolian history. Also, I’m looking forward to the JoA/MM bracket. I’ll have to set aside some time to read the comments on that one! Recommend you upgrade your servers for the influx.
    Where’s my tattoo?

  5. March 12, 2012 - 8:37 pm | Permalink

    Yes! Ben is for Joan of Arc! Yay, Ben!

    • Susan Allen's Gravatar Susan Allen
      March 12, 2012 - 8:48 pm | Permalink

      Penny – that’s going to be a tough one for me!

  6. Susan Allen's Gravatar Susan Allen
    March 12, 2012 - 8:45 pm | Permalink

    Hey, guys – there are already copycats of Lent Madness springing up! has just announced “Sandwich Madness” and the Washington Post has “Beer Madness,” but we faithful ones will always remember that Lent Madness was here first.
    (Now, if Coffee Bean Madness comes along I could be tasting for that from my Lent Madness mug while reading your blog before voting…. but still – Lent Madness first and foremost!)

  7. Barbara A. Cadwell's Gravatar Barbara A. Cadwell
    March 12, 2012 - 9:12 pm | Permalink

    Like Ed, I waiting for the unveiling of the 2012 Lent Madness tattoo. Now I going to contemplate the Saintly Sixteen match ups which have been determined so far.

  8. Mary-Elise's Gravatar Mary-Elise
    March 12, 2012 - 9:46 pm | Permalink

    Another copy cat: The Tough Mudder now has tough mudder madness:
    And… they do have a tattoo already.

  9. Sally Duernberger's Gravatar Sally Duernberger
    March 12, 2012 - 10:02 pm | Permalink

    I want a LM tattoo! Temporary, of course. as Easter will be here soon.

  10. Alec's Gravatar Alec
    March 13, 2012 - 12:06 pm | Permalink

    I tried for the updated bracket and got a whole bunch of stuff on the NCAA bracket–How come?

  11. Elizabeth's Gravatar Elizabeth
    March 13, 2012 - 12:56 pm | Permalink

    For those of us whose mode of mindful simplicity takes the form of making do with the perfectly functional technology we already own, is there a way to download the “Calendar of Saints: Lent Madness 2012 Edition”, or worse yet, obtain it on some form of paper?

    I write this from my beloved Mac laptop, which I inherited from my Microsoft employee husband, owner of a smart phone, Kindle, and three laptops because my 11-year-0ld, she of the iPad, iPod and Netbook, did not want it.

    Spending way too much time staring into my computer screen these days because I am addicted to Lent Madness!

  12. Jenks Hobson's Gravatar Jenks Hobson
    March 13, 2012 - 9:39 pm | Permalink

    Hey, Tim Schenck,
    This comes from within From within the Diocese of Virginia:
    Ya’ll need a bit if history education! Virginia and thus West, by God, Virginia are NOT named after the Virgin Mary. They are named after the Virgin Queen, good Queen Bess, Elizabeth I. Ya’ll are crazy and that is good! But you should try to get at least some of your facts straight!

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