Monthly Archives: February, 2012

Joan of Arc vs. Lancelot Andrewes

Well, friends, after all the hype and all the anticipation and all the pageantry of the opening ceremonies (oh, did you miss that? Madonna sang “40 Days and 40 Nights”), Lent Madness 2012 is now upon us. Our first match-up is between a learned bishop and a young peasant girl born nearly 150 years apart. […]

You’ve Seen the Movie. Now Buy the Book!

By now you have surely discovered the Lent Madness Channel with our weekly webcasts of Monday Madness. Well, friends, there is good news. The book that goes behind the movie is now available. It’s only $6.99 for Kindle or Nook (ebook only!). Calendar of Saints: Lent Madness 2012 Edition is the ultimate guidebook for Lent […]

Invitation to a Holy Lent Madness

At Ash Wednesday liturgies throughout the world, Christians will be invited by their parish clergy into the observance of a holy Lent. Here at Lent Madness we pray that everyone will have their souls enlivened during this transformative season of the Church year. Of course, we believe that your soul will be all the more […]

The True Meaning of Shrove Tuesday

As many of you will know, today is Mardi Gras. Or as we Anglicans like to call it, Shrove Tuesday. What some will not know is that the word “shrove” is an old English word that means “bracket.” Yes, friends, today is the day you should be finishing up your Lent Madness brackets. Gather some […]

Monday Madness — The Voting Process (and Lent Madness Fever)

Another week, another Monday. Tim and Scott explain the workings of Lent Madness. They also cover the growing global phenomenon of Lent Madness Fever. Monday Madness — February 20, 2012 from Forward Movement on Vimeo.

2012 Calendar Released

Lent Madness kicks off this Thursday with a battle between Joan of Arc and Lancelot Andrewes. This match-up and the rest of the Lent Madness 2012 schedule has just been released. It will all culminate with the championship round on “Spy Wednesday,” April 4th, and the awarding of the Golden Halo. Click 2012 Lent Madness […]

Look Who’s Talking #2 (Blogs, etc)

With just five days until the start of Lent Madness 2012, it’s time to highlight some recent bloggers and parishes who have jumped on the Lent Madness band wagon. We did this a few days ago which you can read here but since this is all snowballing or hitting a crescendo (depending on which analogy you prefer), […]

A Better Bracket!

No, we haven’t added your favorite saint that didn’t make it into Lent Madness 2012. But thanks to “celebrity blogger” Adam Thomas we now have a much more attractive printable bracket. The youngest (hippest?) member of the Lent Madness team saw a need (my ugly, plain-looking  bracket) and upped the ante with some color and […]

Monday Madness — A look at our celebrity bloggers

This week, Tim and Scott look at the lineup of celebrity bloggers. And more. Much, much more. Monday Madness — February 13, 2012 from Forward Movement on Vimeo.

Look Who’s Talking (blog edition)

Yes, friends, the Lent Madness Buzz is building all over the world. People everywhere are filling out their brackets and ironing their hair shirts as they breathlessly await the coming of “Ash Thursday” on February 23rd. Today, we wanted to highlight a few blogs that have posted about Lent Madness. We commend them for their […]