Lent Madness 2012 bracket announced


A shiny bracket

This year’s bracket has been announced by the Supreme Executive Committee of the Governing Authority of the Coordinating Committee for the Society of Lent Madness. Others know this august group simply as Tim and Scott.

Notable in this year’s bracket, round one includes several exciting contests. Augustine of Hippo will face down Monnica. The “boys of Tarsus” will square off as Paul of Tarsus faces Theodore of Tarsus. Thomas will go up against Enmegahbowh, as Thomas claims that he doubts anyone can pronounce the other’s name correctly. Non-Anglicans such as Dietterich Bonhoeffer are included, but stalwart Anglicans including Thomas Cranmer are among the 32 saints slated for the competition.

Stay tuned to Lent Madness for updates as the tournament approaches.

2 Comments to "Lent Madness 2012 bracket announced"

  1. Liz's Gravatar Liz
    January 27, 2012 - 7:40 am | Permalink

    Hey, Forward Movement Folks,

    Could you put a bit of this creativity into a new engaging and durable cover for your Children’s Worship Book “Holy Communion for Children”?

  2. January 27, 2012 - 2:33 pm | Permalink

    Hi Liz,

    You make an excellent point. Even if the cover is not kid-proof, it should certainly be kid-friendly! I’d love to hear about how you use this booklet and how it could be better. You can reach me at nseiferth@forwardmovement.org.

    –Nicole Seiferth, Forward Movement Managing Editor (and intrepid explorer of all current and past Forward Movement titles)

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